blob: cf11c5cfba58dc235c815ff022b4ec06197e681c [file] [log] [blame]
<h1 align="center">Eclipse Platform/Core Coding Conventions</h1>
<p align="left">Here are some of the Coding Conventions that we use as a team.
Common code makes it easier for everyone to read and understand.</p>
<h3>Code Formatter:</h3>
<li>set line length to be something large (like 800)</li>
<li>turn off formatting for comments</li>
<li> use the core formatting settings found <a href="core_formatting.xml">here</a></li>
<h3>Organize imports:</h3>
<li> number of imports needed for *: 3</li>
<li> remove all entries in list so we don't use the grouping feature</li>
<li> its all about space...extra blank lines make it hard to read code when
you have a small editor window</li>
<li> make sure the code has the correct copyright.</li>
<li>if the code was written in 2003, don't have 2000,2003 in the copyright</li>
<li>the copyright can be found on the <a href="">Eclipse
Project Charter</a> page.</li>
<h3>Code Comments:</h3>
<li> comments are a good thing.</li>
<li> comment all &quot;unobvious&quot; things (e.g. don't comment setters/getters)</li>
<h3>The art of naming</h3>
<li>Chose class/method/field names that describe the purpose of the entire method/class</li>
<li>Don't use word fragments (getProjectValue is better than getProjVal)</li>
<li>Don't use generic variable names like &quot;temp&quot; or &quot;index&quot;
(Exception: really short methods where usage is very straight-forward. Ok to use i,j,
it for loop indexes)</li>
<li>Don't use get/set prefix unless the method really is just an accessor. If the
method does real work, it's not an accessor. (Note: we don't always follow
this rigorously, but we try).</li>
<h3>General: (use the tool!)</h3>
<li>Turn on all the compiler prefs including unused temps, synthetic accessor
methods, unused imports, unused parameters, non-NLS'd strings, etc etc</li>
<li>Turn on compiler warnings for javadoc<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;Javadoc -&gt; Process Javadoc comments<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Malformed Javadoc comments -&gt; warning <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Report Errors in tags -&gt; true </li>
<li> NLS your strings. Look at the Policy class.</li>
<li> Compiler tasks. We have 3 that we use as a team (TODO, FIXME, XXX) Do not
add your own as this is unecessary and requires everyone on the team to change
their compiler settings in order to see these tasks.</li>
<li>Sort the methods within a class alphabetically (use the sort members action).</li>
<li> All classes MUST have a copyright notice.</li>
<li> data type size initialization -&gt; use meaningful values if possible,
not things like: new HashSet(65)</li>
<li> Use interfaces when declaring variable types and in method signatures unless
it is necessary to use implementing class</li>
<li> use accessor methods, don't access variables on other classes directly</li>
<li> in general, we use the &quot;true&quot; case of an &quot;if&quot; clause
at the beginning. we also use it to exit a method early. If the whole method
is inside an &quot;if (!foo) {}&quot; then just say &quot;if (foo) return&quot;.</li>
<li> ignored exceptions must have a comment saying that they are being ignored
on purpose (compiler warning)</li>
<li> the lines where we create new CoreExceptions and throw them can become
quite long. We usually declare the String message on the line previous to
make it easier to read.</li>
<li> check for null if null could be returned (table look-ups, etc)</li>
<li> should use IPath for path logic rather than Strings and concatination</li>
<li> IPaths are your friend. Replace &quot;new File(location.toOSString())&quot;
with location.toFile();</li>
<li> Don't catch Exception unless you have to. Try to catch specific exceptions.</li>
<li> Don't wrap the whole method in a try {} catch {} block. This makes it hard
to generate specific error messages</li>
<li> if you have nested readers/streams you should only have to call #close()
on the outside one and all wrapped streams should be closed automatically
(note: you may have to call #flush() first)</li>
<li> Ensure all file I/O is buffered.</li>
<li> When sharing code with others, ensure that all the code released to the
repository at least compiles. </li>
<li> Policy.bind() has multiple methods, one of which accepts a single string
as an arg so you don't have to call Policy.bind(&quot;message.key&quot;, new
String[] { &quot;text&quot; });</li>
<h3>NLS'ing your code:</h3>
<li> all sentences which are displayed to the user must end with a period</li>
<li> include parameters if possible</li>
<li> remove unused messages</li>
<li> make sure if the message accepts a parameter then you pass one in</li>