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<title>Startup via Windows Service</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/docbook.css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.79.1"><meta name="keywords" content="jetty, servlet, servlet-api, cometd, http, websocket, eclipse, maven, java, server, software"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Jetty"><link rel="up" href="startup.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;9.&nbsp;Starting Jetty"><link rel="prev" href="startup-unix-service.html" title="Startup a Unix Service using"><link rel="next" href="session-management.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;10.&nbsp;Session Management"><link xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/highlighter/foundation.css"><script src="js/highlight.pack.js"></script><script>
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Version: 9.3.28.v20191105</span></td><td style="width: 50%"></td></tr></table><div xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Startup via Windows Service</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="startup-unix-service.html"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> Previous</a>&nbsp;</td><th width="60%" align="center">Chapter&nbsp;9.&nbsp;Starting Jetty<br><a accesskey="p" href="index.html"><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i> Home</a></th><td width="20%" align="right">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="session-management.html">Next <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" class="jetty-callout"><h5 class="callout"><a href="">Contact the core Jetty developers at
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</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="startup-windows-service"></a>Startup via Windows Service</h2></div></div></div><p>There are no components that ship with the Jetty Distribution to make it a formal Windows Service.</p><p>However, we recommend the use of <a class="link" href="" target="_top">Apache ProcRun&#8217;s Daemon</a>.</p><p>The techniques outlined here are based on Windows 7 (64-bit), using JDK 8 (64-bit), running on an Intel i7 architecture machine.</p><p>Prepare some empty directories to work with.</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">C:\&gt; mkdir opt
C:\&gt; cd opt
C:\opt&gt; mkdir jetty
C:\opt&gt; mkdir logs
C:\opt&gt; mkdir myappbase
C:\opt&gt; mkdir temp
C:\opt&gt; dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is DEAD-BEEF
Directory of C:\opt
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; .
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; ..
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; jetty
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; logs
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; myappbase
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; temp
0 File(s) 0 bytes</pre></div><p>The directory purposes are as follows:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span class="term">C:\opt</span></dt><dd>Where the service layer utilities, scripts, and binaries will eventually be.</dd><dt><span class="term">C:\opt\logs</span></dt><dd><p class="simpara">Where the logs for the service layer will put its own logs.</p><p class="simpara">Typically you will see the audit logs (install/update/delete), StdOutput, and StdError logs here.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">C:\opt\jetty</span></dt><dd>Where the Jetty Distribution will be unpacked into.</dd><dt><span class="term">C:\opt\myappbase</span></dt><dd>Where your specific set of webapps will be located, including all of the configuration required of the server to make them operational.</dd><dt><span class="term">C:\opt\temp</span></dt><dd><p class="simpara">This is the temporary directory assigned to Java by the Service Layer (this is what Java sees as the <code class="literal"></code> System Property).</p><p class="simpara">This is intentionally kept separate from the standard temp directories of Windows, as this location doubles as the Servlet Spec work directory.</p></dd></dl></div><p>Or download Java 8 from: <a class="link" href="" target="_top"></a></p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">C:\opt&gt;java -version
java version "1.7.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)</pre></div><p>Download a copy of the ZIP distribution from the <a class="link" href="quick-start-getting-started.html#jetty-downloading" title="Downloading Jetty">Official Eclipse Download Site</a></p><p>Extract the contents of the <code class="literal">jetty-distribution-{VERSION}</code> directory to <code class="literal">C:\opt\jetty</code></p><p>Once complete, the contents of the <code class="literal">C:\opt\jetty</code> directory should look like this:</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">C:\opt\jetty&gt;dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is C8CF-820B
Directory of C:\opt\jetty
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; .
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; ..
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; bin
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; demo-base
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; etc
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; lib
11/21/2013 12:13 PM 30,012 license-eplv10-aslv20.html
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; logs
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; modules
11/21/2013 12:13 PM 6,262 notice.html
11/21/2013 12:13 PM 1,249 README.TXT
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; resources
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; start.d
11/21/2013 12:13 PM 2,126 start.ini
11/21/2013 12:13 PM 72,226 start.jar
11/21/2013 12:13 PM 341,784 VERSION.txt
11/21/2013 12:13 PM &lt;DIR&gt; webapps
6 File(s) 453,659 bytes
11 Dir(s) 306,711,420,928 bytes free</pre></div><p>Download a copy of the <a class="link" href="" target="_top">Apache ProcRun</a> native binaries.</p><p>You should have downloaded a file named <code class="literal"></code> (the version might be different).
Open the ZIP file and extract the <code class="literal">prunmgr.exe</code> and <code class="literal">prunsrv.exe</code> files into the <code class="literal">C:\opt</code> directory.</p><p>Make sure to get the right version of <code class="literal">prunsrv.exe</code> for your environment.
The ZIP file has both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of this file.</p><p>Once you are complete, the contents of <code class="literal">C:\opt</code> directory should look like this:</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">C:\opt&gt; dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is DEAD-BEEF
Directory of C:\opt
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; .
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; ..
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; jetty
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; logs
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; myappbase
11/21/2013 04:06 PM &lt;DIR&gt; temp
11/21/2013 04:11 PM 104,448 prunmgr.exe
11/21/2013 04:11 PM 80,896 prunsrv.exe
2 File(s) 185,344 bytes</pre></div><p>Now it&#8217;s time to setup your new <code class="literal">${jetty.base}</code> directory to have all of your WebApps and the configurations that they need.</p><p>We&#8217;ll start by specifying which modules we want to use (this will create a start.ini file and also create a few empty directories for you)</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">C:\opt\myappbase&gt;java -jar ..\jetty\start.jar --add-to-start=deploy,http,logging
WARNING: deploy initialised in ${jetty.base}\start.ini (appended)
WARNING: deploy enabled in ${jetty.base}\start.ini
MKDIR: ${jetty.base}\webapps
WARNING: server initialised in ${jetty.base}\start.ini (appended)
WARNING: server enabled in ${jetty.base}\start.ini
WARNING: http initialised in ${jetty.base}\start.ini (appended)
WARNING: http enabled in ${jetty.base}\start.ini
WARNING: server enabled in ${jetty.base}\start.ini
WARNING: logging initialised in ${jetty.base}\start.ini (appended)
WARNING: logging enabled in ${jetty.base}\start.ini
MKDIR: ${jetty.base}\logs
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is C8CF-820B
Directory of C:\opt\myappbase
11/21/2013 12:49 PM &lt;DIR&gt; .
11/21/2013 12:49 PM &lt;DIR&gt; ..
11/21/2013 12:49 PM &lt;DIR&gt; logs
11/21/2013 12:49 PM 1,355 start.ini
11/21/2013 12:49 PM &lt;DIR&gt; webapps
1 File(s) 1,355 bytes
4 Dir(s) 306,711,064,576 bytes free</pre></div><p>At this point you have configured your <code class="literal">C:\opt\myappbase</code> to enable the following modules:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span class="term">deploy</span></dt><dd>This is the module that will perform deployment of web applications (WAR files or exploded directories), or Jetty IoC XML context deployables, from the <code class="literal">C:\opt\myappbase\webapps</code> directory.</dd><dt><span class="term">http</span></dt><dd><p class="simpara">This sets up a single Connector that listens for basic HTTP requests.</p><p class="simpara">See the created <code class="literal">start.ini</code> for configuring this connector.</p></dd><dt><span class="term">logging</span></dt><dd>When running Jetty as a service it is very important to have logging enabled.
This module will enable the basic STDOUT and STDERR capture logging to the <code class="literal">C:\opt\myappbase\logs</code> directory.</dd></dl></div><p>See the section on <a class="xref" href="start-jar.html" title="Using start.jar">Using start.jar</a> for more details and options on setting up and configuring a <code class="literal">${jetty.base}</code> directory.</p><p>At this point you merely have to copy your WAR files into the <code class="literal">{$jetty.base}/webapps</code> directory.</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">C:\opt\myappbase&gt; copy C:\projects\mywebsite.war webapps\</pre></div><p>At this point you should have your directories, Java, the Jetty distribution, and your webapp specifics setup and ready for operation.</p><p>We will use the <a class="link" href="" target="_top">Apache ProcRun&#8217;s prunsrv.exe</a> to install a Jetty Service.</p><p>The basic command line syntax is outlined in the link above.</p><p>A example <code class="literal">install-jetty-service.bat</code> is provided here as an example, based on the above directories.</p><pre xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date=""><code>@echo off
set SERVICE_NAME=JettyService
set JETTY_HOME=C:\opt\jetty
set JETTY_BASE=C:\opt\myappbase
set STOPKEY=secret
set STOPPORT=50001
set PR_INSTALL=C:\opt\prunsrv.exe
@REM Service Log Configuration
set PR_LOGPATH=C:\opt\logs
set PR_STDERROR=auto
@REM Path to Java Installation
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45
set PR_JVM=%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
set PR_CLASSPATH=%JETTY_HOME%\start.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar
@REM JVM Configuration
set PR_JVMMS=128
set PR_JVMMX=512
set PR_JVMSS=4000
set PR_JVMOPTIONS=-Duser.dir="%JETTY_BASE%";"C:\opt\temp";-Djetty.home="%JETTY_HOME%";-Djetty.base="%JETTY_BASE%"
@REM Startup Configuration
set JETTY_START_CLASS=org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main
set PR_STARTUP=auto
@REM Shutdown Configuration
set PR_STOPMODE=java
--DisplayName="%SERVICE_NAME%" ^
--Install="%PR_INSTALL%" ^
--Startup="%PR_STARTUP%" ^
--LogPath="%PR_LOGPATH%" ^
--LogPrefix="%PR_LOGPREFIX%" ^
--LogLevel="%PR_LOGLEVEL%" ^
--StdOutput="%PR_STDOUTPUT%" ^
--StdError="%PR_STDERROR%" ^
--JavaHome="%JAVA_HOME%" ^
--Jvm="%PR_JVM%" ^
--JvmMs="%PR_JVMMS%" ^
--JvmMx="%PR_JVMMX%" ^
--JvmSs="%PR_JVMSS%" ^
--JvmOptions="%PR_JVMOPTIONS%" ^
--Classpath="%PR_CLASSPATH%" ^
--StartMode="%PR_STARTMODE%" ^
--StartClass="%JETTY_START_CLASS%" ^
--StartParams="%PR_STARTPARAMS%" ^
--StopMode="%PR_STOPMODE%" ^
--StopClass="%PR_STOPCLASS%" ^
if not errorlevel 1 goto installed
echo Failed to install "%SERVICE_NAME%" service. Refer to log in %PR_LOGPATH%
goto end
echo The Service "%SERVICE_NAME%" has been installed
:end</code></pre><p>Configuration&#8217;s of note in this batch file:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span class="term">SERVICE_NAME</span></dt><dd>This is the name of the service that Windows sees.
The name in the Services window will show this name.</dd><dt><span class="term">STOPKEY</span></dt><dd>This is the secret key (password) for the ShutdownMonitor, used to issue a formal command to stop the server.</dd><dt><span class="term">STOPPORT</span></dt><dd><p class="simpara">The port that the Shutdown Monitor listens on for the stop command.</p><p class="simpara">If you have multiple Jetty servers on the same machine, this port will need to be different for each Service.</p></dd></dl></div><p>Once you have run <code class="literal">prunsrv.exe //IS/&lt;service-name&gt;</code> (done for you in the above batch file) to install the service, you can use the standard Windows utilities to manage (start/stop/restart) the Jetty service.</p><p>Open the Service View and start your service.</p><p><span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="images/windows-service-jetty.png" width="576" alt="image"></span></p></div><script type="text/javascript">
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