blob: f2fcf1f45f9c1a9c74021e3c7ebef15955ed47c3 [file] [log] [blame]
$deps = array(
"eclipse" => "<a href=\"\">Eclipse</a>",
require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/gef/downloads/downloads-scripts.php");
if (is_array($projects))
$projectArray = getProjectArray($projects, $extraprojects, $nodownloads, $PR);
$proj = "/" . (isset($_GET["project"]) && preg_match("/^(?:" . join("|", $projects) . ")$/", $_GET["project"]) ? $_GET["project"] : ""); # default
$proj = "";
if ((!$proj || $proj == "/") && isset($defaultProj)) { $proj = $defaultProj; }
$projct = preg_replace("#^/#", "", $proj);
if (strstr($PR, "/") !== false)
list($topProj, $parentProj) = explode("/", $PR); # modeling, emf
list($topProj, $parentProj) = array("NONE", $PR); # NONE, gef
if (isset($projct) && isset($hasmoved) && is_array($hasmoved) && array_key_exists($projct,$hasmoved))
header("Location:" . $hasmoved[$projct] . "/downloads/?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
$numzips = isset($extraZips) ? 0 - sizeof($extraZips) : 0; // if extra zips (new zips added later), reduce the "required" count when testing a build
if (isset($dls[$proj]) && is_array($dls[$proj]))
foreach (array_keys($dls[$proj]) as $z)
$numzips += sizeof($dls[$proj][$z]);
# store an array of paths to hide
$hiddenBuilds = is_readable($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/$PR/downloads/hidden.txt") ? file($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/$PR/downloads/hidden.txt") : array();
// include extras-$proj.php or extras-$PR.php
$files = array ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/$PR/downloads/extras-" . $projct . ".php", $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/$PR/downloads/extras-" . $PR . ".php");
foreach ($files as $file)
if (file_exists($file))
$hadLoadDirSimpleError = 1; //have we echoed the loadDirSimple() error msg yet? if 1, omit error; if 0, echo at most 1 error
$sortBy = (isset($_GET["sortBy"]) && preg_match("/^(date)$/", $_GET["sortBy"], $regs) ? $regs[1] : "");
$showAll = (isset($_GET["showAll"]) && preg_match("/^(1)$/", $_GET["showAll"], $regs) ? $regs[1] : "0");
$showMax = (isset($_GET["showMax"]) && preg_match("/^(\d+)$/", $_GET["showMax"], $regs) ? $regs[1] : ($sortBy == "date" ? "10" : "5"));
$showBuildResults = !isset($_GET["light"]) && !isset($_GET["nostatus"]); // suppress display of status to render page faster
$doRefreshPage = false;
$PWD = getPWD("$projct/downloads/drops"); // see scripts.php
$isTools = isset($_GET["tools"]);
$isTech = isset($_GET["tech"]);
if (preg_match("#/(tools|technology)/#", $PWD, $m))
$isTools = $m[1] == "tools";
$isTech = $m[1] == "technology";
if ($isBuildServer || false != strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], "fullmoon")) //internal
$downloadScript = "../../../";
$downloadPre = "../../..";
else // all others
$downloadScript = getdownloadScript();
$downloadPre = "";
print "<div id=\"midcolumn\">\n";
print "<h2>GEF P2 Repositories & SDK Dropins</h2>\n";
print "<p>This page provides a bundled P2 repository and different SDK dropins (in runnable form) for each build.</p><p>Please note that old-style builds (common modeling build infrastructure) ship with build details (test results, build notes), while new-style builds (Hudson/Tycho) only contain a link to the Hudson build job that was promoted (so detailed information can be searched and found there). Futher, if still needed, the old version of the download page can be found <a href=\"index_old.php\">here</a>.</p>";
$branches = loadDirSimple($PWD, ".*", "d");
$buildTypes = getBuildTypes($branches, $buildtypes);
$builds = getBuildsFromDirs();
$releases = array();
if ($sortBy != "date")
$builds = reorderAndSplitArray($builds, $buildTypes);
$releases = $builds[1];
$builds = $builds[0];
krsort($builds); reset($builds);
print "<div id=\"midcolumn\">\n";
if (sizeof($builds) == 0 && sizeof($releases) == 0)
print "<h2>Builds</h2>\n";
print "<ul>\n";
if (is_array($projectArray) && !in_array($projct, $projectArray))
print "<li><i><b>Sorry!</b></i> There are no builds yet available for this component.</li>";
print "<li><i><b>Error!</b></i> No builds found on this server!</li>";
print "</ul>\n";
if ($sortBy != "date")
doLatest($releases, "Releases");
$c = 0;
foreach ($builds as $branch => $types)
foreach ($types as $type => $IDs)
print "<h3>" . $buildTypes[$branch][$type] . "s</h3>\n";
print "<ul>\n";
$i = 0;
foreach ($IDs as $ID)
print outputBuild($branch, $ID, $c++);
if (!$showAll && $i == $showMax && $i < sizeof($IDs))
print showToggle($showAll, $showMax, $sortBy, sizeof($IDs));
else if ($showAll && sizeof($IDs) > $showMax && $i == sizeof($IDs))
print showToggle($showAll, $showMax, $sortBy, sizeof($IDs));
print "</ul>\n";
else if ($sortBy == "date")
doLatest($builds, "Builds");
if ($doRefreshPage)
{ ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout('document.location.reload()', 60*1000); // refresh every 60 seconds if there's a build in progress
<?php }
if (isset($oldrels) && is_array($oldrels) && sizeof($oldrels) > 0)
print "</div>\n";