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<title>Eclipse Project Photon - New and Noteworthy</title>
<h2>Platform and Equinox API</h2>
<li><a href="#Platform">Platform Changes</a></li>
<li><a href="#SWT">SWT Changes</a></li>
<li><a href="#Equinox">Equinox Changes</a></li>
<table class="news">
<col class="title" />
<col />
<!-- ******************** Platform ********************** -->
<td id="Platform" class="section" colspan="2"><h2>Platform Changes</h2></td>
<tr id="codemining-sourceviewer-support">
<td class="title">CodeMining support with SourceViewer</td>
<td class="content">
A <b>code mining</b> represents the content (ex: label, icons) that should be shown along with source text, like the number of references,
a way to run tests (with run/debug icons), etc. The main goal of code mining is to enable the developer to have a better understanding of the code and also help in writing better code.
A code mining is represented by <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.ICodeMining</code> which are provided by <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.ICodeMiningProvider</code>.
The <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewerExtension5</code> provides the capability to register <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.ICodeMiningProvider</code> and update the code minings.
The example <a href="">CodeMiningDemo</a>
draws the <b>Class references and implementations</b> code minings:
<img src="images/codemining-sourceviewer-support.png" alt="" />
<tr id="codemining-extension-point">
<td class="title">CodeMining provider extension point</td>
<td class="content">
The <b>org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.codeMiningProviders</b> extension point gives the capability to register a code mining provider <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.ICodeMiningProvider</code> in a text editor using <code>ISourceViewerExtension5</code>.
Associating providers via this extension doesn't automatically enable code-mining, so clients are also supposed to use a reconciler or whatever event mechanism to invoke <code>ISourceViewerExtension5.updateCodeMinings()</code>.
For instance you can consume the <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.CodeMiningReconciler</code> to update the registered CodeMining providers.
The <a href="">GenericEditor Example</a> displays the number of referenced projects:
<img src="images/codemining-extension-point.png" alt="" />
This sample consumes the code mining provider <a href="" >ProjectReferencesCodeMiningProvider</a>
which is registered with the <code>org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.codeMiningProviders</code> extension point:
label="Project references"&gt;
&lt;with variable="editorInput"&gt;
&lt;adapt type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile"&gt;
&lt;test property="org.eclipse.core.resources.contentTypeId" value="org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.examples.dotproject" /&gt;
<p>This code mining provider is updated with the <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.CodeMiningReconciler</code> reconciler.
<tr id="inlined-annotations-support">
<td class="title">Inlined annotation support</td>
<td class="content">
<code>org.eclipse.jface.text.source.inlined.InlinedAnnotationSupport</code> draws the content of the annotations in the StyledText without the actual payload text nor modifying the line numbers.
Each annotation takes care of placing the necessary space, vertically or horizontally, in the StyledText widget to draw the content.
The example <a href="">InlinedAnnotationDemo</a> draws:
<li>The <b>colored square</b> of the RGB color declaration in the <b>line content</b> (use of LineContentAnnotation).</li>
<li>The result <b>status (OK! / ERROR!)</b> of parsing the RGB color declaration in the <b>line header</b> (use of LineHeaderAnnotation).</li>
<img src="images/inlined_annotations_support.png" alt="" />
<tr id="inlined-annotations-action">
<td class="title">Action for Inlined Annotations</td>
<td class="content">
<b>Inlined Annotation</b> can define an action to execute when you click on the annotation with <code>Consumer&lt;MouseEvent&gt; getAction(MouseEvent e)</code>.
The example <a href="">InlinedAnnotationDemo</a> defines
an action to open the <code>org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ColorDialog</code> when you click on the color annotation:
public ColorAnnotation extends LineContentAnnotation {
public Consumer&lt;MouseEvent&gt; getAction(MouseEvent e) {
return ev -> {
// Open the Color dialog when color annotation is clicked
<img src="images/inlined-annotations-action.png" alt="" />
<tr id="generic-editor-highlighter">
<td class="title">Contribute highlight reconcilers to the Generic Editor</td>
<td class="content">
The <b>Generic Editor</b> now supports a new extension point to override the default highlighter and add multiple <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconciler</code> for highlighting to provided content-types.
<p>Reconcilers attached to this extension point that listen to the preference <code>org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.togglehighlight</code> will be toggled with the <b>Toggle Highlight</b> button.</p>
&lt;extension point="org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.highlightReconcilers">
<tr id="adapt-textselection-to-debug-variable">
<td class="title">Default debug hover contribution on Generic Editor</td>
<td class="content">
The Debug framework contributes to the <b>Generic Editor</b> when the hover represented by an <code>ITextSelection</code>
can be adapted to an <code>IVariable</code>. So, in order to take advantage of debug details on hover in the Generic
Editor, you can simply use the <code>org.eclipse.core.runtime.adpaters</code> extension point and define an <code>IAdapterFactory</code>
from <code>ITextSelection</code> to <code>IVariable</code> to enable this feature.
<p>If the current selection cannot be adapted (all adapter factories return null), the contribution to Generic Editor is ignored.</p>
<p>The JDT project already contributes such an adapter.</p>
<tr id="generic-editor-autoeditstrategies">
<td class="title">Contribute auto-edit strategies and reconcilers to the Generic Editor</td>
<td class="content">
The <b>Generic Editor</b> now supports two new extension points to add an <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.IAutoEditStrategy</code>
or <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconciler</code> respectively for a provided content-type.<br/>
Typical use cases for auto-edit strategies would be auto-indent, auto-closing braces or other syntax rules.
&lt;extension point="org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.autoEditStrategies">
Possible use cases for reconcilers would be code folding or a spell checker.
&lt;extension point="org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.reconcilers">
<tr id="generic-editor-aggregates-hover">
<td class="title">Generic Editor aggregates hover from multiple sources</td>
<td class="content">
The hover included in the <b>Generic Editor</b> now aggregates the hover content from multiple
sources instead of picking only one.
<p>This allows, for example, to contribute 3 distinct
hovers for problem details, code documentation and debug details via the
<code>org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.hoverProviders</code> extension point, and to get
those 3 contributions shown simultaneously when hovering in the Generic Editor.</p>
<img src="images/aggregated-hovers.png" alt=""/>
<p>Hovers that return <code>null</code> as hover range or hover info for a given
location would be ignored.</p>
<tr id="generic-editor-enablewhen">
<td class="title">Support 'enabledWhen' for the all Generic Editor extension points</td>
<td class="content">
All extension points targeting the Generic Edtor (<code>autoEditStrategies</code>, <code>contentAssistProcessors</code>, <code>highlightReconcilers</code>,
<code>hoverProviders</code>, <code>presentationReconcilers</code>, <code>reconcilers</code>) now allows an <code>enabledWhen</code> child elements for
contributions. This <code>enableWhen</code> is a Core Expression that controls whether the declared extension is enabled when insantiating the editor.
The evaluation context defines extra variables you can use in the expression: <code>viewer</code>, <code>editor</code> and <code>editorInput</code>.
<p>This example shows how LSP4E contributes server highlight reconciler only for editor input supporting a language server:</p>
<tr id="prototype-launch-configuration">
<td class="title">Launch configuration prototypes</td>
<td class="content">
A <b>Launch configuration</b> can now be based on a prototype.
<img src="images/prototype-java-launch-configuration.png" alt="Prototype Launch Configuration" />
A prototype seeds attributes in its associated launch configurations with the settings specified in the Prototype tab.
<img src="images/prototype-tab-java-launch-configuration-1.png" alt="Prototype Tab Launch Configuration 1" />
Once a launch configuration has been created, you can override any initial settings from the prototype.
You can also reset the settings of a launch configuration with the ones from its prototype. A launch configuration maintains
a link to its prototype, but is a complete stand-alone launch configuration than can be launched, exported, shared, etc.
<img src="images/prototype-tab-java-launch-configuration-2.png" alt="Prototype Tab Launch Configuration 2" />
Prototypes are already enabled for JDT and PDE launch configurations.
Others projects have to enable prototypes with <code>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchConfigurationTypes</code> extension point:
modes="run, debug"
and also implement <code>org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractLaunchConfigurationTab.initializeAttributes()</code> for their specifics tabs.
<tr id="dialog-settings-customization">
<td class="title">Dialog settings customization</td>
<td class="content">
Platform now allows Eclipse product maintainers to specify initial dialog settings for
various bundles by providing the following:
<li><b>plugin_customization.ini</b> with an entry in the URL notation like:
Directory at the URL specified above, containing
<b>&lt;bundle_id&gt;/dialog_settings.xml</b> files for every bundle to customize,
e.g: <b>org.eclipse.jdt.ui/dialog_settings.xml</b>.
AbstractUIPlugin.loadDialogSettings() now checks if the preference
<b>org.eclipse.ui/default_dialog_settings_rootUrl</b> is specified and tries to
load <b>&lt;default_dialog_settings_rootUrl&gt;/&lt;current_bundle_id&gt;/dialog_settings.xml</b>
file in case the workspace has no persisted dialog settings file for the
current bundle.
<tr id="throttler-api">
<td class="title">Throttler</td>
<td class="content">
UI updates in tight loops can degrade a system's performance, and users are also not capable of reading information that fast.
In such cases, class <code>org.eclipse.jface.util.Throttler</code> can now be used to limit the rate updates on the UI thread
with a specified time while executing the task wrapped in a <code>Runnable</code>.
An example use case is updates to a progress monitor, like in EGit's Import Project wizard. This wizard scans a directory
and reports any file found to the progress (actually a <code>org.eclipse.jface.wizard.ProgressMonitorPart</code>). This happens
so fast that it can't be read, but overall it degrades the wizard's performance.
Usage example:
public class ProgressMonitorPart extends Composite implements
IProgressMonitorWithBlocking {
private Throttler throttledUpdate;
throttledUpdate = new Throttler(fLabel.getDisplay(), Duration.ofMillis(100), this::updateLabel);
protected void queueUpdateLabel() {
<tr id="parallel-build-workspace-description">
<td class="title">Configure workspace description to allow independent projects to build in parallel</td>
<td class="content">
The <code>IWorkspaceDescription</code> has received a new API method <code>setMaxConcurrentBuilds(int n)</code>
which allows to configure the maximum number of threads/jobs that will be used in case workspace can
build independent projects in parallel.
<p>At the moment, parallel builds with happen when under safe circumstances, depending on the scheduling rules involved
in <code>IncrementalProjectBuilder.getRule()</code>. Having all builders specifying a "relaxed" scheduling rule (not
containing workspace root) is a requirement for paralllel builds to happen. As such, to take advantage of parallel
builds, consider refining the implementation of <code>getRule()</code> in your builders.</p>
<p>Passing a value of <code>1</code> to <code>setMaxConcurrentBuilds(int n)</code> will disable the parallel builds
in general, and will make workspace build behave as it's used to, building projects sequentially. This it still the
default value and behavior, so it makes parallel builds of independent project an opt-in feature so far.</p>
<p>The optimal value for throttling depends on your machine and workspace projects specificities. We do recommend to try relatively
low values (such as <code>4</code>) first which already allow to save time, when projects allow it, while not risking to
overload your CPU.</p>
<tr id="org.eclipse.e4.core.di-api">
<td class="title">New API: org.eclipse.e4.core.di</td>
<td class="content">
The package org.eclipse.e4.core.di in bundle org.eclipse.e4.core.di has been released as API.
This package contains the following mentionable types:
<li><b>InjectionException:</b> When using the ContextInjectionFactory to manually trigger dependency injection, all methods eventually throw an InjectionException. By making org.eclipse.e4.core.di API, this InjectionException becomes API, too and can therefore be processed properly.</li>
<li><b>IInjector:</b> To manually trigger dependency injection on a more fine-grained level, e.g. without using the IEclipseContext as an ObjectSupplier.</li>
<li><b>InjectorFactory:</b> To create an instance of IInjector.</li>
<tr id="removal-eclipse-update">
<td class="title">Removal of Update Manager API</td>
<td class="content">
The Update Manager API was dropped in favor of p2. All remaining references to the API have now finally been removed. The org.eclipse.update.* bundles are removed from all configurations.
<tr id="batik-upgrade">
<td class="title">CSS Engine upgraded to use Batik 1.9 instead of 1.8</td>
<td class="content">
The <b>Theme Engine</b> in Platform UI was upgraded to use Batik 1.9 instead of 1.8.
<p>The following Orbit bundle changes happened:</p>
<li><code>org.apache.batik.css</code> was upgraded to version <code>1.9.0</code></li>
<li><code>org.apache.batik.util</code> was upgraded to version <code>1.9.0</code></li>
<li><code>org.apache.batik.i18n</code> version <code>1.9.0</code> was added</li>
<li><code>org.apache.batik.util.gui</code> version <code>1.8.0</code> was removed</li>
<p>No code change is needed to adopt to the migration.</p>
<!-- *********************** SWT *********************** -->
<td id="SWT" class="section" colspan="2"><h2>SWT Changes</h2></td>
<tr id="dropped-xulr-support">
<td class="title">Dropped support for XULRunner</td>
<td class="content">
Eclipse/SWT has dropped support for XULRunner as a browser rendering engine on all platforms.
<code>SWT.MOZILLA</code> style is deprecated. When it is used in the SWT Browser constructor <code>org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.Browser(Composite, int)</code>, it'll be ignored and
the browser will be created with <code>SWT.NONE</code> style, if no other style is specified.
<tr id="webkit2default">
<td class="title">Webkit2 is now the default Browser renderer on Linux/GTK</td>
<td class="content">
<a href=''>Preliminary support for Webkit2</a> on Linux/GTK was added in Eclipse Luna.
Webkit2 support is now complete and has replaced Webkit1 as the default renderer for the SWT Browser widget on Linux/GTK.
<p>Webkit1 was known to crash at times. Webkit2 is stable and runs in a separate process, thus providing enhanced performance and is more secure.</p>
<p>Webkit2 was also necessary because Webkit1 is no longer being provided on newer Linux distributions (e.g Fedora 27)</p>
<p>To fallback to using Webkit1 (if needed), you can set the environment variable using: <code>export SWT_WEBKIT2=0</code></p>
<p>To inspect which version of Webkit you're running Eclipse under, set variable: <code>export SWT_LIB_VERSIONS=1</code>, launch
Eclipse/SWT and open an internal browser instance. You should see "<code>SWT_LIB Webkit (1 or 2) </code>" in the console </p>
<p>See <a href=''>Webkit2 port bug</a> for more details.</p>
<tr id="openurl-api">
<td class="title">New event SWT.OpenUrl added</td>
<td class="content">
A new event type <code>SWT.OpenUrl</code> has been added to SWT to notify clients that an URL should be opened.
Listeners for OpenUrl event should be added to a Display. The event's text field contains the URL to be opened.
URLs can be passed to Eclipse in the same way in which file paths are passed from the command line (i.e, as arguments to the default action
<code>--launcher.openFile</code>). An URL can also be passed by configuring a custom URL handler for the platform.
<tr id="styledtext-api">
<td class="title">New API getOffsetAtLocation(Point) added to StyledText</td>
<td class="content">
The new method <code>StyledText#getOffsetAtPoint(Point)</code> is a replacement for
<code>StyledText#getOffsetAtLocation(Point)</code>. It behaves similar, except that it does
not throw an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> when no character is at the given location,
but returns -1 instead.
Using the new method will result in better performance when used in tight loops. Especially the
<b>Show Whitespace</b> editor feature benefits from using the new API.
The method <code>StyledText#getOffsetAtLocation(Point)</code> has been deprecated.
<tr id="styledtext-linespacing-provider">
<td class="title">Added new API in StyledText to customize different line spacing</td>
<td class="content">
<code>StyledText.setLineSpacingProvider(StyledTextLineSpacingProvider lineSpacingProvider)</code> can be used to customize different line spacing by implementing the
<code>org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextLineSpacingProvider</code> interface.
For an example, see <a href="">Snippet369</a>
which implements <code>org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextLineSpacingProvider</code> interface to customize line spacing according to the typed text:
text.setLineSpacingProvider(lineIndex -> {
String line = text.getLine(lineIndex).trim();
try {
return Integer.parseInt(line);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
return null;
<img src="images/styledtext_linespacing_provider.png" alt="" />
<tr id="fontmetrics-api">
<td class="title">New API getAverageCharacterWidth added to FontMetrics</td>
<td class="content">
A new method has been added in <code>FontMetrics</code>:
<p><code>double getAverageCharacterWidth()</code></p> which is a replacement for
<p><code>int getAverageCharWidth()</code></p> They are similar in function, except that the new method returns the average character width of the Font as
a double-precision floating point value instead of a integer value.
The method <code>FontMetrics#getAverageCharWidth()</code> has been deprecated.
<tr id="swt-lambda-style-keylistener">
<td class="title">Lambda as Listener</td>
<td class="content">Listener interfaces in SWT
were enhanced to provide static helper methods that accept
lambdas and method references as listeners. These methods are alternatives to using Adapter classes.
<tr id="datetime-localization-support">
<td class="title">Datetime on Gtk now has support for localization</td>
<td class="content">
Datetime on Gtk now has support for localized date format.<br/>
A snippet to demonstrate can be found <a href="">Snippet370 </a>.<br/>
<img src="images/datetime.png" alt="" />
<tr id="swt-gtk3-transparency-support">
<td class="title">Transparent color support on GTK3</td>
<td class="content">The SWT GTK3 port now includes support for transparent colors.
Previously, SWT <code>Color</code> on GTK only supported Red, Green and Blue (RGB) values
(all colors were opaque by default). Now, users can set alpha values to manipulate the transparency
property of SWT colors on GTK3.
<p>The image below shows a red Canvas widget that is half transparent (alpha set to 0.5).</p>
<img src="images/canvas_red_half_transparent.png" alt=""/>
<tr id="group-text-color-stylable-on-windows">
<td class="title">Group widget text color stylable on Windows</td>
<td class="content">
The <code>Group</code> widget text can now have a different color than the system default. Client can use <code>Group#setForeground(Color)</code>
to change the text color. Screen-shot for reference:
<img src="images/group-text-color-stylable-on-windows.png" alt="Group text in red" />
<tr id="button-bgcolor-mac">
<td class="title">Set Button background color on Mac</td>
<td class="content">
<code>Button.setBackground()</code> can now set the background color for a <code>Button</code> on Mac.
<p><img src="images/colored-buttons-mac.png" alt=""/></p>
<tr id="bg-searchbox">
<td class="title">Background color for search box on Mac</td>
<td class="content">
<code>Text.setBackground(Color)</code> can be used to set the background color of a Text widget with <code>SWT.SEARCH</code> style on Mac as well.
This already works on Windows and GTK.
<tr id="monitor-getzoom">
<td class="title">New API Monitor#getZoom() added</td>
<td class="content">
A new API <code>Monitor.getZoom()</code> has been added which returns the zoom value used by SWT for the Monitor.
The zoom value returned by the API is the zoom used by SWT that is controlled by the <code>swt.autoScale</code> property. It may not be the same value
as that is set in the system. It can be used in other SWT APIs that require zoom as an input such as <code>Image.getImageData(zoom)</code> to get the ImageData
at the zoom level for the specific Monitor on which it'll be drawn.
There are two use-cases of the API:
When the DPI of the monitor changes dynamically, the API can be used to return the new DPI.
On platforms that support a multi-monitor setup where different monitors can have different DPIs, the API can be used to get the DPI of the specific monitor
on which a Control is drawn.
<!-- ******************** Equinox ********************** -->
<td id="Equinox" class="section" colspan="2"><h2>Equinox Changes</h2></td>
<tr id="generic-reqs-caps-handling">
<td class="title">P2 handles generic bundle requirements/capabilities</td>
<td class="content">
As more OSGi technologies rely heavily on abstract dependencies to wire a consistent application it
became important for p2 to have first class handling of such dependencies. You are now able to use p2 to
provision "soft" bundle dependencies that cannot be expressed as <code>Import-Package</code> or
<code>Require-Bundle</code> manifest headers. Such dependencies are described by the
<code>Require-Capability</code> and <code>Provide-Capability</code> manifest headers, which p2 can now process.
For example, a consumer bundle may import the API package of an OSGi service (<code>Import-Package</code>) and
also require an implementation of the API (<code>Require-Capability</code>). A provider bundle may also import
the API package in order to implement it (<code>Import-Package</code>) and then declare it
provides an implementation of the service (<code>Provide-Capability</code>). The API package can be distributed
by a third party that maintains the service specification. When the consumer bundle is provisioned p2 will also
provision the API and the provider bundles. The case used to be that p2 would provision only the consumer and
the API, leaving to you the task to discover a provider.
<tr id="equinox-sha-256-checksum">
<td class="title">Use SHA-256 to check artifact's data integrity</td>
<td class="content">
To ensure data integrity of artifacts, alongside MD5, p2 now also generates and checks checksums using SHA-256 MessageDigest implementation, provided by any JRE. These checksums are stored in two new artifact's metadata properties:
In standalone applications like a mirror application, use <code>org.eclipse.equinox.artifact.comparator.checksum.sha-256</code> as a comparator ID.
<tr id="equinox-messagedigest-checksum">
<td class="title">Support any MessageDigest implementation as artifact's checksum algorithm</td>
<td class="content">
With the new extension point <code>org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.artifactChecksums</code>, it is now possible to contribute any MessageDigest implementation as a way to calculate and check artifact's checksums:
<li>Register your contribution:
&lt;extension point="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.artifactChecksums"&gt;
&lt;artifactChecksum algorithm="TIGER" id="tiger"/&gt;
<li>In your bundle's Activator, register a SecurityProvider that provides an actual MessageDigest implementation:
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
<li>Create p2 repository
<p>Artifact's checksum will be calculated using your implementation and stored in two new properties, <code>download.checksum.tiger</code> and <code>artifact.checksum.tiger</code>.</p>
<li>Consume in p2 client
<p>If p2 client has no support for such MessageDigest implementation, it will ignore it.</p>
For more information, check <code>artifactChecksums</code> extension point's documentation.
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