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diff --git a/blogathon/reviews.xml b/blogathon/reviews.xml
index b41772f..c3ae11f 100644
--- a/blogathon/reviews.xml
+++ b/blogathon/reviews.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
+		<title>Eclipse 3.6 Hidden Treasures</title>
+		<link><![CDATA[http://blog.zvikico.com/2010/07/eclipse-36-hidden-treasures.html]]></link>
+		<author>Zviki Cohen</author>
+		<date>July 26</date>
+		<language>English</language>
+		<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse 3.6, aka Helios, was released about a month ago. It has become a tradition: this is the time I highlight some of my favorite hidden features in the new release. I focus my article on features which are less obvious, off the beaten path. Features you might not be familiar with if you didn't take the time to read the "new and noteworthy" for this release. ]]></shortDesc>
+	</review>
+	<review>
 		<title>Latest Eclipse release</title>
 		<author>Michael R. Head</author>