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<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">3.1
Development Effort - Previous Milestone Plans</font></font></b></td>
<td WIDTH="100%">
<h3><a name="Milestone_Planning"></a>Milestone RC2 Plan</h3>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Top items</h4>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> testing (<a href="testing/test_pass_two.html">test plan</a> test pass two test plan)</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> bug fixing</li>
<h3><a name="Milestone_Planning"></a>Milestone RC1 Plan</h3>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Top items</h4>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> polish</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> bug fixing</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Testing</h4>
<li> The <a href="testing/test_pass_one.html">test plan</a> for the test pass one.</li>
<h3><a name="Milestone_Planning"></a>Milestone M7 Plan</h3>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Top items</h4>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> performance</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> adopt changes/features from other components</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> polish</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Committed items</h4>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> Cross-team issues</h5>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> find a solution for editor splitting</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> remove "Open Untitled Text File" from File menu (<a href="">bug 76816</a>)</li>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> J2SE 5.0 support (<a href="">JDT UI's overall status</a>)</h5>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> improve accurracy of auto-boxing</li>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="5" width="14" align="middle"> Adopt changes/features from other components</h5>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> Help view: allow to contribute top-level section (depends on Platform Help <a href="">bug 85721</a>). If fixed, promote "Java help:" to top-level section</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> adopt new content-type editor lookup (<a href="">bug 37668</a>)</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> adapt new SelectionEvent#text field where we use the Link widget (<a href="">bug 86608</a>)</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> remove deprecation form plugin.xml files i.e. switch to use org.eclipse.ui.bindings extension point</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> use virtual table for code assist popup</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[3.1 RC3]</font> provide component.xml for text plug-ins</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> provide test coverage information for text plug-ins</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> migrate to new bundle story i.e. provide MANIFEST.MF</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> convert plug-ins to JARed format</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[3.1 RC1]</font> adopt "showURL" API for URL hyperlink (<a href="">bug 69647</a>)</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> adopt mixed indent support (<a href="">bug 73104</a>)</li>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="5" width="14" align="middle"> Polish</h5>
<li>preference pages:</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> remove collapsible sections</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[3.1 RC1]</font> add and test mnemonics on all pages</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> track Platform UI <a href="">bug 88031</a>: Allow to show all preferences </li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> (improve syntax color preference page: click in preview should select items in list)
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> improve folding icon (<a href="">bug 61725</a>)</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> synchronize editor dirty bit with undo state (<a href="">bug 21493</a>)
<br><b>Note:</b> A modification stamp needs to be added to the document and the document event (API changes)
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[3.1 RC1]</font> <img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="5" width="14" align="middle"><img src="" nosave="" border="0" align="middle"> add support for default line delimiter (<a href="">bug 3970</a>) - work might continue in RC1</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[3.1 RC1]</font> <img src="" nosave="" border="0" align="middle"> polish content assist (items TBD)</li>
<h5>(Code cleanup)</h5>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> <a href="">find dead code</a></li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> reference to AnnotationExpandHover in JavaExpandHover</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> references to Search plug-in in PropertyKeyHyperlink
see: <a href=""> bug 87751</a>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Permanent items</h4>
<li>bugzilla inbox tracking</li>
<li>bug fixing</li>
<li>increase correctness test coverage</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Proposed items</h4>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> add UI for Word Completion similar to code assist</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> add new <code>org.eclipse.ltk.ui</code> plug-in to release<br>
<b>Note:</b> This item depends on the above mentioned cross team-issue</li>
<h5> <font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> (RCP)</h5>
<li>add support for annotation presentation and navigation</li>
<li>investigate declaring <code>org.eclipse.resources</code> optional for <code>org.eclipse.core.filebuffers</code></li>
<li>provide an example RCP text editor application with the following features:<br>
<li>open an external file</li>
<li>open an untitled (new & empty) text file</li>
<li>spell checking</li>
<li>quick fix to fix spelling problems</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Absences</h4>
<li>Dani: 2 days vacation</li>
<li>Tom: 5&frac12 days vacation</li>
<li>2&frac12 public holidays</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Testing</h4>
<li> The <a href="testing/testpass_M7.html">test plan</a> for the M7 test pass.</li>
<h3><a name="Milestone_Planning"></a>Milestone M6 Plan</h3>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Top five items</h4>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> continue with J2SE 5.0 support (<a href="">JDT UI's overall status</a>)</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> progress in consolidating the platform</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> provide NLS tooling for new Platform Core's new message bundle approach</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> finalize existing 3.1 APIs (M6 is API freeze)</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> performance</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Committed items</h4>
<h5>(<img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10">) Cross-team issues</h5>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> resolve missing performance test fingerprints problem</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> adopt global operation history</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> help push down formatter to JDT Core</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> apply mixed indent patch for fomatter together with JDT Core</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> (provide a compatibility layer for commands moved to LTK UI plug-in)<br>
a hard-coded patch is ready but there should be support from the Platform
for extension-point evolution.</li>
<h5>(<img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10">) J2SE 5.0 support (<a href="">JDT UI's overall status</a>)</h5>
<li>(<img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10">) fix bugs introduced in M5
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> performance impact due to parameter guessing</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[3.1 M7]</font> improve accurracy of auto-boxing</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> problems introduced by new projection caption support</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> improve content assist for generics (work together with David Audel / JDT Core):
<li>better type parameter proposals</li>
<li>better enum constant proposals</li>
<li> <font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> (provide new semantic highlightings)</li>
<li>type bounds</li>
<li>static imports</li>
<h5><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> Platform consolidation</h5>
<li>push down annotation navigation</li>
<li>push down annotation hovers</li>
<li>adopt and push down Quick Assist and Quick Fix infrastructure</li>
<li>offer spelling checking in Text editor</li>
<li>(move Occurrences annotation type definition and annotation specification down to ltk.ui or editors.ui)</li>
<li>(push down annotation navigation)</li>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> NLS tooling</h5>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> provide tooling for Platform Core's new message bundle approach</li>
<li>provide new back-end for the NLS wizard that can write the new format</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> (improve Properties File editor)</li>
<li>(ensure correct ISO-8859-1 encoding when writing a properties file)</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> (improve Externalize Strings wizard)
<li>(spell checking)</li>
<li>(ensure correct ISO-8859-1 encoding when writing a properties file)</li>
<h5><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[3.1 M7]</font> (Code cleanup)</h5>
<li>reference to AnnotationExpandHover in JavaExpandHover</li>
<li>references to Search plug-in in PropertyKeyHyperlink</li>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> R3.0.2 related work items</h5>
<li>bug verification</li>
<li>ship 3.0.2</li>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> participate in writing an article for the JavaMagazin</h5>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Permanent items</h4>
<li>bugzilla inbox tracking</li>
<li>bug fixing</li>
<li>increase correctness test coverage</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Proposed items</h4>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> add UI for Word Completion similar to code assist</li>
<li><font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> add new <code>org.eclipse.ltk.ui</code> plug-in to release<br>
<b>Note:</b> This item depends on the above mentioned cross team-issue</li>
<h5> <font class="indexsub" color="#8080ff">[&gt;3.1]</font> (RCP)</h5>
<li>add support for annotation presentation and navigation</li>
<li>investigate declaring <code>org.eclipse.resources</code> optional for <code>org.eclipse.core.filebuffers</code></li>
<li>provide an example RCP text editor application with the following features:<br>
<li>open an external file</li>
<li>open an untitled (new & empty) text file</li>
<li>spell checking</li>
<li>quick fix to fix spelling problems</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Absences</h4>
<li>Dani: 5 days vacation</li>
<li>Tom: 5 days eclipseCon</li>
<li>Tom: 5 days vacation</li>
<li>2 public holidays</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Testing</h4>
<li> The <a href="testing/testpass_M6.html">test plan</a> for the M6 test
<h3><a NAME="Milestone_Planning"></a>Milestone M5</h3>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Top five items</h4>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> start with J2SE 5.0 support (<a href="">JDT UI's overall status</a>)</li>
<li>progress in consolidating the platform</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> progress in improving NLS tooling</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="5" width="14" align="middle"> remove dependencies to internal code from other plug-ins</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> R3.0.2 related work items</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Committed items</h4>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="5" width="14" align="middle"> Cross-team issues</h5>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="5" width="14" align="middle"> resolve performance test problems</li>
<li>participate in the action contribution dynamic team</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"><img src="" nosave="" border="0" align="middle"> <img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> harmonize with potential global undo manager<br>
The code is ready. We decided not to released it for M5 as it came close to the milestone. To be done at the beginning of M6.
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"><img src="" nosave="" border="0" align="middle"> provide feedback for new Component Framework proposal (&rArr; editor splitting)</li>
<li>finish pushing down formatter to JDT Core</li>
<li>provide a compatibility layer for commands moved to LTK UI plug-in:<br>
a hard-coded patch is ready but there should be support from the Platform
for extension-point evolution.</li>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="5" width="14" align="middle"> J2SE 5.0 support (<a href="">JDT UI's overall status</a>)</h5>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> investigate impact on the following JDT Text areas:
<li>syntax highlighting</li>
<li>content assist</li>
<li>comment formatting</li>
<li>Java Outline page</li>
<li>mark occurrences</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> start to fix problems encountered in above investigation</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> provide new templates</li>
<li>provide new semantic highlightings</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> autoboxing</li>
<li>type bounds</li>
<li>static imports</li>
<h5>Platform consolidation</h5>
<li>start adopting and pushing down Quick Assist and Quick Fix infrastructure</li>
<li>push down annotation hovers</li>
<li>offer spelling checking in Text editor</li>
<li>(move Occurrences annotation type definition and annotation specification down to ltk.ui or editors.ui)</li>
<li>(push down annotation navigation)</li>
<h5>(<img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10">) NLS tooling</h5>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> fix bugs reported in M4 test pass</li>
<li>(<img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10">) improve Properties File editor
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> improve detection of NLS accessor's resource bundle</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> reduce false positives when navigating from Properties file editor to key references</li>
<li>(ensure correct ISO-8859-1 encoding when writing a properties file)</li>
<li>(improve Externalize Strings wizard)
<li>(spell checking)</li>
<li>(ensure correct ISO-8859-1 encoding when writing a properties file)</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> investigate impact of Platform Core's new message bundle approach</li>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="5" width="14" align="middle"> Code cleanup</h5>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> identify dependencies to other plug-ins and request API if appropriate<br>
The following API requests have been filed:
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> <a href="">79419</a> [Preferences] Need a link component</li>
<li><a href="">82256</a> [Contributions] Need EditorPluginAction and ActionDescriptor.ATT_DEFINITION_ID as API<br>
This will not be provided as there will be a new command story. We will keep the internal references until this is available.
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="5" width="14" align="middle"> remove dependencies to internal code from other plug-ins</li>
Most of them got fixed in M5. Besides the one mentioned above remaion for M6:
<li>reference to AnnotationExpandHover in JavaExpandHover</li>
<li>references to Search plug-in in PropertyKeyHyperlink</li>
<h5><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10"> R3.0.2 related work items</h5>
Fixed two bugs.
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Permanent items</h4>
<li>bugzilla inbox tracking</li>
<li>bug fixing</li>
<li>increase correctness test coverage</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Proposed items</h4>
<li>add new <code>org.eclipse.ltk.ui</code> plug-in to release<br>
<b>Note:</b> This item depends on the above mentioned cross team-issue</li>
<li>(Provide an example RCP text editor application with the following features:)<br>
<li>open an external file</li>
<li>open an untitled (new & empty) text file</li>
<li>spell checking</li>
<li>quick fix to fix spelling problems</li>
<b>Note:</b> it will require <code>org.eclipse.core.resources</code> plug-in
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Absences</h4>
<li>Tom: 3 days vacation</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Testing</h4>
<li> The <a href="testing/testpass_M5.html">test plan</a> for the M5 test
<h3><a NAME="Milestone_Planning"></a>Milestone M4</h3>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Original Plan</h4>
<h4>Top Five</h4>
<li> complete performance tests</li>
<li>rework preferences</li>
<li>finish file buffer operations</li>
<li>progress in consolidating the platform</li>
<li>improve NLS tooling</li>
<h4>Committed items</h4>
<h5>Cross-team issues</h5>
<li> consolidate Ant, Platform UI, WTP, VE feedback and issues</li>
<li> editor embedding and splitting
<li>provide prototype for services architecture</li>
<li>investigate how splitting would look like in a &quot;component&quot;
<li> participate in preferences dynamic team</li>
<li> participate in the action contribution dynamic team</li>
<li> work on and adapt to the new undo story</li>
<li>migrate to the changed semantics of IPath</li>
<li> finish pushing down formatter to JDT Core</li>
<li> complete performance tests for the published <a href="performance_scenarios.html">set
of scenarios</a></li>
<h5>Component work</h5>
<li>rework preferences
<li>find all sharing scenarios (appearance, behavior, hovering, etc.
<li>functional categorization</li>
<li>check how WTP and other larger clients fit in</li>
<li>implement different scenarios</li>
<li>initiate review by usability team</li>
<li>finish file buffer operations
<li>solve memory issues</li>
<li>improve test coverage</li>
<li>integrate with ltk core change architecture</li>
<li>solve typing raise conditions</li>
<li>add document partitioning to StorageDocumentProvider
<li>[investigate] exploit the existing filebuffer extension points</li>
<li>Java editor
<li>initial color settings</li>
<li>enable semantic highlighting by default</li>
<li>Default text editor
<li>everything we push down while consolidating the platform needs
to have a surfacing new function in the default text editor </li>
<li>pushing down spell checking allows us to check whether the push
down of the quick fix infrastructure is successful<br>
<h5>Platform consolidation</h5>
<li>create plug-in for 'Editing Source Scope'
<li>move Occurrences annotation type definition and annotation specification
down to ltk.ui or editors.ui</li>
<li>push down Ctrl-Click
<li>[investigate] general resolution infrastructure</li>
<li>push down annotation navigation</li>
<li>push down spell checking</li>
<li>start adopting and pushing down Quick Fix infrastructure<br>
<h5>Code cleanup</h5>
<li>fix IEditorHelper
<li>use names that are self-describing and don't hamper further development</li>
<li>finish work on new functions not yet API<br>
<h5>NLS tooling</h5>
<li>improve Properties File editor
<li>fix reported syntax coloring issues</li>
<li>navigate from selected key and value in a properties file to the
location of usage in Java editor and Plug-in Manifest editor</li>
<li>spell checking</li>
<li>ensure correct ISO-8859-1 encoding when writing a properties file</li>
<li>support new nls features in Class file editor
<li>improve Externalize Strings wizard
<li>spell checking</li>
<li>ensure correct ISO-8859-1 encoding when writing a properties file</li>
<li>investigate whether we can improve NLS tooling to support the string
externalization approach used in TextOperationAction</li>
<h4>Permanent items</h4>
<li>bug fixing</li>
<li>increase correctness test coverage</li>
<h4>Proposed items</h4>
<li> implement a SaveAs dialog that allows to save inside and outside
of the workspace
<li>involved parties: Platform UI, SWT, send patch to Platform UI</li>
<li>lazy loading of document setup participants</li>
<li>allow for extending file buffers with custom implementations</li>
<li>allow templates in the default text editor</li>
<li>generalize and push down InformationDispatchAction</li>
<li>generalize push down quick view support
<li>Outline presentation control, AbstractInformationControl and related</li>
<li>[investigate] Consolidate SourceViewerInformationControl and all of
its copies</li>
<li>[investigate] allow for an outline mode in the default text editor
<li>folding just based on indentation</li>
<li>opens the way for using QuickOutline in the default text editor</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Finished</h4>
<h5>Cross-team issues</h5>
<li> consolidate Ant, Platform UI, WTP, VE feedback and issues</li>
<li> editor embedding and splitting
<li>provide prototype for services architecture</li>
<li>investigate how splitting would look like in a &quot;component&quot;
<li>participate in preferences dynamic team</li>
<li>migrate to the changed semantics of IPath</li>
<li> complete performance tests for the published <a href="performance_scenarios.html">set
of scenarios</a></li>
<h5>Component work</h5>
<li>rework preferences
<li>find all sharing scenarios (appearance, behavior, hovering, etc.
<li>functional categorization</li>
<li>check how WTP and other larger clients fit in</li>
<li>implement different scenarios</li>
<li>initiate review by usability team</li>
<li>finish file buffer operations
<li>improve test coverage</li>
<li>Java editor
<li>enable semantic highlighting by default</li>
<h5>Platform consolidation</h5>
<li>create plug-in for 'Editing Source Scope'</li>
<li>push down Ctrl-Click
<li>[investigate] general resolution infrastructure</li>
<h5>Code cleanup</h5>
<li>fix IEditorHelper
<li>use names that are self-describing and don't hamper further development</li>
<li>finish work on new functions not yet API<br>
<h5>NLS tooling</h5>
<li>improve Properties File editor
<li>fix reported syntax coloring issues</li>
<li>navigate from selected key and value in a properties file to the
location of usage in Java editor and Plug-in Manifest editor</li>
<li>spell checking</li>
<li>support new nls features in Class file editor
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Not Finished / Deferred to M5</h4>
<h5>Cross-team issues</h5>
<li>participate in the action contribution dynamic team</li>
<li>finish pushing down formatter to JDT Core</li>
<li>work on and adapt to the new undo story</li>
<h5>Platform consolidation</h5>
<li>(move Occurrences annotation type definition and annotation specification down to ltk.ui or editors.ui)</li>
<li>(push down annotation navigation)</li>
<li>push down spell checking</li>
<li>start adopting and pushing down Quick Fix infrastructure<br>
<h5>NLS tooling</h5>
<li>improve Properties File editor
<li>ensure correct ISO-8859-1 encoding when writing a properties file</li>
<li>improve Externalize Strings wizard
<li>spell checking</li>
<li>ensure correct ISO-8859-1 encoding when writing a properties file</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Deferred For Now</h4>
<h5>Component work</h5>
<li>finish file buffer operations
<li>solve memory issues</li>
<li>integrate with ltk core change architecture</li>
<li>solve typing raise conditions</li>
<li>add document partitioning to StorageDocumentProvider
<li>[investigate] exploit the existing filebuffer extension points</li>
<li>Java editor
<li>initial color settings</li>
<h5>NLS tooling</h5>
<li>investigate whether we can improve NLS tooling to support the string externalization approach used in TextOperationAction</li>
<h5>Proposed items</h5>
<li> implement a SaveAs dialog that allows to save inside and outside
of the workspace
<li>involved parties: Platform UI, SWT, send patch to Platform UI</li>
<li>lazy loading of document setup participants</li>
<li>allow for extending file buffers with custom implementations</li>
<li>allow templates in the default text editor</li>
<li>generalize and push down InformationDispatchAction</li>
<li>generalize push down quick view support
<li>Outline presentation control, AbstractInformationControl and related</li>
<li>[investigate] Consolidate SourceViewerInformationControl and all of
its copies</li>
<li>[investigate] allow for an outline mode in the default text editor
<li>folding just based on indentation</li>
<li>opens the way for using QuickOutline in the default text editor</li>
<h4><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="16" width="16" align="top"> Testing</h4>
<li> The <a href="testing/testpass_M4.html">test plan</a> for the M4 test
<h3>Milestone M3</h3>
<h4>Original Plan</h4>
<h5>Committed items</h5>
<li> continue performance tests
<li>reflect about scope and applicability of test results (annotate
test cases accordingly)</li>
<li>complete performance tests for the published <a href="performance_scenarios.html">set
of scenarios</a></li>
<li> improve performance
<li>e.g., new line at end of commented</li>
<li>continue with file buffer issues as outlined in the 3.1 plan
<li>adapt existing code to document rewrite sessions
<li>improve formatting performance</li>
<li>simplify temporal suspension of document partitioners for performance
<li>investigate lazy document partitioners</li>
<li>continue with encoding issues listed in the 3.1 plan
<li>integrate the 'Change Encoding...' action with the status editor
shown in case of encoding errors</li>
<li>re-establish encoding support for external files</li>
<li>react to resource encoding changes in FileDocumentProvider
<li>work with the Web Tools Platform project in order to improve overall
integration with Platform Text and the platform in general</li>
<li>Java editor
<li>implement Search and Mark implementer occurrences</li>
<li>revisit out-of-the-box colors and styles in the Java editor</li>
<li>enable semantic syntax highlight per default</li>
<li>move Javadoc formatting to JDT Core</li>
<li>start work on improved string externalization</li>
<li>navigate from selected key in Java editor to definition in properties
file editor</li>
<li>show value when hovering over key in Java editor</li>
<li>show value as is in the properties file</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10">
show value as returned by the accessor class</li>
<li>syntax coloring for Properties File Editor (comments, keys and values)
<li>provide separate double-click strategy for key and value part in
Properties File editor
<li>navigate from selected key and value in properties file to location
in Java editor and Plug-in Manifest editor
<li>spell checking in Properties File editor and Externalize Strings
<li>cross team issues
<li>contribute to the action contribution rework dynamic team</li>
<li>contribute to the preferences rework dynamic team</li>
<li>PR triage </li>
<li> PR that we definitively will not tackle for 3.1 will be resolved
as LATER</li>
<li>effectively communicate the guide lines the team uses to the community</li>
<h5>Permanent items</h5>
<li>bug fixing</li>
<li>increase correctness test coverag</li>
<h5>Proposed items</h5>
<li>investigate lazy loading of document setup participants</li>
<h4>Finished items/To be continued in M4</h4>
<li> continue performance tests
<li>reflect about scope and applicability of test results (annotate
test cases accordingly)</li>
<li>complete performance tests for the published <a href="performance_scenarios.html">set
of scenarios</a></li>
<li> improve performance
<li>e.g., new line at end of commented</li>
<li>continue with file buffer issues as outlined in the 3.1 plan
<li>adapt existing code to document rewrite sessions
<li>improve formatting performance</li>
<li>simplify temporal suspension of document partitioners for performance
<li>investigate lazy document partitioners</li>
<li>continue with encoding issues listed in the 3.1 plan
<li>integrate the 'Change Encoding...' action with the status editor
shown in case of encoding errors</li>
<li>re-establish encoding support for external files</li>
<li>react to resource encoding changes in FileDocumentProvider
<li>work with the Web Tools Platform project in order to improve overall
integration with Platform Text and the platform in general</li>
<li>Java editor
<li>implement Search and Mark implementer occurrences</li>
<li>enable semantic syntax highlight per default</li>
<li>move Javadoc formatting to JDT Core</li>
<li>start work on improved string externalization
<li>navigate from selected key in Java editor to definition in properties
file editor</li>
<li>show value when hovering over key in Java editor
<li>show value as is in the properties file</li>
<li><img src="" nosave="" border="0" height="10" width="10">
show value as returned by the accessor class</li>
<li>syntax coloring for Properties File Editor (comments, keys and
values) </li>
<li>provide separate double-click strategy for key and value part
in Properties File editor </li>
<li>cross team issues
<li>contribute to the action contribution rework dynamic team</li>
<li>contribute to the preferences rework dynamic team</li>
<h4>Items postponed to M4</h4>
<li>PR triage </li>
<li> PR that we definitively will not tackle for 3.1 will be resolved
as LATER</li>
<li>effectively communicate the guide lines the team uses to the community</li>
<li>start work on improved string externalization</li>
<li>navigate from selected key and value in properties file to location
in Java editor and Plug-in Manifest editor
<li>spell checking in Properties File editor and Externalize Strings
<li> The <a href="testing/testpass_M3.html">test plan</a> for the M3 test
<h3>Milestone M2 </h3>
<h4>Original Plan</h4>
<li> finish 3.1 plan
<li>work on resolving cross team issues</li>
<li>PR triage
<li> PR that we definitively will not tackle for 3.1 will be resolved
as Later</li>
<li>effectively communicate PR team guide lines to the community</li>
<li>finish 3.0.1</li>
<li> bug fixing
<li>solve PRs that have been postponed between 3.0 RC1 - 3.0 GM</li>
<li> continue performance tests
<li>grow number of available tests</li>
<li>investigate into interactive tests</li>
<li>collaborate with SWT to solve the issues with simulated user interaction</li>
<li>reflect about scope and applicability of test results (annotate
test cases accordingly)</li>
<li>mature testing framework</li>
<li> improve performance
<li>e.g., new line at end of commented</li>
<li> increase correctness test coverage</li>
<li> provide J2SE 5 editor support</li>
<h5>Proposed items</h5>
<li>support @link in hovers</li>
<li>start with file buffer issues as outlined in the overall plan</li>
<li>start solving encoding issues listed in the plan</li>
<h4>Finished items / To be continued into M3</h4>
<li>finish 3.1 plan</li>
<li>finish 3.0.1</li>
<li> bug fixing</li>
<li> continue performance tests
<li>grow number of available tests</li>
<li>investigate into interactive tests</li>
<li>collaborate with SWT to solve the issues with simulated user interaction</li>
<li>mature testing framework</li>
<li> increase correctness test coverage</li>
<li> provide J2SE 5 editor support</li>
<li>start with file buffer issues as outlined in the overall plan</li>
<li>start solving encoding issues listed in the plan</li>
<h4>Added items</h4>
<li>introduced &quot;Open Untiled Text File&quot;</li>
<li>improve Smart Typing
<li>stabilize linked mode</li>
<li>improve auto indent strategies for code and Javadoc</li>
<h4>Items postponed to M3</h4>
<li>PR triage
<li> PR that we definitively will not tackle for 3.1 will be resolved
as Later</li>
<li>effectively communicate PR team guide lines to the community</li>
<li> continue performance tests
<li>reflect about scope and applicability of test results (annotate
test cases accordingly)</li>
<li> improve performance
<li>e.g., new line at end of commented</li>
<li>support @link in hovers</li>
<li><a href="testing/testpass_M2.html">Test plan</a> for the M2 test pass.</li>
<h3>Milestone M1</h3>
<h4>Original plan</h4>
<li>start working on performance tests
<li>how to write performance test</li>
<li>what is achievable with performance tests</li>
<li>establish a performance test infrastructure</li>
<li>3.0.1 fixing</li>
<h4>Finished items / To be continued into M2</h4>
<li>worked on performance tests
<li>several performance test available</li>
<li>establish a performance test infrastructure</li>
<li>3.0.1 fixing mostly done</li>
<h4>Added items</h4>
<li>support hyperlink navigation for URLs in comments</li>
<li>introduce semantic highlighting for deprecated members</li>
<li><a href="testing/testpass_M1.html">Test plan</a> for the M1 test pass.</li>