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 		<title>Eclipse Helios: What&#146;s New in JDT</title>
-		<link><![CDATA[http://it-republik.de/jaxenter/artikel/Eclipse-Helios-Was-gibt%92s-Neues-in-JDT-3164.html]]></link>
+		<link><![CDATA[http://it-republik.de/jaxenter/artikel/Eclipse-Helios-Was-gibt%92s-Neues-in-JDT-3162.html]]></link>
 		<author>Marc Teufel</author>
 		<date>June 23</date>
-		<shortDesc><![CDATA[In the area of debugging, there is a very interesting innovation to report: in the variables view we can now optionally display an additional column in which the number of object instances currently being used is displayed (instance counts). ]]></shortDesc>
+		<shortDesc><![CDATA[Helios is the fifth so-called simultaneous release of the Eclipse Foundation. Following Callisto, Europa, Ganymede and Galileo, the Helios release comprises 39 different Eclipse projects – and like every year, both the Eclipse Platform and the Java Development Tools (JDT) are back in updated versions. Let's dive into and have a look at what's new in JDT.]]></shortDesc>
 		<title>Eclipse Helios Simultaneous Release</title>