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diff --git a/blogathon/reviews.xml b/blogathon/reviews.xml
index 9914762..0b5d36e 100644
--- a/blogathon/reviews.xml
+++ b/blogathon/reviews.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,21 @@
+		<title>CDT 6.0 - What Eclipse Galileo holds for C/C++ Developers</title>
+		<link><![CDATA[http://it-republik.de/jaxenter/artikel/CDT-6.0-%96-Was-Eclipse-Galileo-fuer-CC%2B%2B-Entwickler-bereit-haelt-2385.html ]]></link>
+		<author>Sebastian Bauer</author>
+		<date>June 23</date>
+		<language>German</language>
+		<shortDesc><![CDATA[Traditionally, the plug-in for C/C++ development, known as C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT), in included in the annual release of Eclipse. This article briefly describes what components Eclipse Galileo gives to CDT developers and what improvements are made.]]></shortDesc>
+	</review>
+	<review>
+		<title>Eclipse Galileo Feature Top 10 List, Number 3</title>
+		<link><![CDATA[http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2009/06/22/eclipse-galileo-feature-top-10-list-number-3/]]></link>
+		<author>Ian Bull</author>
+		<date>June 22</date>
+		<language>English</language>
+		<shortDesc><![CDATA[Software development can be characterized by the management of two separate, yet equally important groups of artifacts. The source code you write and the libraries you depend on. Much of our education, tooling, and software engineering literature focuses on the first part – this post focuses on the second.]]></shortDesc>
+	</review>
+	<review>
 		<title>Eclipse 3.5 - Some PDE Improvements</title>
 		<author>Aurelien Pupier</author>
@@ -246,6 +262,14 @@
 		<shortDesc><![CDATA[For the past several years, in each June, Eclipse will Simultaneously release some projects. This year Galileo will release 33 projects on the track. ]]></shortDesc>
+		<title>Galileo: Improved EMF-Databinding-Support</title>
+		<link><![CDATA[http://tomsondev.bestsolution.at/2009/06/06/galileo-improved-emf-databinding-support/]]></link>
+		<author>Tom Schindl</author>
+		<date>June 6</date>
+		<language>English</language>
+		<shortDesc><![CDATA[I’m happy to announce that EMF-2.5 will come along with support for the brand new Eclipse-Databinding API coming with Eclipse-Galileo. A big kudos goes to Matthew Hall who reviewed my patches and helped me shaping the support and its documentation (more in bug 262160).]]></shortDesc>
+	</review>
+	<review>
 		<title>Eclipse 3.5 RC1</title>
 		<author>Rainer Weinhold</author>