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<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#0080C0"><b><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial,Helvetica">About
Eclipse </font></b></td>
<td> Eclipse defines a platform with all of the plumbing and infrastructure
you need to build most workstation development tools. It includes a resource
management system extensible VCM integration, a native-integrated multi-platform
widget library called SWT, a UI framework called JFace, and a plug-in architecture
for extensibility. Eclipse defines a workbench-style user interface and
view management system, and a set of common domain-independent user interaction
paradigms that tool builders can plug into to add new capabilities. The
platform comes with a set of standard views which can be extended by tool
builders. Tool builders can both add new views, and plug new domain-specific
capability into existing view... and Eclipse is built using its own plug-in
extensibilty architecture - so there are no second-class tools.
<p>The success of Eclipse depends on how well it enables a wide range of
tool builders to build best of breed integrated tools. The Eclipse project
is designed to bring the community of tool builders and Eclipse developers
together to evolve the Eclipse technology to meet the needs of Eclipse
tool builders and their users, so that the vision of Eclipse as an open
industry platform is realized.</p>
The Eclipse Project consists of three subprojects: the Platform, the Java
development tools (JDT), and the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE).
Together, they form the Eclipse SDK, a complete development environment
for Eclipse-based tools, and for developing Eclipse itself.<br>