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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Eclipse Tools - GEF Architecture</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
- type="text/css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="gef.css" type="text/css">
-<p><font class=indextop>graphical editing framework<br>
-<font class=indexsub>Project Architecture</font></p>
-<table width="100%" class="document">
-	<tr>
-		<td class="minor">Project Description</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td>
-		<p dir="ltr">The <a href="">Graphical Editing Framework Project</a> is a 
-		runtime UI framework consisting of two plug-ins. These plug-ins depend 
-		on the Rich Client Platform, plus the add-in <b>org.eclipse.ui.views</b> 
-		plug-in for property sheet support.</p>
-		<p dir="ltr">Refer to the <a href="overview.html">GEF Project overview</a> for additional 
-		information.</p>
-		<p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td class="minor">Project Architecture</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td>&nbsp;<p><img src="images/architecture.gif"/></p>
-		<p dir="ltr">GEF project components and their dependencies. The <b>
-		draw2d</b> plug-in requires only SWT. The <b>gef</b> plug-in requires 
-		the Rich Client Platform, and the views plug-in, which provides the 
-		property sheet.</td>
-	</tr>
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-<?php header("Location:"); ?>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<title>New and Noteworthy in GEF 3.0</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
-<h1>GEF 3.0 - New and Noteworthy</h1>
-<table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="600">
-	<colgroup>
-		<col width="20%" valign="top" align="right">
-		<col width="80%" valign="top" align="left">
-	</colgroup>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Rulers and Guides</b></td>
-		<td>GEF viewers can now display accessible rulers along their top and left 
-		edges. A ruler can display pixels, centimeters or inches. Guides can be 
-		created on the ruler by clicking on an empty spot on the ruler or via its 
-		context menu. Parts in the graphical editor can be dragged and attached 
-		to the guides. They can also be attached when resizing. Alternatively, snapping 
-		can be disabled by holding down the <i>Alt</i> key while dragging. Feedback 
-		is shown in the form of a red line when a part is being attached to a guide.
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/rulers-guides.gif" alt="Screenshot showing a circuit being attached to a guide" title="Rulers and Guides"></p>
-		<p>Parts that are attached to a guide will then move with the guide.</p>
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/guide-drag.gif" alt="Screenshot showing parts being dragged with a guide" title="Dragging Guides"></p>
-		<p>A mechanism is available to show or hide rulers.</p>
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/rulers-menu.jpg" alt="Screenshot showing rulers enabled on the view menu" title="View Menu"></p>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Grid</b></td>
-		<td>GEF now provides a grid. Parts can be snapped to a grid during creation, 
-		moving or resizing. It is also possible to have connection bendpoints snap 
-		to it. (Note that snapping during creation and snapping of connection bendpoints, 
-		although possible, have not been implemented in the logic example.) Alternatively, 
-		snapping can be disabled by holding down the <i>Alt</i> key while dragging. 
-		Grid snapping and visibility are two distinct properties, and it is possible 
-		to enable one without the other. Like the rulers, the grid can be turned 
-		off, if so desired.
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/grid.gif" alt="Screenshot showing a resized part snapping to grid" title="Grid"></p>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Snap to Geometry</b></td>
-		<td>The Snap to Geometry feature allows you to quickly align parts being 
-		dragged to other parts in the diagram. Edges of parts being resized can 
-		be snapped as well. A blue feedback line shows what the part is snapping 
-		to. In the screenshot below, the circuit being dragged is aligning to the 
-		vertical center of the topmost circuit, and the bottom of the other two 
-		circuits.
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/geometry.gif" alt="Screenshot showing the Snap to Geometry feature" title="Snap to Geometry"></p>
-		<p>As with the other snapping features, it can be disabled by holding down
-		<i>Alt</i> while dragging, or can be permanently turned off.</p>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Constrained Move and Resize</b></td>
-		<td>Holding down the <i>Shift</i> key while moving a part will restrict 
-		that part&#39;s movement to one of the primary eight directions (N, S, E, W 
-		and the intermediaries). Doing the same while resizing will cause a proportionate 
-		resize: the height to width ratio will be maintained.<p></p>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Centered Resize</b></td>
-		<td>Holding down the <i>Ctrl</i> key while resizing will cause a resize 
-		to happen in the opposite direction of the drag as well, such that the center 
-		of the part being resized will not change after the resize is done.
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/centered-resize.gif" alt="Screenshot showing centered resize" title="Centered Resize"></p>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Cloning</b></td>
-		<td>Holding down the <i>Ctrl</i> key while dragging activates cloning. Instead 
-		of moving the parts being dragged, copies of those parts will be created 
-		at the new location.&nbsp; During cloning, the cursor will also change to 
-		indicate creation. </td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Palette View</b></td>
-		<td>GEF 3.0 introduces the Palette View. This allows users to customize 
-		the size and placement of the palette, and even close it when not needed. 
-		Moreover, that size and placement remains the same between multiple GEF-based 
-		editors.</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Fly-out Palette</b></td>
-		<td>For clients that require the palette to be always visible, and to provide 
-		further customizability to the end-user, the fly-out palette is also being 
-		introduced. The palette flies out over the top of the editor when the user 
-		hovers over it (or clicks on it), and auto-hides when not in use.
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/flyout-hidden.gif" alt="Screenshot showing the hidden flyout palette" title="Fly-out Palette Hidden"></p>
-		<p>The user can also pin it open, if so desired.</p>
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/flyout-context-menu.gif" alt="Screenshot showing the fly-out palette pinned open and its context menu" title="Fly-out Palette Showing"></p>
-		<p>It can be resized, docked on either size of the editor, and is completely 
-		accessible. The fly-out is only visible when the palette view is not. It 
-		automatically comes up when the palette view is closed (or when the user 
-		switches to a perspective in which the view is not open), and disappears 
-		when the palette view is opened. The palette state (selection, drawer expansion, 
-		etc.) is maintained when switching from the view to the fly-out and vice-versa.</p>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Palette Stacks</b></td>
-		<td>
-		<p>It is now possible to create stacks of entries on the palette. The active 
-		entry in the stack is the one visible on the top. A drop-down menu allows 
-		changing the active entry. When the palette is in any layout other than 
-		list, the drop-down can only be accessed via <i>Alt+Down</i> .</p>
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/palette-stack.gif" alt="Screenshot showing a palette stack and its drop-down menu" title="Palette Stack" align="middle"></p>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Shortest Path Connection Routing</b></td>
-		<td>An automatic connection routing technique, that employs the shortest 
-		path algorithm to find paths around obstacles, is now available in GEF.
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/shortestPaths.gif" alt="Screenshot showing automatic connection routing" title="Shortest Path Connection Routing Technique"></p>
-		<p>This feature can be activated in the logic example by deselecting everything 
-		in the diagram and then changing the connection router via the property 
-		sheet.</p>
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/propertySheet.gif" alt="Screenshot showing the connection router in the property sheet" title="Property Sheet"></p>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Panning</b></td>
-		<td>With the PanningSelectionTool, it is possible to pan by moving the mouse 
-		while holding down <i>spacebar</i> and <i>mouse button 1</i> (left mouse 
-		button).&nbsp; This is demonstrated in the logic example, which uses the 
-		PanningSelectionTool as the default tool, instead of the SelectionTool.</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" align="right"><b>Match Size of Figures</b></td>
-		<td>New actions are available that can, with more than one part selected, 
-		resize all selected parts to have the same height or width as that of the 
-		primary selection (the part that was last selected).
-		<p>
-		<img src="images/matchSize.jpg" alt="Screenshot showing the actoins on the view menu" title="Match Width of Figures and Match Height of Figures"></p>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-<img src="images/cpy.gif" border="0" alt="Copyright 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others." width="324" height="14">
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-	<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=index.php" />
-  <body>
-  	This page has moved <a href="index.php">here</a>.
-  </body>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
-        "">
-<html xmlns="">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="default_style.css" />
-<title>GEF 3.5 M4 - New and Noteworthy</title>
-<h1>GEF 3.5 M4 - New and Noteworthy</h1>
-<table border="0" width="80%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-      <h2>Draw 2D</h2>
-      <hr /></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr id="lineborder">
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>LineBorder supports line style</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top">LineBorder now provides getter and setter methods for 
-	line style, and a new constructor that allows specifying this new attribute. 
-	Paint method is also updated to take line style into account. 
-	If line style is not specified, the default value is used, 
-	which is solid line style. </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr id="line_attribute">
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Support the new SWT Line Attribute and fractional line widths</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top"><img src="images/linestyle.png" alt="Line Attributes" /></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr id="line_attribute">
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Graphics now implements getAdvanced()</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top"> <img src="images/advanced.png" alt="Advanced Graphics" /></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-      <h2>Zest</h2>
-      <hr /></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr id="Curved Connections">
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Curved Connections</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top">Zest now supports curved connections between nodes.  This can be set by calling <tt>setDepth(int)</tt> on a GraphConnection.
-<img src="images/curved.png" alt="Curved Connections" />
-	</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr id="nested">
-    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="left"><b>Nested Content Provider</b></td>
-    <td width="70%" valign="top">Zest now supports nested graphs through the use of a content provider.  A snippet showing this is available <a href="">here</a>.<br><br>
-<img src="images/nested.png" alt="Nested Graph" />
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td colspan="2"><hr />
-    </td>
-  </tr>
diff --git a/newandnoteworthy/images/advanced.png b/newandnoteworthy/images/advanced.png
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-require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/modeling/includes/db.php");
-allnews("GEF", $cvsprojs, $cvscoms, $proj);
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@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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-<?php header("Location: relnotes.php"); ?>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-<news date="September 13, 2010" showOn="whatsnew">

-Release <a href="">GEF 3.6.1</a> is available as part of the Helios SR1 simultaneous release.


\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/modeling/includes/buildServer-common.php");
-$pageTitle = "Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) - Release Notes";
-$streams = array(
-	"gef" => array(
-		"3.7.x" => "HEAD",
-		"3.6.x" => "R3_6_maintenance",
-		"3.5.x" => "R3_5_maintenance",
-		"3.4.x" => "R3_4_maintenance",
-		"3.3.x" => "R33_maintenance",
-		"3.2.x" => "R32_maintenance",
-		"3.1.x" => "R31_maintenance",
-		"3.0.x" => "R30_maintenance"
-	),
-require ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/modeling/includes/relnotes-common.php");
diff --git a/overview.html b/overview.html
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Eclipse Tools - GEF Project</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
- type="text/css">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="gef.css"
- type="text/css">
-<p> <img
- src="images/gefbanner.jpg?cvsroot=Tools_Project" border="0"><br>
-<font class=indexsub>Project Overview</font></p>
-<table class="document">
-<td class="minor">What is GEF?</td>
-<p dir="ltr">The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) allows developers
-to create a rich graphical editor from an existing application model. GEF 
-consists of 2 plug-ins. The <b>org.eclipse.draw2d</b> plug-in provides a layout 
-and rendering toolkit for displaying graphics.
-The developer can then take advantage of the many common operations provided
-in GEF and/or extend them for the specific domain. GEF employs an MVC (model-view-controller) architecture 
-which enables simple changes to be applied to the model from the view.</p>
-<p dir="ltr">GEF is completely application neutral and provides the groundwork to build almost any application, 
-including but not limited to: activity diagrams, GUI
-builders, class diagram editors,
-state machines, and even WYSIWYG text editors. The Logic Example, one of the 
-provided examples, is pictured below.<p><img src="images/LogicExample.jpg?cvsroot=Tools_Project">
-<td class="minor">What's Happening</td>
-<P class="arrow"><img src="images/Adarrow.gif"/> R3.2 Development</P><ul>
-	<li>New work goes into this stream</li>
-	<li><a href="plan/gef_plan_3_2.html">3.2 draft plan</a></li>
-<P class="arrow"><img src="images/Adarrow.gif"/> R3.1 Development</P><ul>
-	<li>Maintenance items go into this stream</li>
-	<li><a href="plan/gef_plan_3_1.html">3.1 development plan (Final)</a></li>
-	<li>
-	<a href="">
-	Release 3.1</a></li>
-<P class="arrow"><img src="images/Adarrow.gif"/> R3.0 Maintenance</P><ul>
-	<li>
-	<p dir="ltr">Not active</li>
-	<li>
-	<a href="">
-	Release 3.0.1</a></li>
-	<li>
-	<a href="">
-	Release 3.0.0</a></li>
-<td class="minor">Get Involved</td>
-<td>If you are interested in participating in the development of GEF, check out 
-the developer's mailing list: <a href=""></a>.&nbsp; Chat with people there about your problems and 
-interests, and find out what you can do to help.</td>
-<td class="minor">Features</td>
-Efficient layout and rendering support</li>
-Various figure and layout implementations</li>
-<li>Cursors and Tooltip support</li>
-<li>Connection anchoring, routing, and decorating</li>
-<li>Multiple, transparent layers</li>
-<li>Flexible coordinate systems</li>
-<li>Overview window (thumbnail with scrolling)</li>
-Tools like Selection, Creation, Connection and Marquee tools&nbsp;</li>
-A Palette for displaying those tools&nbsp;</li>
-Handles for resizing objects and bending connections&nbsp;</li>
-Two types of GEF Viewers (Graphical and Tree)&nbsp;</li>
-A Controller framework for mapping the business Model to a View&nbsp;</li>
-Plug-in policies for mapping interactions with the view to changes in the
-Various implementations for showing feedback and adding selection handles&nbsp;</li>
-Various request types and tools or actions that send these requests to
-the controllers&nbsp;</li>
-Undo/Redo support via Commands and a CommandStack</li>
-<td class="minor">
-	<td><br>
-	<b>Runtime plug-ins</b><ul>
-<li>org.eclipse.draw2d - The Draw2d plug-in</li>
-<li>org.eclipse.gef - The GEF plug-in (requires Draw2d)</li>
-	<p><b>ISV and example plug-ins</b></p>
-	<ul>
-<li>org.eclipse.draw2d.doc.isv - ISV integrated Help</li>
-<li>org.eclipse.gef.doc.isv - ISV integrated Help</li>
-<li>org.eclipse.gef.examples.shapes - The &quot;Hello World&quot; example editor.</li>
-<p dir="ltr">org.eclipse.gef.examples.logic - Example editor showing nested containers, connections 
-with custom anchor points, and multiple routing methods.</li> 
-<p dir="ltr">org.eclipse.gef.examples.flow - Example editor demonstrating the 
-compound directed graph algorithm used to layout activity diagrams.</li>
-<p dir="ltr">org.eclipse.gef.examples.text - Example editor demonstrating 
-editing of &quot;rich&quot; text.</li>
-<p dir="ltr">org.eclipse.gef.examples.ediagram - Example editor using EMF to 
-provide a split &quot;business&quot; and &quot;view&quot; model.</li>
-	</tr>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/project-info/Approved IP Log Tools.Gef - Helios.pdf b/project-info/Approved IP Log Tools.Gef - Helios.pdf
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--- a/project-info/Approved IP Log Tools.Gef - Helios.pdf
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-The project is scheduled to release version 3.4 as part the 
-<a href="">Ganymede</a> release, scheduled for
-the end of Q2 2008.
diff --git a/project-info/home-page-one-liner.html b/project-info/home-page-one-liner.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 547486a..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)
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-<p><b><a href="/gef/">Graphical Editing Framework</a></b> <br />

-The <b>Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)</b> allows developers to take an existing

-application model and quickly create a rich graphical editor. For more general

-information see the <a href="/gef/overview.html">GEF Overview</a>

-and <a href="">Project Plan</a>.
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0cc0998..0000000
--- a/reference/documentation.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-<?php  																														require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); 	$App 	= new App();	$Nav	= new Nav();	$Menu 	= new Menu();		include($App->getProjectCommon());    # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
-$pageTitle 		= "Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Documentation";
-$pageKeywords	= "Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Documentation";
-$pageAuthor		= "Anthony Hunter, IBM Rational Software";
-# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!	
-$html = <<<EOHTML
-<div id="midcolumn">
-<STYLE type="text/css">
-   TT  { font-size : 100%; }
-<h1>Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Documentation</h1>
-<h2>Technical Information for GEF Developers</h2>
-<p>This is the one-stop shop for documentation regarding Draw2d and GEF. There are 
-several articles as well as other links available here that explain how GEF and 
-Draw2d work. Apart from what&#39;s available here, the Javadocs for the Draw2d and GEF 
-projects and the <a href="">GEF and Draw2d Plug-in Developer Guide</a> 
-in Eclipse are good sources of information. You can also check out the FAQs and 
-Gotchas on our <a href="../index.php">main page</a> for more help.</p>
-<h2><a name="Articles"></a>Articles</h2>
-<p><b><a href="">
-Using GEF with EMF</a></b> Chris Aniszczyk (IBM) June 8, 2005<br>
-The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) provides a framework for
-creating visual editors while being model agnostic. In most cases, people
-bring their own model which tend to be based on Plain Old Java Objects
-(POJOs). An alternative using POJOs is the Eclipse Modeling Framework
-(EMF), which provides many features for manipulating models that aren't
-found in POJOs. The purpose of this article is to build upon the shapes
-example provided by GEF using the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and to
-provide an introduction using EMF based models in GEF based editors.</p>
-<p><b><a href="">
-A Shape Diagram Editor</a></b> Bo Majewski (Cisco) December 8, 2004<br>
-Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) provides a powerful foundation for creating 
-editors for visual editing of arbitrary models. Its effectiveness lies in 
-a modular build, fitting use of design patterns, and decoupling of components 
-that comprise a full, working editor. To a newcomer, the sheer number and 
-variety of concepts and techniques present in GEF may feel intimidating. 
-However, once learned and correctly used, they help to develop highly scalable 
-and easy to maintain software. This article aims to provide a gentle yet 
-comprehensive introduction to GEF. It describes a shape diagram editor - 
-a small, fully functional test case of core concepts.</p>
-<p><b><a href="">
-Building a Database Schema Diagram Editor with GEF</a></b> Phil Zoio (Realsolve 
-Solutions) September 27, 2004<br>
-GEF is a very powerful framework for visually creating and editing models. 
-With a small initial investment, even the relative Eclipse novice can be 
-quickly up and running, building applications with graphical editing capabilities. 
-To illustrate, this article uses a relational database schema diagram editor 
-with a deliberately simplified underlying model, but with enough bells and 
-whistles to show some of the interesting features of GEF at work.</p>
-<p><b><a href="">
-Display a UML Diagram using Draw2D</a></b> Daniel Lee (IBM) August 25, 2003<br>
-The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) ships with a painting and layout plug-in 
-called Draw2D. Draw2D provides figures and layout managers which form the 
-graphical layer of a GEF application. This article focuses only on the use 
-of Draw2D to render a simple UML class diagram. While Draw2D can be used 
-for standalone purposes, it is not an editing framework. Most applications 
-will use the GEF plug-in as the editing layer.</p>
-<p><b><a href="">Using 
-Native Drag and Drop with GEF</a></b> Eric Bordeau (IBM) August 25, 2003<br>
-Native drag and drop provides the ability to drag data from one GUI object 
-to another GUI object, which could potentially be in another application. 
-GEF allows access to the operating system&#39;s underlying drag and drop infrastructure 
-through SWT. This article will provide an in-depth look at GEF&#39;s drag and 
-drop functionality and show some simple examples of how to take advantage 
-of this API.</p>
-<p><b><a href="" target="_top">
-Create an Eclipse-based Application using the Graphical Editing Framework</a></b> 
-Randy Hudson (IBM) July 29, 2003<br>
-This article describes the initial steps involved in creating an Eclipse-based 
-application using the Graphical Editing Framework (GEF). GEF has been used 
-to build a variety of applications for Eclipse, including state diagrams, 
-activity diagrams, class diagrams, GUI builders for AWT, Swing and SWT, 
-and process flow editors. Eclipse and GEF are both open source technologies. 
-They are also included in IBM&#39;s WebSphere Studio Workbench.</p>
-<p><b><a href="digraph1.php">Directed Graph Example</a>
-</b>Anthony Hunter (IBM) November 16, 2007<br>
-<a href="digraph1.php#Digraph1GraphicalEditor">Digraph1: Basic Graphical Editor</a> 
-The main objective of the digraph1 example was to provide a simple graphical editor that demonstrates GEF's Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. 
-This first directed graph example is as simple as it gets.<br>
-<a href="digraph1.php#Digraph1View">Digraph1: Graphical View</a> The same content from the editor in a view.<br>
-<a href="digraph1.php#Digraph1Application">Digraph1: Graphical Editor in a RCP Application</a> The graphical editor in a RCP application.<br>
-<a href="digraph2.php">Digraph2: Basic Graphical Editor with Connections</a> The objective of the digraph2 example is to add connections to the digraph1 example.
-<h2><a name="Presentations"></a>Presentations</h2>
-<p><a href="">EclipseCon 2004</a>
-<li><a href="">Building Applications with Eclipse's Graphical Editing Framework</a> session<br>
-Randy Hudson (IBM)</li>
-<p><a href="">EclipseCon 2005</a>
-<li><a href="">GEF In Depth</a> tutorial<br>
-Randy Hudson (IBM), Pratik Shah (IBM)</li>
-<li><a href="">The Graphical Editing Framework</a> session<br>
-Randy Hudson (IBM), Pratik Shah (IBM)</li>
-<p><a href="">EclipseCon 2006</a>
-<li><a href="">Graphical Editing Framework</a> tutorial<br>
-Randy Hudson (IBM)</li>
-<li><a href="">A Gentle Introduction to GEF</a> long talk<br>
-Koen Aers (JBoss, Inc.)</li>
-<p><a href="">EclipseCon 2007</a>
-<li><a href="">Developing an Editor for Directed Graphs with the Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework</a> tutorial<br>
-Koen Aers (JBoss, Inc.)</li>
-<p><a href="">EclipseCon 2008</a>
-<li><a href="">Developing an Editor for Directed Graphs with the Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework</a> tutorial<br>
-Koen Aers (JBoss, Inc.)</li>
-<h2><a name="ExternalLinks"></a>External Links</h2>
-<p>The following are links to some external sites that provide 
-more information about GEF. The GEF team does not verify all of the postings 
-on these sites. Nevertheless, they are usually good sources of information. 
-To report any other links that can go here, post a note on the GEF newsgroup.</p>
-<p><a href="">IBM Redbook</a><br>
-IBM&#39;s Redbook provides detailed information and walks you through creating a simple GEF-based plug-in.</p>
-<p><a href="">Eclipse Wiki</a><br>
-Lots of good information here. In particular, the
-<a href="">GEF description</a>.</p>
-<p><a href="">SWT/JFace In Action</a><br>
-A book that can provide more information about Draw2d/GEF.</p>
-<p><a href="">Observe Eclipse</a><br>
-This site has several Draw2d and GEF tutorials in Japanese.</p>
-<p><a href="">eclipseteam</a><br>
-Another site, this time in German.</p>
-<p><b>By Anthony Hunter, IBM Rational Software</b><br/>
-<font size="-1">$Header: /cvsroot/org.eclipse/www/gef/reference/documentation.php,v 1.2 2008/07/02 17:19:10 ahunter Exp $</font></p>
-<p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Please send comments about this document to
-the</em> <a href="news://"></a> <em>newsgroup.</em></p>
-	# Generate the web page
-	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
diff --git a/releasereview/GEF_Release_Review_3.3.ppt b/releasereview/GEF_Release_Review_3.3.ppt
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--- a/releasereview/GEF_Release_Review_3.3.ppt
+++ /dev/null
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index 440224a..0000000
--- a/searchcvs.php
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@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/modeling/includes/buildServer-common.php");
-require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/modeling/includes/searchcvs-common.php");
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/team/contributions.xls
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4694eec..0000000
--- a/team/designdocs.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<title>GEF Design Documents</title>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
-<table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=2 width="100%" >
-  <tr> 
-    <td align=left width="72%"> <font class=indextop> GEF design </font> <br>
-      <font class=indexsub> design documents </font></td>
-    <td width="28%"><img src="" height=86 width=120></td>
-  </tr>
-<table BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 WIDTH="100%" >
-<font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">GEF Design Documents</font></b></td>
-This page catalogs the available design documents for GEF.  The documents are organized by 
-<img src="" width="16" height="16"> <b>
-<img src="" width="16" height="16"> <b> 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/team/gef-log.csv b/team/gef-log.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index a400ed5..0000000
--- a/team/gef-log.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
















-Contributor,bug #,build,committer,size,Platforms

-Alex Selkov,22701,,rhudson,Small - Hit-testing for Shapes and EllipseAnchor,All

-Sven Müller,Newsgroup,3.0.0,rhudson,Small - Tiling support in PrintFigureOperation,All

-Gunnar Wagenknecht,44288,3.0.0,rhudson,Small - ViewportAutoExposeHelper,All

-Elias Volanakis,71532,3.1M3,rhudson,Large - Shapes Example,All

-Régis Lemaigre,73636,N/A,rhudson,Large - GEF/Draw2d Overview Document,N/A

-Gunnar Wagenknecht,80902,3.1M7,rhudson,Tiny - Added support to LWS to provide custom GraphicsSource,All

-Ed Willink,84910,3.1RC2,rhudson,Large - Properties for EDiagram example,All

-Ed Willink,99500,3.1.1,rhudson,Small - EMF 2.1 updates for Ediagram; ediagram.ediagram,All

-Chris Lee,130382,3.2,sshaw,Tiny - added missing TypeStyle params in ScaledGraphics,All

-Mohammed Mostafa,141836,3.2,sshaw,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Tom MacDougall,144292,3.2,sshaw,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Tom MacDougall,142271,3.2,sshaw,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Mohammed Mostafa,147062,3.2,sshaw,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Mohammed Mostafa,147440,3.2,sshaw,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Cherie Revells,123760,3.2.1,sshaw,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Mohammed Mostafa,153305,3.2.1,sshaw,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Alex Boyko,146894,3.2.2,ahunter,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Alex Boyko,147944,3.2.2,ahunter,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Cherie Revells,168582,3.2.2,ahunter,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Asim Ullah,71684,3.3,ahunter,Small - GridLayout,All

-Mohammed Mostafa,145291,3.3,ahunter,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Cherie Revells,173693,3.3,ahunter,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Manuel Selva,169401,3.3,ahunter,Tiny - API enhancement fix ,All

-Cherie Revells,174085,3.3,ahunter,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Cherie Revells,98565,3.4M2,ahunter,Small - API enhancement,All

-Cherie Revells,194278,3.4M2,ahunter,Medium - customize FlowUtilities used by TextFlow and ParagraphTextLayout,All

-Cherie Revells,178117,3.4M2,ahunter,Small - API enhancement,All

-Jakub Jurkiewicz,109508,3.4M4,ahunter,Tiny - Fix for the logic example,All

-Cherie Revells,113264,3.4M4,ahunter,Tiny - bug fix ,All

-Cherie Revells,112692,3.4M5,ahunter,Meduim - bug fix ,All

-Alex Boyko,212460,3.4M5,ahunter,Meduim - extra methods on PrecisionRectangle and a fix on PrecisionPoint,All

-Cherie Revells,213359,3.4M5,ahunter,Medium - Make GEF's snapping and tools extensible to allow moving shapes with arrow keys,All

-Alex Boyko,213494,3.4M5,ahunter,Small - bug fix,All

-Ian Bull,168307,3.4M6,ahunter,Medium - ScaledGraphics does not support SWT Path,All

-Ali Afshar,209830,3.4M6,ahunter,Tiny - Bug fix,All

-Alex Boyko,212280,3.4M6,ahunter,Small - Bug fix,All

-Cherie Revells,133385,3.4M6,ahunter,Large - New Palette UI,All

-Cherie Revells,217320,3.4M6,ahunter,Medium - Palette drawers should be able to have no icon,All

-Cherie Revells,219838,3.4M6,ahunter,Small - Inconsistent truncation between drawers and tools on palette,All

-Cherie Revells,220381,3.4M6,ahunter,Large - Pinnable Stacks and Palette UI Changes,All

-Cherie Revells,220563,3.4M6,ahunter,Medium - Update UI for PaletteTemplateEntries,All

-Alex Boyko,224468,3.4M6,ahunter,Small - Draw2D enhancements,All

-Cherie Revells,223712,3.4M7,ahunter,Small - Bugs/regressions in the new palette,All

-Cherie Revells,225162,3.4M7,ahunter,Small - Bugs with new pinnable palette stacks,All

-Cherie Revells,225467,3.4M7,ahunter,Tiny - zoom in and zoom out icons are missing in menu,All

-Cherie Revells,227541,3.4M7,ahunter,Small - Minor UI improvements to the new palette look,All

-Cherie Revells,227844,3.4M7,ahunter,Small - [Palette] Note stack cannot be selected in the palette toolbar,All

-Cherie Revells,229483,3.4RC1,ahunter,Small - SWT Color leak originating from,All


-Zest Migration From Mylyn 3.3M2 164387,,,,,

-Raphael Ackermann,132473,3.4M2,irbull,4/21/2006,Tint - GraphLabel adjustBoundsToFit does not support text with newlines and tabs

-Chris Bennett,146300,3.4M2,irbull,6/11/2006,Medium - Extended Layout API to include bendpoints

-Del Myers,151889,3.4M2,irbull,7/27/2006,Large - Nested Graph Viewer is coupled with a tree viewer and a bread-crumb widget.

-Del Myers,152180,3.4M2,irbull,7/28/2006,Large - Added self loops to graphs

-Del Myers,114452,3.4M2,irbull,7/28/2006,Large - Allow multiple connections between nodes

-Del Myers,151327,3.4M2,irbull,8/1/2006,Large - New Feature: providers for colours and fonts

-Del Myers,152284,3.4M2,irbull,8/1/2006,Large - Remove NestedFreeFormLayer

-Del Myers,152393,3.4M2,irbull,8/1/2006,Medium - Make top level node selectable in nested graph

-Del Myers,150585,3.4M2,irbull,8/8/2006,Large - Arcs don't connect entities not visible in nested graph

-Del Myers,153170,3.4M2,irbull,8/8/2006,Medium - Arcs on visible nodes in the client/supplier panes should not be visible if they don't have an end in the main pane

-Del Myers,153221,3.4M2,irbull,8/9/2006,Large - Add Marquee selection to root level in Nested Viewewr

-Del Myers,153348,3.4M2,irbull,8/9/2006,Medium - Nested graphs aren't styled correctly

-Del Myers,152613,3.4M2,irbull,8/9/2006,Large - Add support for client / supplier panes in the Nested Viewer

-Chris Bennett,150449,3.4M2,irbull,8/9/2006,Large - Refactoring changes to include constraints

-Del Myers,153466,3.4M2,irbull,8/16/2006,Large - client/supplier panes in the nested viewer cause problems on large graphs

-Raphael Ackermann,154076,3.4M2,irbull,8/16/2006,Small - running StaticGraphicalViewer using a Job results in SWTException: Invalid thread access

-Del Myers,152530,3.4M2,irbull,8/17/2006,Large - Add Bezier Connections

-Del Myers,154176,3.4M2,irbull,8/21/2006,Medium - Clipping region for bezier curves doesn't take label into consideration

-Del Myers,154256,3.4M2,irbull,8/21/2006,Medium - Client/supplier nodes are no longer selectable in the nested graph

-Del Myers,154421,3.4M2,irbull,8/21/2006,Medium - Static graph viewer not cleared properly when new input is set.

-Del Myers,154259,3.4M2,irbull,9/7/2006, Large - Abstract graph model nodes and connections into interfaces

-Del Myers,156266,3.4M2,irbull,9/7/2006,Tiny - setupLayout does not handle cases where no objects should appear in the layout: ClassCastException in AbstractLayoutAlgorithm.setupLayout when using a filter

-Del Myers,156528,3.4M2,irbull,9/11/2006,Medium - StaticStaticGraphViewer does not take JFace Viewer Filters into account

-Raphael Ackermann,154063,3.4M2,irbull,9/12/2006,Small - ClassCastException when Empty Selection in Zest View

-Del Myers,156915,3.4M2,irbull,9/12/2006,Tiny - Nested Graph viewer no longer shrinks with the view port

-Del Myers,162306,3.4M2,irbull,10/25/2006,Large - This is actually a patch for a number of smaller changes

-Del Myers,159645,3.4M2,irbull,10/25/2006,see 162306

-Del Myers,159647,3.4M2,irbull,10/25/2006,see 162306

-Del Myers,159656,3.4M2,irbull,10/25/2006,see 162306

-Del Myers,159667,3.4M2,irbull,10/25/2006,see 162306

-Del Myers,160368,3.4M2,irbull,10/25/2006,see 162306

-Del Myers,160931,3.4M2,irbull,10/25/2006,see 162306

-Del Myers,163098,3.4M2,irbull,11/15/2006,Medium - Rectangle focus tool doesn't work properly in overviewer

-Del Myers,160367,3.4M2,irbull,11/15/2006,Large - Zest: dynamically changeable colors and styles

-Del Myers,162309,3.4M2,irbull,12/19/2006,Tiny - Enforce bounds style required on Zest layout package

-Gerd Castan,198477,3.4M2,irbull,8/9/2007,Tiny - Zest Core: Compiler error with JDK 1.4


-Third Party Software,,,,,


diff --git a/team/images/complexselection.gif b/team/images/complexselection.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index aa83aa3..0000000
--- a/team/images/complexselection.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/team/images/decision.gif b/team/images/decision.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dc5102..0000000
--- a/team/images/decision.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/team/images/example_remove_merge.gif b/team/images/example_remove_merge.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 574c414..0000000
--- a/team/images/example_remove_merge.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/team/images/example_remove_results.gif b/team/images/example_remove_results.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index c2f8baf..0000000
--- a/team/images/example_remove_results.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/team/images/example_remove_selected.gif b/team/images/example_remove_selected.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index d54b638..0000000
--- a/team/images/example_remove_selected.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/team/images/example_remove_which.gif b/team/images/example_remove_which.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 71f430b..0000000
--- a/team/images/example_remove_which.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/team/images/simpleselection.gif b/team/images/simpleselection.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 972eb8a..0000000
--- a/team/images/simpleselection.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/team/ipquery.php b/team/ipquery.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 27c36d4..0000000
--- a/team/ipquery.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-$product_id = 5; # GEF
-$committers = array( 
-	# taken from
-	"ahunter" => "gef",
-	"ibull" => "zest",
-	"rhudson" => "gef",
-	"pshah" => "gef",
-	"nickb" => "releng",
-/*	"sshaw" => "inactive",
-	"droberts" => "inactive",
-	"ebordeau" => "inactive",
-	"msorens" => "inactive",
-	"sdimitro" => "inactive",
-	"delee" => "inactive",
-	"dlee" => "inactive",
-	"jduimovich" => "inactive",
-	"kmoir" => "inactive",
-	"mwakao" => "inactive",*/
-$extra_IP = array(
-$third_party = array(
-require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/modeling/includes/ipquery-common.php"); doIPQueryPage(); ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/team/ b/team/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa7a969..0000000
--- a/team/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index e09b9ad..0000000
--- a/team/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 42acc06..0000000
--- a/team/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index cffdf36..0000000
--- a/team/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/team/team.html b/team/team.html
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- <title>GEF Team Resources</title>
- <LINK rel="stylesheet" HREF="../cdt.css" type="text/css"> 
-<!-- Document Header -->
-<TABLE cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0>
-  <TR>
-   <TD align=left width="72%">
-    <FONT class=indextop>team resources</FONT><BR>
-    <FONT class=indexsub>useful information for members of the GEF development 
-	team</FONT></TD>
-   <TD width="28%">&nbsp;</TD>
-  </TR>
- </TBODY>
-<div class=section>Eclipse 3.0 Patches and Add-ons</div>
-<p>The following patches are provided as-is and are designed to improve the 
-usability of Eclipse 3.0.x</p>
-	<li>Patch for Open Type Dialog -
-	<a href="">
-	DOWNLOAD</a> (bug
-	<a href="">46162</a>)<br>
-	Unzip into the org.eclipse.ui.workbench plug-in directory</li>
-	<li>Patch for improved typing in the java editor
-	<a href="">DOWNLOAD</a> (bugs
-	<a href="">27509</a> and
-	<a href="">27511</a>)<br>
-	Unzip into the org.eclpise.jdt.ui plug-in directory</li>
-<!-- End of Document Header -->
-<!-- Table of Contents -->
-<div class=section>Workspace Settings</div>
-<p dir="ltr">All GEF Projects should contain local compiler settings, templates, 
-and CheckStyle settings. The only thing you can screw up is using the wrong 
-level of the java runtime libraries.</p>
-<div class=section>Test Cases</div>
-<a href="../docs/GEF%20Enablement%20Tests.doc">
-Translation Verification Tests</a> (Word Document)</p>
diff --git a/team/template.html b/team/template.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ede5e7..0000000
--- a/team/template.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- <title>Title of Document</title>
- <LINK rel="stylesheet" HREF="../cdt.css" type="text/css"> 
-<!-- Document Header -->
-<TABLE cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0>
-  <TR>
-   <TD align=left width="72%">
-    <FONT class=indextop>document title</FONT><BR>
-    <FONT class=indexsub>document description</FONT>
-   </TD>
-   <TD width="28%"><IMG height=86 src="" width=120></TD>
-  </TR>
- </TBODY>
-Author         : <a href="">Your Name</a>
-Revision Date  : 04/30/2002 - Version: 0.1.0
-Change History : 0.1.0 - Document Creation
-<!-- End of Document Header -->
-<!-- Table of Contents -->
-<div class=section>Table of Contents</div>
-<div class=indent><a href="#intro">1. Introduction</a>
- <div class=indent><a href="#overview"> 1.1 Overview</a></div>
-<div class=indent>...more...</div>
-<div class=indent><a href="#references"> 10. References</a>
-<!-- End of Table of Contents -->
-<!-- Introduction -->
-<div class=section><a name="intro"> 1. Introduction</a></div>
-Intro goes here
-<div class=subsection><a name="overview">1.1 Overview</a></div>
-Overview goes here
-<!-- End of Introduction -->
-<!-- References -->
-<div class=section><a name="references"> 10. References</a></div>
-References go here
-<!-- End of References -->
diff --git a/team/wysiwyg.html b/team/wysiwyg.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e0b44d..0000000
--- a/team/wysiwyg.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-<title>GEF Design Documents</title>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
-<table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=2 width="100%">
-  <tr> 
-    <td align=left width="72%"> <font class=indextop> Graphical Text Proposal 
-	(Draft)</font><br>
-      <font class=indexsub> design documents</font></td>
-    <td width="28%"><img src="" height=86 width=120></td>
-  </tr>
-<table BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 WIDTH="100%" >
-<font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">Support for Graphical Text Editing</font></b></td>
-<p>This document outlines the requirements for textual graphical 
-editing and any known design decision we have chosen.</p>
-<p>Last Updated: November 17<sup>th</sup> 2004</p>
-<p>Graphical Text Editing is defined as the editing of text directly 
-in a Graphical Viewer without the use of native SWT controls such as those used 
-by CellEditors.&nbsp; This is also referred to as WYSIWYG 
-(what-you-see-is-what-you-get) text editing.&nbsp; Such functionality could be 
-used as the basis for editing textual nodes (i.e. sticky notes) in a diagram, 
-building an HTML editor, or even a new form of java source editor.&nbsp; The 
-major concerns include navigation and placement of the Caret, enhancements to 
-Commands and the CommandStack, Selection of text, accessibility, and 
-bidirectional languages (BiDi).&nbsp; The initial phase will concentrate on 
-getting the editing infrastructure right, and not on enhancing the figures and 
-layouts in draw2d to render complex documents.</p>
-<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
-<p dir="ltr">Defining Textual Selection</p>
-<h2><a name="Defining_Textual_Selection">Defining Textual Selection</a></h2>
-<table border="0" id="table3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" colspan="2">
-<p>The notion of selection will be extended to support a single range of 
-selected &quot;characters&quot;.&nbsp; Object-based selection will still exist 
-and will coincide with textual selection range.&nbsp; Listeners of selection 
-service will receive some new ISelection derivative which can be queried for 
-both the object selection or textual selection.</p>
-<p><b>Simple Selection Range<br>
-</b>In a simple use case, one or more EditParts display text which can be edited 
-individually.&nbsp; The user may navigate, edit, and select text within a single 
-EditPart and any given time.&nbsp; An example of this would be sticky notes in a 
-class diagram, or text blocks in a program for slide presentation editor.</p>
-<p>Simple selection can be represented by the EditPart which owns the 
-text selection, and a starting and ending offset index.</p>
-		</td>
-		<td rowspan="2" align="right">
-<table border="1" id="table8" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
-	<tr>
-		<td bgcolor="#FFFF66">Graphical Text Viewer</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td>
-		<img border="0" src="images/simpleselection.gif?cvsroot=Tools_Project" width="223" height="205">
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-<i><b>Figure 1</b> - Simple selection range</i>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" rowspan="2"><b>Defining a Textual EditPart<br>
-		</b>The EditPart interface allows the viewer to set the selection state 
-		on the part.&nbsp; In a similar way for text support, a <i><b>textual</b></i> EditPart 
-		will allow the viewer to tell it its &quot;selection range&quot; in the text 
-		sense.&nbsp; EditParts are told of their selection state so that it may 
-		be rendered correctly in the UI.<p><b>Extended Selection Range<br>
-		</b>In the more general case, text selection may span across multiple 
-		EditParts.&nbsp; EditParts may correspond to paragraphs, styled regions 
-		of text, images, table cells, etc.&nbsp; It is common to allow the user 
-		to select across such boundaries.&nbsp; It is not common to allow 
-		multiple disjoint selection ranges.</p>
-		<p>Complex selection can be defined by a pointer to the 
-		starting and ending EditParts, and an offset within each.&nbsp; The 
-		selection range must be contiguous, so all textual elements between the 
-		start and the end are also implicitly selected.&nbsp; This most likely 
-		means that the leaf-node parts are selected.&nbsp; But there may be 
-		applications where selection offsets are inside a container part.<br>
-&nbsp;<table border="0" id="table10" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-			<tr>
-				<td valign="top">
-		<img border="0" src="images/decision.gif?cvsroot=Tools_Project" width="63" height="38"></td>
-				<td valign="top"><b>Decision</b> - GEF will supported extended 
-				selection ranges.&nbsp; In the case where the start and end 
-				EditParts are the same, this is identical to the simple 
-				selection range above.&nbsp; Application will have a way of 
-				preventing selection from spanning EditParts.&nbsp; Disjoint 
-				selection ranges are not being considered.&nbsp; Disjoint <b>
-				Object</b> selection (such as selecting multiple table cells) is 
-				not to be confused with a form of textual selection.</td>
-			</tr>
-		</table>
-		</td>
-		<td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td valign="top" colspan="2" align="right">
-		<br><i><b>Figure 2</b> - Extended selection across multiple parts</i>
-<table border="1" id="table9" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
-	<tr>
-		<td bgcolor="#FFFF66">Graphical Text Viewer</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td>
-		<img border="0" src="images/complexselection.gif?cvsroot=Tools_Project" width="337" height="319"></td>
-	</tr>
-	</tr>
-<h2><a name="Navigation_via_keyboard_">Navigation via keyboard</a></h2>
-<p>Keyboard navigation will occur by asking the caret owner for the next caret 
-placement.&nbsp; The presence of a SHIFT modifier will determine whether the 
-existing selection is modified or replaced.</p>
-<p>The following table shows some of the strategies for determining the next 
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#000000" id="table20">
-	<tr>
-		<td>&nbsp;</td>
-		<td><b><font size="3">Inline</font></b></td>
-		<td><b><font size="3">Inline Containers</font></b></td>
-		<td><b><font size="3">Blocks</font></b></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td><b><font size="3">LEFT, RIGHT</font></b></td>
-		<td>local search, then parent</td>
-		<td>check sibling, then parent</td>
-		<td>check sibling, then parent</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td><b><font size="3">UP, DOWN</font></b></td>
-		<td>ask parent</td>
-		<td>ask parent</td>
-		<td>ordered search, compare multiple results</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td><b><font size="3">UP_INTO, DOWN_INTO</font></b></td>
-		<td>local search</td>
-		<td>local child search, compare multiple results</td>
-		<td>local child search, compare multiple results</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td><b><font size="3">HOME_QUERY, END_QUERY</font></b></td>
-		<td>local search</td>
-		<td>first successful child</td>
-		<td>first successful child</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td><b><font size="3">HOME, END</font></b></td>
-		<td>ask parent</td>
-		<td>ask parent</td>
-		<td>
-		<p dir="ltr">ordered search, compare multiple results</td>
-	</tr>
-<h2><a name="Typing_Via_Keyboard">Typing Via Keyboard</a></h2>
-	<li>
-	<p>Commands must be used to modify the model.</p></li>
-	<li>
-	<p>Typing multiple characters is considered a single edit by the 
-	user, and should be undoable via a single invoke of Undo.</p></li>
-	<li>
-	<p>Pressing backspace or delete multiple times is considered a 
-	single edit by the user.&nbsp; The removal should be undoable via a single 
-	invoke of Undo.</p></li>
-	<li>
-	<p>Undo and Redo of edits must also place the selection and caret 
-	and selection range to the area of the undo/redo.&nbsp; Also, the viewer 
-	must be scrolled some&nbsp; amount to expose the maximum of that range.</p>
-	</li>
-	<li>
-	<p>Processing of editing must be context aware.&nbsp; Different editparts 
-	may allow different forms of editing.</p></li>
-	<li>
-	<p>Delete, Backspace, and inserting when there is a selection 
-	range are all special types of removes.&nbsp; In these cases, the selection 
-	range is removed from the model, and the contents following the selection 
-	range should be re-parented and even merged into the contents preceding the 
-	selection range.&nbsp; When merging is not possible, the Caret is left with 
-	the preceding element.</p></li>
-	<li>
-	<p>Any edit may return a pending state which is to be applied to a 
-	subsequent typing text.&nbsp; For example, If you have a bold word, and you 
-	delete it using backspace and then type again, the text should be bold.&nbsp; 
-	However, if you delete it and commit that edition, then the empty bold 
-	editpart should not exist.&nbsp; Such a pending state is 
-	application-specific.</p></li>
-	<li>
-	<p>Pending states may also be caused by invoking toolbar or 
-	keyboard Actions.&nbsp; For example, pressing CTRL+B should enter a pending 
-	&quot;bold&quot; state.&nbsp; Any characters typed should be inserted with bold 
-	attributes.&nbsp; But if not text is typed, the model should not be changed.</p>
-	</li>
-<h3>Obtaining the Commands</h3>
-<p>Commands will be obtained from one target EditPart.&nbsp; The 
-target editpart will be calculated based on the <b><i>start</i></b> and <b><i>
-end</i></b> EditParts of the viewer's current <b><i>Selection Range</i></b>.&nbsp; 
-The candidate target will be the common ancestor of the start and end parts.&nbsp; 
-If the start and end are the same, then the common ancestor is that part. The 
-candidate will then be asked for the target editpart for the current request, 
-and it may return itself.&nbsp; However, it will often return the outer-most 
-context in which it resides, such as a block of text, a cell inside a table, the 
-&quot;body&quot; of the document, etc.</p>
-<h3>Continued Editing</h3>
-<p>As the user continues to type, delete, or press backspace, the 
-command which made the initial edit will be updated.&nbsp; An initial request 
-will be sent which contains the current selection range, and the key which was 
-typed.&nbsp; The editpart will return a command for the modification to the 
-model.&nbsp; That command will be executed on the command stack.&nbsp; Upon 
-subsequent editions of the same type, the target editpart will receive another 
-request for a command, but this request will contain the previously executed 
-command.&nbsp; If the editpart wishes to continue the same edit, it must append 
-to this command instance any new editing, and return that same command.&nbsp; 
-Otherwise it may return a different command instance which will be executed 
-<p>A reused command will implement a special interface allowing it to 
-be executed multiple times by the text tool.&nbsp; When the command is appended, 
-it should <b>not</b> change its undo/redo behavior until this addition has been 
-committed by calling some type of &quot;re-execute&quot; API.</p>
-<h3>Removal of a Selection Range</h3>
-<p>When the user removes the selection range (either via DEL, 
-BACKSPACE, or typing), there are several steps to processing the removal.&nbsp; 
-First, the viewer indicates to all of the textual editparts between the start 
-and end of the selection range that they are selected.&nbsp; This is done so 
-that selection may be rendered in each editpart's figure.&nbsp; This is shown in
-<b>Figure 3</b>.</p>
-	<blockquote>
-		<i><b>Figure 3</b> - The text viewer and its indicated selection</i><table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#000000" id="table16">
-		<tr>
-			<td>
-			<img border="0" src="images/example_remove_selected.gif?cvsroot=Tools_Project"></td>
-		</tr>
-	</table>
-	</blockquote>
-<p>However, the selected parts are not necessarily all that is removed.&nbsp; 
-If all of the text parts inside a compound part are selected, then that compound 
-parts should be deleted, as shown in <b>Figure 4</b>.</p>
-	<i><b>Figure 4</b> - EditPart structure showing what needs to be deleted</i><table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#000000" id="table17">
-		<tr>
-			<td>
-		<img border="0" src="images/example_remove_which.gif?cvsroot=Tools_Project"></td>
-		</tr>
-	</table>
-<p>Once the appropriate objects to remove are identified, the 
-application should attempt to merge the text which immediately preceded and 
-followed the selection range.&nbsp; Merging can be complex, but it is important 
-to follow existing conventions whenever possible.</p>
-	<i><b>Figure 5 </b>- Intermediate structure after 
-		selection range removal</i><table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#000000" id="table18">
-		<tr>
-			<td>
-		<img border="0" src="images/example_remove_merge.gif?cvsroot=Tools_Project"></td>
-		</tr>
-	</table>
-<p><b>Figure 5</b> shows the intermediate results after the removal but prior to 
-a possible merge.&nbsp; The preceding and succeeding elements should be merged 
-whenever possible.&nbsp; For example, if <b>both</b> parents represent 
-a paragraph, and the children are text with identical styles, then the two 
-remaining portions should be joined together as shown in <b>Figure 6.1</b>.&nbsp; 
-It would be incorrect to leave the two paragraphs separated.&nbsp; The operation 
-should be equivalent to deleting the ranges from each paragraph, and then 
-placing the caret at the end location and pressing BACKSPACE, which would join 
-the two paragraphs.&nbsp; If both parents are paragraphs, but the children are 
-text with different styles, then the end child is re-parented to the first 
-paragraph, and the second paragraph is removed from the document.&nbsp; This is 
-shown in <b>Figure 6.2</b>.&nbsp; Finally, if the two parents represent styles 
-which are applied to their children, then those styles should remain intact.&nbsp; 
-For example, if the first child were parented by a <b>bold</b> style, and the 
-second child's parent indicated a <font face="Arial" color="#0000FF">blue</font> 
-foreground, then this style structure should be maintained, as shown in <b>
-Figure 6.3</b>.&nbsp; In all 3 cases, the final location for the caret will be 
-where the selection range began.&nbsp; It does not matter if the user selected 
-the range in a forward or backward direction.</p>
-	<b><i>Figure 6 </i></b><i>- Final structure and caret 
-		placement if merging occurs</i><table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#000000" id="table19">
-		<tr>
-			<td>
-		<img border="0" src="images/example_remove_results.gif?cvsroot=Tools_Project" width="568" height="255"></td>
-		</tr>
-	</table>
-<p>As the user presses backspace repeatedly, text will get removed 
-from the current selection part until that part has no more text to be deleted.&nbsp; 
-At which point, that text node is empty and probably has no effect on the 
-rendering of the document.&nbsp; The model should be compacted to its simplest 
-representation.&nbsp; But, the application does not know the users intentions.&nbsp; 
-The user may either start typing immediately, or save the document.&nbsp; If the 
-document is saved, it should be in its simplest form.&nbsp; But, if the user 
-inserts a character, the node which became empty should be restored and the 
-character should be placed back into that node.&nbsp; For this to work, we will 
-probably need some pending state object returned from the backspace operation.&nbsp; 
-That state will affect how an inserted character is treated.&nbsp; Several 
-actions will cause the pending state to be thrown out, such as the selection 
-range changing.</p>
-<h2 dir="ltr">Interaction with Styles</h2>
-<p dir="ltr">Styles are things like Bold, font name, Italic, Underline, or 
-even style &quot;classes&quot; such as H1, etc.&nbsp; Sometimes invoking a style change 
-has an immediate affect on the document.&nbsp; Other times, it has a pending 
-effect which is committed if the user inserts text normally.</p>
-<h3 dir="ltr">Requirements</h3>
-<ol dir="ltr">
-	<li dir="ltr">
-	<p dir="ltr">When selection is empty, a style change may have a pending 
-	effect.&nbsp; For example, turning on BOLD does not modify the document 
-	until you type something.&nbsp; Similar for setting font height or name, 
-	colors, etc.</p>
-	</li>
-	<li dir="ltr">
-	<p dir="ltr">When selection is empty, a style change may also have an 
-	immediate effect.</p>
-	</li>
-	<li dir="ltr">
-	<p dir="ltr">When selection exists, a style change must cause an immediate 
-	change in the document or do nothing.</p></li>
-	<li dir="ltr">
-	<p dir="ltr">It should be possible to display a style value in a read-only 
-	way.&nbsp; For example, a locked region of a document is BOLD.</p></li>
-<p dir="ltr">Because of number 2. above, things like paragraph alignment could 
-optionally be implemented as a style.&nbsp; However, generally changing 
-paragraph alignment always has an immediate effect on the document, so it could 
-be just a simple selection-based action. </p>
-<p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p>
-<h2>Mouse Interactions</h2>
-<p>[Placing the caret with the mouse, selecting with the mouse, dragging 
-selected text, etc].</p>
-<h2>Mixed Mode Use</h2>
-<p>Using the logic editor as an example, it should be possible to edit a label 
-object without celleditors.&nbsp; F2 or 2 mouse clicks should cause the text 
-editing to become active.&nbsp; Focus lost, Selection lost, or CTRL+ENTER must 
-exit the mode and commit the change.&nbsp; ESC must rollback all text edits and 
-exit the text editing mode.</p>
\ No newline at end of file