update - emft.egf project page
diff --git a/_index.html b/_index.html
index c0701cd..3fe7527 100644
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+++ b/_index.html
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     <p>EGF is an engine based on four types of generation unit: factory component, task, pattern and generation chain.</p>
 	<h3>Software Factories Portfolios</h3>
     <p>A software factory portfolio provides an off-the-shelf generation solution. EGF is released with two <a ref="http://wiki.eclipse.org/EGF/Portfolio">portfolios</a>: 
-            <li><b><a ref="http://wiki.eclipse.org/EGF/Portfolio/EMF">Enhanced EMF Generation</a></b>: 1) it enriches the EMF generation with new generation topics (e.g., html doc, ecoretools diagrams, Java doc), 2) it opens the EMF Generation customization with the EGF patterns</li>
-            <li><b><a ref="http://wiki.eclipse.org/EGF/Portfolio/Build">Build chain editor and generator</a></b>: it provides 1) an editor to model a build chain for continuous integration, and 2) a generator with targets, by default, Hudson/jenkins and Buckminster</li>
+            <li><a ref="http://wiki.eclipse.org/EGF/Portfolio/EMF">Enhanced EMF Generation</a>: 1) it enriches the EMF generation with new generation topics (e.g., html doc, ecoretools diagrams, Java doc), 2) it opens the EMF Generation customization with the EGF patterns</li>
+            <li><a ref="http://wiki.eclipse.org/EGF/Portfolio/Build">Build chain editor and generator</a>: it provides 1) an editor to model a build chain for continuous integration, and 2) a generator with targets, by default, Hudson/jenkins and Buckminster</li>