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diff --git a/blogathon/reviews.xml b/blogathon/reviews.xml
index 6992954..f66da20 100644
--- a/blogathon/reviews.xml
+++ b/blogathon/reviews.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
+		<title>Eclipse Galileo Published</title>
+		<link><![CDATA[http://javathreads.de/2009/06/eclipse-galileo-veroeffentlicht/]]></link>
+		<author>Markus Kuehle</author>
+		<date>June 25</date>
+		<language>German</language>
+		<shortDesc><![CDATA[It's nearly a year ago that Eclipse Ganymede (3.4) was published, which brought many improvements compared to its predecessors - I reported them.  It seems that many companies are still slowly converting to Eclipse Ganymede and now there is already a successor: Eclipse Galileo.]]></shortDesc>
+	</review>
+	<review>
 		<title>Eclipse Galileo Review</title>
 		<author>Benoit Goudreault-Emond</author>