blob: 175be19e5a87f5a69bcac2435cfa86056855088d [file] [log] [blame]
<p>The changes afoot for the 3.2 (Callisto) release of Eclipse
Platform, JDT, PDE and Equinox will address major themes identified by
the Eclipse Requirements Council (Themes and Priorities dated Dec. 15,
2004 - <a href="">pdf)</a>.
The following are especially germane to this top level project:</p>
<li><strong>Scaling Up</strong> - This refers to the need for Eclipse to deal
with development and deployment on a larger and more complex scale. Increasing
complexities arise from large development teams distributed in different locations,
large source code bases and fragile build environments that have been developed
incrementally over time, the dynamic nature of new source code bases and their
interaction with configuration management, and build environments involving
many different tools and build rules.</li>
<li><strong>Enterprise Ready</strong> - Eclipse should be improved to allow
it to be better used by large development organizations.</li>
<li><strong>Design for Extensibility: Be a Better Platform</strong> - Within
the Eclipse community, many development projects are defining new development
platforms on top of the Eclipse Project deliverables. These must evolve
to better support this type of usage, including providing new common infrastructure
and abstraction layers needed by upper platforms and adding APIs to expose
existing functionality only available internally so that upper platforms can
more readily integrate with and reuse what's already there.</li>
<li><strong>Simple to Use</strong> -
The Eclipse components need to not only provide the features that advanced users demand,
but also be something that most users find simple to use.</li>
<li><strong>Rich Client Platform</strong> -
The Eclipse RCP is a Java-based application framework for the desktop. Building on the
Eclipse runtime and the modular plug-in story, it is possible to build applications ranging from
command line tools to feature-rich applications that take full advantage of SWT's native
platform integration and the many other reusable components.</li>
<li><strong>Appealing to the Broader Community</strong> -
This theme includes work that grows deeper roots into the various OS-specific communities,
spreads Eclipse to additional operating environments, virtual machines, application
development and deployment lifecycles, vertical market-specific frameworks and builds
bridges to other open source communities.</li>
The Eclipse project is continuing it progress towards these goals. Milestone 5 is on February 17th and is the API
freeze. Development freeze occurs at M6/RC0 on March 31st. Following this is a period of
rigorous testing and critical bug fixing. See the <a href="">full 3.2 plan</a>
for more details.