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<title>Eclipse Project 4.11 - New and Noteworthy</title>
<h2>Java development tools</h2>
<li><a href="#Java12">Java 12 Support</a></li>
<li><a href="#JUnit">JUnit</a></li>
<li><a href="#JavaEditor">Java Editor</a></li>
<!-- <li><a href="#JavaViewsAndDialogs">Java Views and Dialogs</a></li> -->
<li><a href="#JavaFormatter">Java Formatter</a></li>
<li><a href="#Debug">Debug</a></li>
<!-- <li><a href="#JDTDev">JDT Developers</a></li> -->
<!-- ****************** START OF N&N TABLE****************** -->
<table class="news">
<col class="title" />
<col />
<!-- ******************* Java 12 Support ************************************* -->
<td id="Java12" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java 12 Support </h2></td>
<tr id="Java 12"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">Java 12</td>
<td class="content">
<a href="">Java 12</a> is out and Eclipse JDT supports Java 12 for 4.11 via
<a href=""> Marketplace</a>.
The release notably includes the following Java 12 feature:
<a href=""> JEP 325: Switch Expressions (Preview)</a>.
Please note that this is a <a href=""> preview language feature</a>
and hence enable preview option should be on.
For an informal introduction of the support,
please refer to <a href=""> Java 12 Examples wiki</a>.
<!-- ******************* End of Java 12 Support ************************************* -->
<!-- ******************* JUnit ************************************* -->
<td id="JUnit" class="section" colspan="2">
<tr id="junit-5.4"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">JUnit 5.4</td>
<td class="content">
<a href="">JUnit 5.4</a> is here and Eclipse JDT has been updated to use this version.
<tr id="junit-test-factory"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">Test factory template</td>
<td class="content">
JUnit Jupiter now allows test factory methods to return a single <code>DynamicNode</code>. The <code>test_factory</code> template has been updated to include <code>DynamicNode</code> in the return type.
<img src="images/junit-test-template.png" alt="" />
<!-- ******************* End of JUnit ************************************* -->
<!-- ******************* Java Editor ************************************* -->
<td id="JavaEditor" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java Editor </h2>
<tr id="default-constant-values"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">Default and constant values in content assist information pop-up</td>
<td class="content">
The additional information pop-up of a content assist proposal now shows the default value of an annotation type element:
<img src="images/default-value-annotation-type-elelemt.png" alt="" />
<p>and the value of a constant:</p>
<img src="images/constant-value.png" alt="" />
<tr id="service-provider-quick-fix"> <!-- -->
<td class="title">Create service provider method</td>
<td class="content">
If a service defined in a <code></code> file has an invalid service provider implementation, a <strong>Quick Fix (Ctrl + 1)</strong> is now available to create the new provider method:
<img src="images/service-provider-proposal.png" alt="" />
<img src="images/service-provider-linked-proposal.png" alt="" />
<!-- ******************* End of Java Editor ************************************* -->
<!-- ******************* Java Views and Dialogs ************************************* -->
<td id="JavaViewsAndDialogs" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java Views and Dialogs</h2>
<!-- ******************* End of Java Views and Dialogs ************************************* -->
<!-- ******************* Java Compiler ************************************* -->
<td id="JavaCompiler" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java Compiler</h2>
<!-- ******************* End of Java Views and Dialogs ************************************* -->
<!-- ******************* Java Formatter ************************************* -->
<td id="JavaFormatter" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>Java Formatter </h2>
<tr id="wrap-binary-expressions"><!-- -->
<td class="title">Line wrapping settings for binary operators</td>
<td class="content">
Instead of a single line wrapping setting for binary expressions, there's now a whole section of settings for various kinds of <b>binary operators</b> (multiplicative, additive, logical, etc.).
There are settings for <i>relational</i> (including equality) and <i>shift operators</i>, which were not covered by the old setting.
Also, <i>string concatenation</i> can now be treated differently from arithmetic sum.
The settings can be found in the Profile Editor (<b>Preferences &gt; Java &gt; Code Style &gt; Formatter &gt; Edit...</b>) under the <b>Line Wrapping &gt; Wrapping settings &gt; Binary expressions</b> subsection.
<img src="images/formatter-wrap-binary-expressions.png" alt="" />
<tr id="spaces-binary-expressions"><!-- -->
<td class="title">White space settings for binary operators</td>
<td class="content">
The white space around operators in <b>binary expressions</b> can now be controlled separately for different groups of operators, consistent with the line wrapping settings.
The new <b>Binary operators</b> sub-section has been added under <b>White Space &gt; Expressions</b> in the Formatter profile editor.
<img src="images/formatter-spaces-binary-expressions.png" alt="" />
<tr id="wrap-chained-conditionals"><!-- -->
<td class="title">Wrapping setting for chained conditional expressions</td>
<td class="content">
A chain of <i>nested conditional expressions</i> (using ternary operator) can be now wrapped as a single group, with all of them indented at the same level.
It's only possible for right-sided nesting.
Find the <b>Chained conditionals</b> setting in the Profile Editor under the <b>Line Wrapping &gt; Wrapping settings &gt; Other expressions</b> subsection.
<img src="images/formatter-wrap-chained-conditionals.png" alt="" />
<tr id="javadoc-tags-indent"><!-- -->
<td class="title">Indent Javadoc tag descriptions</td>
<td class="content">
The Formatter Profile has a new setting that indents wrapped Javadoc tag descriptions.
It's called <i>Indent other tag descriptions when wrapped</i>, in contrast to the preexisting <i>Indent wrapped @param/@throws descriptions</i> setting.
It affects tags like <code>@return</code> or <code>@deprecated</code>.
The settings can be found in the Profile Editor (<b>Preferences &gt; Java &gt; Code Style &gt; Formatter &gt; Edit...</b>) under the <b>Comments &gt; Javadocs</b> section.
<img src="images/formatter-indent-tags.png" alt="" />
<!-- ******************* End of Java Formatter ************************************* -->
<!-- *********************** Debug ******************************** -->
<td id="Debug" class="section" colspan="2">
<tr id="expression-history"><!-- -->
<td class="title">History for expressions in the Variables view</td>
<td class="content">
The <b>Variables</b> view now stores a history of the expressions used in the <b>Detail</b> pane. You can choose a <i>previously entered expression</i> for a variable from the new drop-down menu.
The expression will be copied to the Detail pane where you can select it to perform various actions present in the context menu.
<img src="images/expressions-history.png" alt="" />
<!-- *********************** JDT Developers ******************************** -->
<td id="JDTDev" class="section" colspan="2">
<h2>JDT Developers</h2>
<!-- *********************** End of JDT Developers ******************************** -->
<!-- ****************** END OF N&N TABLE ****************** -->
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