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<title>EE4J PMC Meeting #17</title>
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<h1>EE4J PMC Meeting #17</h1>
<div id="toc" class="toc2">
<div id="toctitle">Table of Contents</div>
<ul class="sectlevel1">
<li><a href="#general">General</a></li>
<li><a href="#action-items">Action Items</a></li>
<li><a href="#pmc-seat-at-the-jakarta-ee-specification-committee">PMC Seat at the Jakarta EE Specification Committee</a></li>
<li><a href="#release-reviews">Release Reviews</a></li>
<li><a href="#ee4j-twitter-handle">EE4J Twitter Handle</a></li>
<li><a href="#next-meeting">Next Meeting</a></li>
<div id="content">
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<h2 id="general"><a class="anchor" href="#general"></a><a class="link" href="#general">General</a></h2>
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<p>Date: 2018-07-03</p>
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<h2 id="action-items"><a class="anchor" href="#action-items"></a><a class="link" href="#action-items">Action Items</a></h2>
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<p>Reviewed, discussed and updated the GitHub Issues, <a href="" class="bare"></a>.</p>
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<h2 id="pmc-seat-at-the-jakarta-ee-specification-committee"><a class="anchor" href="#pmc-seat-at-the-jakarta-ee-specification-committee"></a><a class="link" href="#pmc-seat-at-the-jakarta-ee-specification-committee">PMC Seat at the Jakarta EE Specification Committee</a></h2>
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<p>At least one seat is allocated to a representative of the EE4J PMC. The EE4J PMC may decide how to select its representative.</p>
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<p>The current process:<br>
The PMC appoints a representative from within the PMC that is a member of an organisation or is an individual that does not already have a seat via their membership as a Strategic Member or via an Election. If there are two or more members of the PMC that satisfy these criteria and wish to have a seat on the specification committee then a vote within the PMC is carried out to determine the representative.</p>
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<p>The PMC decied to wait and see how the election goes before acting on this issue.</p>
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<h2 id="release-reviews"><a class="anchor" href="#release-reviews"></a><a class="link" href="#release-reviews">Release Reviews</a></h2>
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<p>Dmitry walked through the dependency graphs of the EE4J projects.</p>
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<p>Implementations are a bit more difficult as there are some circular dependencies on project level.
These can be solved by going deeper to artifact level.
API projects looks good to be released.</p>
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<p>The process will need to inlude asking the projects what artifacts they will release.
Add list to release review requests.
We need to start asking projects to submit release reviews in order to be able to release according to planned Jakarta EE milestones.
Encourage release reviews early.</p>
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<p>Action items:</p>
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<p>Start conversation on the pmc mailing list</p>
<p>Finalize diagram</p>
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<h2 id="ee4j-twitter-handle"><a class="anchor" href="#ee4j-twitter-handle"></a><a class="link" href="#ee4j-twitter-handle">EE4J Twitter Handle</a></h2>
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<p>Marketing team will own it. Three pmc members will get access to tweet from it (limited by Tweedeck).</p>
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<h2 id="next-meeting"><a class="anchor" href="#next-meeting"></a><a class="link" href="#next-meeting">Next Meeting</a></h2>
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<p>Tuesday Jul 17 at 17:00 CET.</p>