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<title>EE4J PMC Meeting #10</title>
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<h1>EE4J PMC Meeting #10</h1>
<div id="toc" class="toc2">
<div id="toctitle">Table of Contents</div>
<ul class="sectlevel1">
<li><a href="#general">General</a></li>
<li><a href="#project-proposals">Project Proposals</a>
<ul class="sectlevel2">
<li><a href="#actions-from-last-meeting">Actions from last meeting:</a></li>
<li><a href="#stable-apis-project">Stable APIs project</a></li>
<li><a href="#information-session-for-project-leads-next-week">Information session for project leads (next week)</a></li>
<li><a href="#pmc-seat-in-working-group-specification-committee">PMC Seat in Working Group Specification Committee</a></li>
<li><a href="#next-meeting">Next Meeting</a></li>
<div id="content">
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<h2 id="general"><a class="anchor" href="#general"></a><a class="link" href="#general">General</a></h2>
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<p>Date: 2018-03-27</p>
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<h2 id="project-proposals"><a class="anchor" href="#project-proposals"></a><a class="link" href="#project-proposals">Project Proposals</a></h2>
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<h3 id="actions-from-last-meeting"><a class="anchor" href="#actions-from-last-meeting"></a><a class="link" href="#actions-from-last-meeting">Actions from last meeting:</a></h3>
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<p>&#8594; Wayne will follow up on Yasson<br>
Researched and updated the status. Never done a release review.</p>
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<p>Wayne will seed the pmc mailing list with bits from the EF dev process.</p>
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<p>&#8594; Wayne will add the Platform project to the list<br>
Eclipse Enterprise Platform<br>
Will host the source code for Jakarta EE TCK.</p>
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<p>Discussion whether Jakarta should be kept out of the EE4J namespace<br>
Want to avoid confusion. Suggestion: Eclipse Project for Jakarta EE Platform?
Just call it TCK and leave the platform name out of it?
Jakarta may use sources from other projects than EE4J
We may want to pull in external TCKs into the overall TCK bundle for Jakarta EE</p>
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Seek the advice of the working group for the use of the Jakarta EE name in EE4J projects</p>
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<p>Who should lead the platform project? Should it be managed directly under the PMC? Or the Steering Committee of the Jakarta EE Working Group?</p>
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<p>Put the entire PMC as leads of the “platform” project. Will also apply to stable API project</p>
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<h3 id="stable-apis-project"><a class="anchor" href="#stable-apis-project"></a><a class="link" href="#stable-apis-project">Stable APIs project</a></h3>
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<p>WADL will go to Jersey</p>
<p>JAX-RPC also contain the implementation (RI)</p>
<p>Suggestion: Move the JAX-RPC RI to GlassFish?</p>
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<h3 id="information-session-for-project-leads-next-week"><a class="anchor" href="#information-session-for-project-leads-next-week"></a><a class="link" href="#information-session-for-project-leads-next-week">Information session for project leads (next week)</a></h3>
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<p>Invite Gunnar Morling and Antoine Sabot-Durand to the session (propose to use them as "mentors” as Bean Validation and CDI are excellent examples)</p>
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<h2 id="pmc-seat-in-working-group-specification-committee"><a class="anchor" href="#pmc-seat-in-working-group-specification-committee"></a><a class="link" href="#pmc-seat-in-working-group-specification-committee">PMC Seat in Working Group Specification Committee</a></h2>
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<p>At least one seat is allocated to a representative of the EE4J PMC.
The EE4J PMC may decide how to select its representative.</p>
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<p>Steve proposed that the PMC appoints a representative from within the PMC that
is a member of an organisation or is an individual that does not already have a
seat via their membership as a Strategic Member or via an Election.
If there are two or more members of the PMC that satisfy these criteria and wish
to have a seat on the specification committee then a vote within the PMC is
carried out to determine the representative.</p>
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<p>Decision by +1 on mailing list. Steve will post.</p>
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<h2 id="next-meeting"><a class="anchor" href="#next-meeting"></a><a class="link" href="#next-meeting">Next Meeting</a></h2>
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<p>Tuesday April 10 at 16:00 CET<br>
(EC Meeting at 17:00 CET)</p>