blob: 39ce0cfa70a90ef9146a351cd59988630a75385f [file] [log] [blame]
= PMC statement about initial EE4J project contributions
Date: 2018-02-16
The first significant milestone for the EE4J project is releasing Eclipse GlassFish as JavaEE 8 compatible as soon as
possible. In light of this we need to ensure that changes in project repositories dont break Java EE 8 compatibility
and cause a release delay. Currently the TCKs for projects havent been moved over to EE4J so we are not in a position
where we can test pull requests (PRs) to ensure they pass the TCK and retain compatibility.
With this in mind we are proposing a number of restrictions on projects during this transition.
. GitHub branch protection must be switched on for all projects and all branches except *sandbox* branches and repos.
*Sandbox* branches and repositories are defined and setup by a project lead. The Master branch must be protected.
. For all protected branches/repos the following applies:
.. For each proposed change an issue must be raised and discussed and a subsequent PR must be raised. No direct commits
are allowed.
.. A PR must be reviewed by other project committers and receive *at least one approval* to be merged.
. The Initial contribution must be tagged with an *Initial Contribution* tag.
. The Project lead for each project creates a protected `EE4J_8` branch based on the initial contribution tag.
This branch will be the version for the first platform release.
. In order to merge a PR into the EE4J_8 branch *project lead* or PMC approval is required and the change must be
tested against the TCK which is currently not available.
. The PMC strongly recommends accepting only critical bug fixes to the `EE4J_8` branch.
. The Master branch will be used for changes that will go into the next platform release.
. All changes related to the next EE4J platform release must be proposed by creating an issue, a corresponding branch
will subsequently be created followed by a PR to Master.