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<h2>3.2 M1 Test Grid</h2>
Test day: Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Test Build: I20050808-2000
Components: JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search, and Platform/Text
Testers: Martin Aeschlimann, Daniel Megert, Markus Keller, Tobias
Widmer, Dirk Baeumer
<h4>3.1.1 Bug verification (all)</h4>
Verify all bugs that got fixed in the
maintenance stream. Use M-Build M20050804-1200 for testing
3.1.1 bugs fixed in JDT/UI &amp; JDT/Text<br>
3.1.1 bugs fixed in Platform/Search &amp; Platform/Text</a><br>
<h4>Open Type Dialog - Tester: Martin Aeschlimann FAQ: Dirk Baeumer</h4>
<li>Remove types from the workspace which are part of the open type
dialog's history. Make sure that when reopening the dialog the types
don't show up in the history anymore. Remove types but deleting types,
change classpathes (remove a library), deleting containers (packages,
source folders, ...), etc.</li>
<h4>Call hierarchy - Tester: Dirk Baeumer FAQ: Markus Keller</h4>
<li>Test to cancel tree node expansions in the call hierarchy.</li>
<h4>JUnit - Tester: Daniel Megert FAQ: Dirk Baeumer</h4>
<li>Test executing all tests from a package, source folder. Make sure
that performance is acceptable for large containers and that all tests
are executed.</li>
<h4>Quick fixes - Tester: Markus Keller FAQ: Martin Aeschlimann</h4>
<li>Correct type problems inside 5.0 constructs
<li>Unknown type inside a parameterized type</li>
<li>Unknown parameterized type</li>
<h4>Paste type text to container - Tester Dirk Baeumer FAQ: Markus Keller</h4>
<li>Copy the text of a type declaration (and package declaration /
import statements) to clipboard (e.g. from bugzilla)</li>
<li>Select a java project, source folder, package fragment, or CU, and
<li>Verify that a new CU is created with the correct name and package
declaration statement</li>
<h4>Override indicator - Tester Daniel Megert FAQ: Markus Keller</h4>
Create non-trivial cases of overriding methods and check that the
override indicator annotation in the editor is correct (e.g. methods
whose signatures are different because the subtype is raw, type
variables got renamed/added/removed or have different bound, etc.)
<h4>Platform/Search - Tester: Tobias Widmer FAQ: Martin Aeschlimann</h4>
<li>Editor reuse and search annotations in the editor: make sure that
editor reuse is enabled for showing search results. Step through search
results (Text and Java) and make sure that all search annotations are
rendered correctly in reused editor</li>
<h4>Folding - Tester: Martin Aeschlimann FAQ: Daniel Megert</h4>
<li>Test new actions
<li>Reset Structure (resets the folding structure to the chosen
<li>Collapse Comments</li>
<li>Collapse Members</li>
<li>Test that top-level types (test interfaces and classes) are not
foldable (also test for class files)</li>
<h4>Quick Diff - Tester: Tobias Widmer FAQ: Daniel Megert</h4>
New equivalence algorithm is used to compute the range differences
<li>Verify that it works as expected (changes, deletions, additions)</li>
<li>Test with large files and compare 3.1 to 3.2M1 performance</li>