blob: a9357b5b60aee2eab3648b8612687b1695611fde [file] [log] [blame]
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# team-leaders.php
# Author:
# Date: 2012-04-03
# Description: Details about the Eclipse Project PMC
# Begin: page-specific settings. Change these.
$pageTitle = "Eclipse Project PMC";
$pageKeywords = "PMC";
$pageAuthor = "McQ";
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# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", "downloads.php");
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# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
# End: page-specific settings
# Paste your HTML content between the markers!
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<h1><?= $pageTitle ?></h1>
<h2>Who's running this project?</h2>
<p>This page lists the people that are currently playing the PMC and subproject
leadership roles described in the <a href="eclipse-charter.php">project
charter</a>. You will notice that there are many IBM people listed...
it's not because we want to do all the work (believe us!) - its just because
we built the first release of Eclipse before it became an open source
project, and others haven't had enough time yet to get involved in key
roles. We welcome new people who want to get involved and can make a contribution.
The Eclipse Project is a meritocracy. The more you contribute the more
responsibility you will earn. </p>
<p>We ask that you do not email us directly. Instead - use the <a href="../mail/index.html" target="_top">mailing
lists</a>. Mailing lists have been set up for each area of work, and are
the best way to get involved.</p>
<p>The Eclipse Project is managed by a small group known as the Eclipse
Project Management Committee (<a href="eclipse-charter.php#PMC">PMC</a>).
The work of the project is organized into subprojects. Each subproject
has a leader who has overall responsibility for its success. Large subprojects
are further divided into component teams, each of who has a leader that
is responsible for its overall success. We have listed just the PMC and
subproject leaders here but you will encounter many dedicated Eclipse
Project committers and developers in the <a href="../newsgroups/index.html" target="_top">newsgroup</a>
and <a href="../mail/index.html" target="_top">mailing lists</a>.</p>
<div class="homeitem3col">
<h3>Project Management Committee Members</h3>
<b><a name="McQ"></a>Mike ("McQ") Wilson, IBM Ottawa</b><br>
McQ is the overall lead for the Eclipse Project aka PMC Lead.
He is a senior architect of the Eclipse SDK, a member of the Eclipse
Architecture Council and one of the original Eclipse Founders. His interests include computer
language design and implementation, semantic content publishing, web development,
and playing the cello. Mike leads the <a href="">Platform</a> and
<a href="">e4</a>
<b><a name="martin"></a>Martin Oberhuber, Wind River</b><br>
Martin is on the PMC representing the Community aspect of Eclipse and
the e4 project. He is a Platform Core Resources and e4 committer,
co-leading the e4 Resources work. Martin also serves on the
<a href="">DSDP PMC</a> and as
<a href="/dsdp/tm/">Target Management</a> Project lead, and revitalized
the Eclipse <a href="">
Architecture Council</a> as its chair. His interests include programming
languages, patterns and paradigms, optimizing development processes,
skiing, hiking, and playing all sorts of musical instruments.
<b><a name="dani"></a>Dani Megert, IBM Zurich</b><br>
Dani leads the <a href="">JDT</a> subproject and
leads the Platform Search, Platform Text and JDT Text components. Dani worked at OTI and is one of the initial Eclipse Project committers.
His interests include user interface and API design, editors, performance and DJing.
<b><a name="john"></a>John Arthorne, IBM Ottawa</b><br>
John has worked on the <a href="">Eclipse</a> and <a href="">Equinox</a>
projects for the past decade in many different areas. He was the main developer on the resource model for many years,
and designed the platform's concurrency infrastructure. In recent years he has focused on the Orion project, provisioning (p2),
e4, and overall platform API quality. John is a member of the Eclipse <a href="">
Architecture</a> and <a href="">Planning</a> Councils, and the Eclipse <a href="">Board of Directors</a>.
John has authored numerous <a href="">articles</a>
and a <a href="">
book</a> on Eclipse.
<b><a name="andrew"></a>Andrew Overholt, Mozilla</b><br>
Andrew works on open source technologies at Mozilla in Toronto.
He has been involved with the Eclipse community since 2005
and is a member of the Eclipse <a href="">Architecture Council</a>.
Andrew also leads the <a href="">Linux Tools</a> project. He is very interested in continuing to grow the
Eclipse community and to improve native platform integration.
<div class="homeitem3col">
<h3>Past PMC members</h3>
The following are Eclipse Project PMC Emeriti:
<b><a name="erich"></a>Erich Gamma</b><br>
Erich is the original lead of the Eclipse Java development environment.
Prior to working on Eclipse he contributed to VA/Micro Edition (part
of IBM's Java solution for embedded device programming). Erich is well known for
his work on Design Patterns and <a href="" target="_top">JUnit</a>.
<b><a name="kevin"></a>Kevin Haaland</b><br>
Kevin was a key contributor to the design and implementation of the
Platform UI. He was previously component lead for the Platform UI, and
has a long history of building user interface technology at OTI. In a past
life he was the lead for the SWT team. Kevin also played a key role in
the IBM VA/Java project.
<b><a name="jeff"></a>Jeff McAffer</b><br>
Jeff McAffer co-led the RT Equinox project and is the Founder of <a href="">Code 9</a>.
He is one of the architects of the Eclipse Platform and a co-author of
<a href="">The Eclipse Rich Client Platform</a> (Addison-Wesley).
Previous lives include being a Senior Technical Staff
Member at IBM and work in distributed/parallel OO computing (Server Smalltalk,
massively parallel Smalltalk, etc) as well as expert systems, meta-level architectures
and a PhD at the University of Tokyo.
<b><a name="philippe"></a>Philippe Mulet</b><br>
Philippe is a former PMC and JDT project lead. Prior to Eclipse,
Philippe was responsible for the compiler and codeassist in IBM VA/Java
and VA/Micro Edition. Philippe was a member of the expert group on compiler
API (JSR199), representing IBM. His main interests are in compilation,
performance, scalability and meta-level architectures.
<b><a name="steve"></a>Steve Northover</b><br>
Steve Northover is the father of SWT (the Standard Widget Toolkit). Prior to
working on Eclipse, he worked on IBM Smalltalk, VA/Java, VA/Micro Edition.
His interests include programming languages, API design, operating systems,
user intefaces and code optimization.
<b><a name="johnw"></a>John Wiegand</b><br>
John was a principal architect for the platform infrastructure. John played
a central role in the development of IBM VA/Java, VA/Micro Edition, and
Eclipse. His interests are in the areas of performance, scalability,
compilers, and just about anything that's hard.
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<div class="sideitem">
<h6>Subproject Leads</h6>
<li><a href="">Platform</a><br> -- <a href="#McQ">Mike Wilson</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_top">JDT</a><br> -- <a href="#dani">Dani Megert</a></li>
<li><a href="">PDE</a><br> -- Curtis Windatt</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_top">e4</a><br> -- <a href="#McQ">Mike Wilson</a></li>
<li><a href="">Orion</a><br> -- Simon Kaegi and Ken Walker</li>
<li><a href="">Eclipse Incubator</a><br> -- <a href="#McQ">Mike Wilson</a></li>
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