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<title>Managing Startup Modules</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/docbook.css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.79.1"><meta name="keywords" content="jetty, servlet, servlet-api, cometd, http, websocket, eclipse, maven, java, server, software"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Jetty"><link rel="up" href="startup.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;9.&nbsp;Starting Jetty"><link rel="prev" href="startup-classpath.html" title="Managing Server Classpath"><link rel="next" href="custom-modules.html" title="Custom Modules"><link xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/highlighter/foundation.css"><script src="js/highlight.pack.js"></script><script>
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Version: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT</span></td><td style="width: 50%"></td></tr></table><div xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Managing Startup Modules</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="startup-classpath.html"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> Previous</a>&nbsp;</td><th width="60%" align="center">Chapter&nbsp;9.&nbsp;Starting Jetty<br><a accesskey="p" href="index.html"><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i> Home</a></th><td width="20%" align="right">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="custom-modules.html">Next <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" class="jetty-callout"><h5 class="callout"><a href="">Contact the core Jetty developers at
<span class="website"></span></a></h5><p>
private support for your internal/customer projects ... custom extensions and distributions ... versioned snapshots for indefinite support ...
scalability guidance for your apps and Ajax/Comet projects ... development services for sponsored feature development
</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="startup-modules"></a>Managing Startup Modules</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><dl class="toc"><dt><span class="section"><a href="startup-modules.html#enabling-modules">Enabling Modules</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="startup-modules.html#start-vs-startd">Start.ini vs. Start.d</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="startup-modules.html#startup-configuring-modules">Configuring Modules</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="startup-modules.html#startup-disable-module">Disabling Modules</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="startup-modules.html#startup-listing-modules">Listing Available and Active Modules</a></span></dt></dl></div><p>The standard Jetty Distribution ships with several modules defined in <code class="literal">${jetty.home}/modules/</code>.
Modules interact with Jetty XML files to configure options and parameters for the server and are the primary configuration method for Jetty distributions.
Modules allow flexibility for implementations and their plug-and-play nature makes adding or removing server functionality virtually painless.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="enabling-modules"></a>Enabling Modules</h3></div></div></div><div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote"><div xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" class="tip" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title"><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> Tip</h3><p>The default distribution has a co-mingled <code class="literal">${jetty.home}</code> and <code class="literal">${jetty.base}</code> where the directories for <code class="literal">${jetty.home}</code> and <code class="literal">${jetty.base}</code> point to the same location.
It is highly encouraged that you learn about the differences in <a class="link" href="startup-base-and-home.html" title="Managing Jetty Base and Jetty Home">Jetty Base vs Jetty Home</a> and take full advantage of this setup.</p></div></blockquote></div><p>Enabling a module is a simple process: simply add the <code class="literal">--add-to-start=&lt;module-name1&gt;,&lt;module-name2&gt;,...etc.</code> syntax on the command line.
Doing this will enable the specified module and any dependent modules.</p><p>An example of this with a new, empty, base directory:</p><p>If we try to start the Jetty server with no configuration or modules enabled, it will promptly exit:</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">[jetty]$ mkdir mybase
[jetty]$ cd mybase
[mybase]$ ls -la
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 staff staff 68 Jul 12 17:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 20 staff staff 680 Jul 12 17:29 ..
[mybase]$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar
WARNING: Nothing to start, exiting ...
Usage: java -jar start.jar [options] [properties] [configs]
java -jar start.jar --help # for more information</pre></div><p>By using the <code class="literal">--list-config</code> parameter to our startup command, we can see that there are no modules enabled and no Jetty XML files are active:</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">[mybase]$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --list-config
Java Environment:
java.home = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_92.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
java.vm.vendor = Oracle Corporation
java.vm.version = 25.92-b14 = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM = mixed mode = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
java.runtime.version = 1.8.0_92-b14 = /var/folders/h6/yb_lbnnn11g0y1jjlvqg631h0000gn/T/
user.dir = /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT/mybase
user.language = en = US
Jetty Environment:
jetty.version = 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT
jetty.tag.version = master
jetty.home = /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT
jetty.base = /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT/mybase
Config Search Order:
${jetty.base} -&gt; /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT/mybase
${jetty.home} -&gt; /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT
JVM Arguments:
(no jvm args specified)
System Properties:
(no system properties specified)
java.version = 1.8.0_92
Jetty Server Classpath:
No classpath entries and/or version information available show.
Jetty Active XMLs:
(no xml files specified)</pre></div><p>Let&#8217;s try adding some basic support for webapps, with automatic deploy (hot deploy), and a single basic HTTP/1.1 connector.</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">[mybase]$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-to-start=http,webapp,deploy
INFO : webapp initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.ini
INFO : server transitively enabled, ini template available with --add-to-start=server
INFO : security transitively enabled
INFO : servlet transitively enabled
INFO : http initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.ini
INFO : deploy initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.ini
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/webapps
INFO : Base directory was modified</pre></div><p>This creates the webapps directory in our <code class="literal">mybase</code> directory and appended the <code class="literal">start.ini</code> file with the ini template arguments from the associated module files.
Additionally, where needed, Jetty enabled any module dependencies.</p><p>Now that we have added some modules to our server, let&#8217;s run <code class="literal">--list-config</code> again to review our new configuration.</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">[mybase]$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --list-config
Java Environment:
java.home = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_92.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
java.vm.vendor = Oracle Corporation
java.vm.version = 25.92-b14 = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM = mixed mode = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
java.runtime.version = 1.8.0_92-b14 = /var/folders/h6/yb_lbnnn11g0y1jjlvqg631h0000gn/T/
user.dir = /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT/mybase
user.language = en = US
Jetty Environment:
jetty.version = 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT
jetty.tag.version = master
jetty.home = /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT
jetty.base = /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT/mybase
Config Search Order:
${jetty.base} -&gt; /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT/mybase
${jetty.home} -&gt; /Users/staff/installs/repository/jetty-distribution-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT
JVM Arguments:
(no jvm args specified)
System Properties:
(no system properties specified)
java.version = 1.8.0_92
Jetty Server Classpath:
Version Information on 11 entries in the classpath.
Note: order presented here is how they would appear on the classpath.
changes to the --module=name command line options will be reflected here.
0: 3.1.0 | ${jetty.home}/lib/servlet-api-3.1.jar
1: 3.1.0.M0 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-schemas-3.1.jar
2: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-http-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT.jar
3: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-server-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT.jar
4: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-xml-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT.jar
5: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-util-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT.jar
6: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-io-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT.jar
7: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-security-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT.jar
8: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-servlet-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT.jar
9: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-webapp-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT.jar
10: 9.4.28-SNAPSHOT | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-deploy-9.4.28-SNAPSHOT.jar
Jetty Active XMLs:
${jetty.home}/etc/jetty-http.xml</pre></div><p>You now have a configured and functional server, albeit with no webapps deployed.
At this point you can place a webapp (war file) in the <code class="literal">mybase/webapps/</code> directory and and start Jetty.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="start-vs-startd"></a>Start.ini vs. Start.d</h3></div></div></div><p>In the above example, when a module is activated the contents of that module file are added in <code class="literal">${jetty.base}/start.ini</code>.
As additional modules are added, their contents are appended to this file.
This can be beneficial if you want all of your module configurations in a single file, but for large server instances with lots of modules it can pose a challenge to quickly find and make changes or to remove a module.</p><p>As an alternative to a single <code class="literal">start.ini</code> file you can opt to house modules in a <code class="literal">${jetty.base}/start.d</code> directory.
Modules activated when a <code class="literal">start.d</code> directory exists will be stored as a single file per module.
Below is an example of a fresh <code class="literal">${jetty.base}</code> that will create a <code class="literal">start.d</code> directory and activate several modules.</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">[jetty.home]$ mkdir mybase
[jetty.home]$ cd mybase/
[mybase]$ java -jar ../start.jar --create-startd
INFO : Base directory was modified
[mybase]$ ls -all
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 staff staff 102 Aug 29 15:16 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 26 staff staff 884 Aug 29 15:16 ..
drwxr-xr-x 6 staff staff 204 Aug 29 15:19 start.d
[mybase]$ java -jar ../start.jar --add-to-start=server,client,webapp,websocket
INFO : webapp initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.d/webapp.ini
INFO : server initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.d/server.ini
INFO : websocket initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.d/websocket.ini
INFO : client initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.d/client.ini
INFO : Base directory was modified
[mybase]$ cd start.d/
[mybase]$ ls -all
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 6 staff staff 204 Aug 29 15:19 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 staff staff 102 Aug 29 15:16 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 staff staff 175 Aug 29 15:19 client.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 staff staff 2250 Aug 29 15:19 server.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 staff staff 265 Aug 29 15:19 webapp.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 staff staff 177 Aug 29 15:19 websocket.ini</pre></div><p>In the example, we first create a new <code class="literal">${jetty.base}</code> and then create the <code class="literal">start.d</code> directory with the <code class="literal">--create-startd</code> command.
Next, we use the <code class="literal">--add-to-start</code> command which activates the modules and creates their respective ini files in the <code class="literal">start.d</code> directory.</p><p>If you have an existing <code class="literal">start.ini</code> file but would like to use the <code class="literal">start.d</code> structure for additional modules, you can use the <code class="literal">--create-startd</code> command as well.
Doing this will create the <code class="literal">start.d</code> directory and copy your existing <code class="literal">start.ini</code> file in to it.
Any new modules added to the server will have their own <code class="literal">&lt;module name&gt;.ini</code> file created in the <code class="literal">start.d</code> directory.</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">[mybase]$ java -jar ../start.jar --add-to-start=server,client,webapp,websocket
INFO : webapp initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.ini
INFO : server initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.ini
INFO : websocket initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.ini
INFO : client initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.ini
INFO : Base directory was modified
[mybase]$ java -jar ../start.jar --create-startd
INFO : Base directory was modified
[mybase]$ tree
&#9492;&#9472;&#9472; start.d
&#9492;&#9472;&#9472; start.ini
[mybase]$ java -jar ../start.jar --add-to-start=ssl
INFO : ssl initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.d/ssl.ini
INFO : Base directory was modified
[mybase]$ tree
&#9500;&#9472;&#9472; etc
&#9474;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#9492;&#9472;&#9472; keystore
&#9492;&#9472;&#9472; start.d
&#9500;&#9472;&#9472; ssl.ini
&#9492;&#9472;&#9472; start.ini</pre></div><div xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title"><i class="fa fa-asterisk" aria-hidden="true"></i> Note</h3><p>It is <span class="strong"><strong>not</strong></span> recommended to use both a <code class="literal">${jetty.base}/start.ini</code> file and a <code class="literal">${jetty.base}/start.d</code> directory at the same time and doing so can cause issues.</p></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="startup-configuring-modules"></a>Configuring Modules</h3></div></div></div><p>Once a module has been enabled for the server, it can be further configured to meet your needs.
This is done by editing the associated ini file for the module.
If your server setup is using a centralized ini configuration, you will edit the <code class="literal">${jetty.base}/server.ini</code> file.
If you have elected to manage each module within it&#8217;s own ini file, you can find these files in the <code class="literal">${jetty.base}/start.d</code> directory.</p><div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote"><div xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" class="important" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title"><i class="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i> Important</h3><p>It is important that you <span class="strong"><strong>do not</strong></span> modify the module files in the <code class="literal">$JETTY_HOME/modules</code> directory.
$JETTY_HOME should always remain a standard of truth.
If you want to make a change to an actual module file (not the values in its <code class="literal">ini-template</code>), either edit its associated <code class="literal">ini</code> file in the <code class="literal">$JETTY_BASE/start.d</code> directory or make a copy of the desired module file and copy it to the <code class="literal">$JETTY_BASE</code> directory and edit it there.
The start.jar reads local <code class="literal">$JETTY_BASE/modules</code> files (if they exist) before scanning <code class="literal">$JETTY_HOME</code>.</p></div></blockquote></div><p>When a module is activated, a number of properties are set by default.
To view these defaults, open up the associated ini file.
Listed in the ini file is the associated module file and any properties that can be set.</p><p>Below is an example of the <code class="literal">requestlog.ini</code> file:</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen"># ---------------------------------------
# Module: requestlog
## Logging directory (relative to $jetty.base)
# jetty.requestlog.dir=logs
## File path
# jetty.requestlog.filePath=${jetty.requestlog.dir}/yyyy_mm_dd.request.log
## Date format for rollovered files (uses SimpleDateFormat syntax)
# jetty.requestlog.filenameDateFormat=yyyy_MM_dd
## How many days to retain old log files
# jetty.requestlog.retainDays=90
## Whether to append to existing file
# jetty.requestlog.append=true
## Whether to use the extended log output
# jetty.requestlog.extended=true
## Whether to log http cookie information
# jetty.requestlog.cookies=true
## Timezone of the log entries
# jetty.requestlog.timezone=GMT
## Whether to log LogLatency
# jetty.requestlog.loglatency=false</pre></div><p>The first lines name the module file being called (located in <code class="literal">{$jetty.home/modules}</code>).
Subsequent lines list properties that can be changed as well as a description for each property.
To edit a property, first un-comment the line by deleting the <code class="literal">#</code> at the start of the line, then make the change after <code class="literal">=</code> sign (such as changing a <code class="literal">true</code> value to <code class="literal">false</code>).</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="startup-disable-module"></a>Disabling Modules</h3></div></div></div><p>Disabling a module is an easy process.
To disable a module, comment out the <code class="literal">--module=</code> line in the associated ini file.
Deleting the ini file associated with module is another option, but may not be practical in all situations.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="startup-listing-modules"></a>Listing Available and Active Modules</h3></div></div></div><p>To see which modules are <span class="emphasis"><em>available</em></span>, use the <code class="literal">--list-modules</code> command line argument.
This command will also show you which modules are <span class="emphasis"><em>enabled</em></span>.
Modules are sorted by the value in the <code class="literal">[tags]</code> section of the associated <code class="literal">.mod</code> file.
If there are multiple entries in the <code class="literal">[tags]</code> section, it sorts by the first tag in the list.</p><div class="blockquote"><blockquote class="blockquote"><div xmlns:jfetch="" xmlns:fetch="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:l="" xmlns:xslthl="" xmlns:gcse="" xmlns:date="" class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title"><i class="fa fa-asterisk" aria-hidden="true"></i> Note</h3><p>By default, the <code class="literal">--list-modules</code> command line argument shows all modules that do not include <code class="literal">internal</code> in the <code class="literal">[tags]</code> section of the associated <code class="literal">.mod</code> file.
If you would like to see <span class="strong"><strong>all</strong></span> modules, use <code class="literal">--list-all-modules</code></p></div></blockquote></div><p>Here&#8217;s an example of the <code class="literal">--list-modules</code> command:</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">[mybase]$ java -jar ../start.jar --list-modules
Available Modules:
tags: [-internal]
Modules for tag '*':
Module: alpn
: Enables the ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation) TLS extension.
Depend: ssl, alpn-impl
LIB: lib/jetty-alpn-client-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-alpn-server-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-alpn.xml
Module: alpn-impl
: Selects an ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation) implementation by java version.
Depend: alpn-impl/alpn-${java.version.platform}
Module: annotations
: Enables Annotation scanning for deployed webapplications.
Depend: plus
LIB: lib/jetty-annotations-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/annotations/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-annotations.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\annotations.ini
Module: apache-jsp
: Enables use of the apache implementation of JSP
LIB: lib/apache-jsp/*.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of apache-jsp for jsp
Module: apache-jstl
: Enables the apache version of JSTL
LIB: lib/apache-jstl/*.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of apache-jstl for jstl
Module: cdi2
: Jetty setup to support Weld/CDI2 with WELD inside the webapp
Depend: deploy
XML: etc/cdi2/jetty-cdi2.xml
Module: client
: Adds the Jetty HTTP client to the server classpath.
LIB: lib/jetty-client-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\client.ini
Module: continuation
: Enables support for Continuation style asynchronous
: Servlets. Now deprecated in favour of Servlet 3.1
LIB: lib/jetty-continuation-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\continuation.ini
Module: deploy
: Enables webapplication deployment from the webapps directory.
Depend: webapp
LIB: lib/jetty-deploy-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-deploy.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\deploy.ini
Module: fcgi
: Adds the FastCGI implementation to the classpath.
Depend: servlet, client
LIB: lib/jetty-proxy-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/fcgi/*.jar
Module: flight-recorder
Depend: server
JVM: -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures
JVM: -XX:+FlightRecorder
Module: global-webapp-common
: Enables Deployer to apply common configuration to all webapp deployments
Depend: deploy
XML: etc/global-webapp-common.xml
Module: hazelcast-embedded-sessions
Depend: annotations, webapp
LIB: lib/hazelcast/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/hazelcast/default.xml
Module: hazelcast-remote-sessions
Depend: annotations, webapp
LIB: lib/hazelcast/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/hazelcast/remote.xml
Module: home-base-warning
: Generates a warning that server has been run from $JETTY_HOME
: rather than from a $JETTY_BASE.
XML: etc/home-base-warning.xml
Module: jaas
: Enable JAAS for deployed webapplications.
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-jaas-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-jaas.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\demo.ini
Module: jaspi
: Enable JASPI authentication for deployed webapplications.
Depend: security
LIB: lib/jetty-jaspi-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jaspi/*.jar
Module: jmx
: Enables JMX instrumentation for server beans and
: enables JMX agent.
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-jmx-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-jmx.xml
Module: jmx-remote
: Enables remote RMI access to JMX
Depend: jmx
XML: etc/jetty-jmx-remote.xml
Module: jndi
: Adds the Jetty JNDI implementation to the classpath.
Depend: server, mail
LIB: lib/jetty-jndi-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jndi/*.jar
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\jndi.ini
Module: jsp
: Enables JSP for all webapplications deployed on the server.
Depend: servlet, annotations, apache-jsp
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\jsp.ini
Module: jstl
: Enables JSTL for all webapplications deployed on the server
Depend: jsp, apache-jstl
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\jstl.ini
Module: jvm
: A noop module that creates an ini template useful for
: setting JVM arguments (eg -Xmx )
Module: lowresources
: Enables a low resource monitor on the server
: that can take actions if threads and/or connections
: cross configured threshholds.
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-lowresources.xml
Module: mail
: Adds the javax.mail implementation to the classpath.
LIB: lib/mail/*.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of mail for jndi
Module: plus
: Enables JNDI and resource injection for webapplications
: and other servlet 3.x features not supported in the core
: jetty webapps module.
Depend: server, security, jndi, webapp, transactions
LIB: lib/jetty-plus-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-plus.xml
Enabled: transitive provider of plus for annotations
Module: proxy
: Enable the Jetty Proxy, that allows the server to act
: as a non-transparent proxy for browsers.
Depend: servlet, client
LIB: lib/jetty-proxy-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-proxy.xml
Module: proxy-protocol
: Enables the Proxy Protocol on the HTTP Connector.
: This allows a proxy operating in TCP mode to
: transport details of the proxied connection to
: the server.
: Both V1 and V2 versions of the protocol are supported.
Depend: http
XML: etc/jetty-proxy-protocol.xml
Module: quickstart
: Enables the Jetty Quickstart module for rapid
: deployment of preconfigured webapplications.
Depend: server, plus, annotations
LIB: lib/jetty-quickstart-${jetty.version}.jar
Module: rewrite
: Enables the jetty-rewrite handler. Specific rewrite
: rules must be added to either to etc/jetty-rewrite.xml or a custom xml/module
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-rewrite-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-rewrite.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\demo.ini
Module: rewrite-compactpath
: Add a rule to the rewrite module to compact paths so that double slashes
: in the path are treated as a single slash.
Depend: rewrite
XML: etc/rewrite-compactpath.xml
Module: rewrite-customizer [rewrite]
: Enables a rewrite Rules container as a request customizer on
: the servers default HttpConfiguration instance
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-rewrite-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-rewrite-customizer.xml
Module: security
: Adds servlet standard security handling to the classpath.
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-security-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of security for webapp
Enabled: transitive provider of security for plus
Module: server
: Enables the core Jetty server on the classpath.
Depend: threadpool
Optional: jvm, ext, resources, logging
LIB: lib/servlet-api-3.1.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-schemas-3.1.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-http-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-server-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-xml-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-util-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-io-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\server.ini
Module: servlet
: Enables standard Servlet handling.
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-servlet-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of servlet for webapp
Enabled: transitive provider of servlet for servlets
Enabled: transitive provider of servlet for jsp
Module: servlets
: Puts a collection of jetty utility servlets and filters
: on the server classpath (CGI, CrossOriginFilter, DosFilter,
: MultiPartFilter, PushCacheFilter, QoSFilter, etc.) for
: use by all webapplications.
Depend: servlet
LIB: lib/jetty-servlets-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\servlets.ini
Module: setuid
: Enables the unix setUID configuration so that the server
: may be started as root to open privileged ports/files before
: changing to a restricted user (eg jetty).
Depend: server
LIB: lib/setuid/jetty-setuid-java-1.0.3.jar
XML: etc/jetty-setuid.xml
Module: spring
: Enable spring configuration processing so all jetty style
: xml files can optionally be written as spring beans
Depend: server
LIB: lib/spring/*.jar
Module: stop
: This module causes jetty to stop immediately after starting. This is good for testing configuration and/or precompiling quickstart webapps
XML: etc/jetty-stop.xml
Module: threadpool
: Enables the Server thread pool.
XML: etc/jetty-threadpool.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\threadpool.ini
Module: transactions
: Puts javax.transaction api on the classpath
LIB: lib/transactions/*.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of transactions for plus
Module: webapp
: Adds support for servlet specification webapplication to the server
: classpath. Without this, only Jetty specific handlers may be deployed.
Depend: servlet, security
LIB: lib/jetty-webapp-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-webapp.xml
Enabled: transitive provider of webapp for plus
Enabled: transitive provider of webapp for deploy
Module: websocket
: Enable websockets for deployed web applications
Depend: client, annotations
LIB: lib/websocket/*.jar
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\demo.ini
Modules for tag '3rdparty':
Module: conscrypt [alpn-impl]
: Installs the Conscrypt JSSE provider
Tags: 3rdparty
Depend: ssl
LIB: lib/conscrypt/**.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-alpn-conscrypt-server-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/conscrypt.xml
Module: gcloud
: Control GCloud API classpath
Tags: 3rdparty, gcloud
LIB: lib/gcloud/*.jar
Module: gcloud-datastore
: Enables GCloud Datastore API and implementation
Tags: 3rdparty, gcloud
Depend: gcloud, jcl-slf4j, jul-impl
Module: hawtio
: Deploys the Hawtio console as a webapplication.
Tags: 3rdparty
Depend: stats, deploy, jmx
XML: etc/hawtio.xml
Module: jamon
: Deploys the JAMon webapplication
Tags: 3rdparty
Depend: stats, deploy, jmx, jsp
LIB: lib/jamon/**.jar
XML: etc/jamon.xml
Module: jminix
: Deploys the Jminix JMX Console within the server
Tags: 3rdparty
Depend: stats, jmx, jcl-api, jcl-impl
LIB: lib/jminix/**.jar
XML: etc/jminix.xml
Module: jolokia
: Deploys the Jolokia console as a web application.
Tags: 3rdparty
Depend: stats, deploy, jmx
XML: etc/jolokia.xml
Modules for tag 'classpath':
Module: ext
: Adds all jar files discovered in $JETTY_HOME/lib/ext
: and $JETTY_BASE/lib/ext to the servers classpath.
Tags: classpath
LIB: lib/ext/**.jar
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\ext.ini
Module: resources
: Adds the $JETTY_HOME/resources and/or $JETTY_BASE/resources
: directory to the server classpath. Useful for configuration
: property files (eg
Tags: classpath
LIB: resources/
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\resources.ini
Modules for tag 'connector':
Module: acceptratelimit
: Enable a server wide accept rate limit
Tags: connector
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-acceptratelimit.xml
Module: connectionlimit
: Enable a server wide connection limit
Tags: connector
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-connectionlimit.xml
Module: http
: Enables a HTTP connector on the server.
: By default HTTP/1 is support, but HTTP2C can
: be added to the connector with the http2c module.
Tags: connector, http
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-http.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\http.ini
Module: http-forwarded
: Adds a forwarded request customizer to the HTTP Connector
: to process forwarded-for style headers from a proxy.
Tags: connector
Depend: http
XML: etc/jetty-http-forwarded.xml
Module: http2
: Enables HTTP2 protocol support on the TLS(SSL) Connector,
: using the ALPN extension to select which protocol to use.
Tags: connector, http2, http, ssl
Depend: ssl, alpn
LIB: lib/http2/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-http2.xml
Module: http2c
: Enables the HTTP2C protocol on the HTTP Connector
: The connector will accept both HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 connections.
Tags: connector, http2, http
Depend: http
LIB: lib/http2/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-http2c.xml
Module: https
: Adds HTTPS protocol support to the TLS(SSL) Connector
Tags: connector, https, http, ssl
Depend: ssl
Optional: http-forwarded, http2
XML: etc/jetty-https.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}\start.d\https.ini
Module: proxy-protocol-ssl
: Enables the Proxy Protocol on the TLS(SSL) Connector.
: This allows a Proxy operating in TCP mode to transport
: details of the proxied connection to the server.
: Both V1 and V2 versions of the protocol are supported.
Tags: connector, ssl
Depend: ssl
XML: etc/jetty-proxy-protocol-ssl.xml
Module: ssl
: Enables a TLS(SSL) Connector on the server.
: This may be used for HTTPS and/or HTTP2 by enabling
: the associated support modules.
Tags: connector, ssl
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-ssl.xml
XML: etc/jetty-ssl-context.xml
Enabled: transitive provider of ssl for https
Module: unixsocket
: Enables a Unix Domain Socket Connector that can receive
: requests from a local proxy and/or SSL offloader (eg haproxy) in either
: HTTP or TCP mode. Unix Domain Sockets are more efficient than
: localhost TCP/IP connections as they reduce data copies, avoid
: needless fragmentation and have better dispatch behaviours.
: When enabled with corresponding support modules, the connector can
: accept HTTP, HTTPS or HTTP2C traffic.
Tags: connector
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-unixsocket-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jnr/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket.xml
Module: unixsocket-forwarded
: Adds a forwarded request customizer to the HTTP configuration used
: by the Unix Domain Socket connector, for use when behind a proxy operating
: in HTTP mode that adds forwarded-for style HTTP headers. Typically this
: is an alternate to the Proxy Protocol used mostly for TCP mode.
Tags: connector
Depend: unixsocket-http
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-forwarded.xml
Module: unixsocket-http
: Adds a HTTP protocol support to the Unix Domain Socket connector.
: It should be used when a proxy is forwarding either HTTP or decrypted
: HTTPS traffic to the connector and may be used with the
: unix-socket-http2c modules to upgrade to HTTP/2.
Tags: connector, http
Depend: unixsocket
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-http.xml
Module: unixsocket-http2c
: Adds a HTTP2C connetion factory to the Unix Domain Socket Connector
: It can be used when either the proxy forwards direct
: HTTP/2C (unecrypted) or decrypted HTTP/2 traffic.
Tags: connector, http2
Depend: unixsocket-http
LIB: lib/http2/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-http2c.xml
Module: unixsocket-proxy-protocol
: Enables the proxy protocol on the Unix Domain Socket Connector
: This allows information about the proxied connection to be
: efficiently forwarded as the connection is accepted.
: Both V1 and V2 versions of the protocol are supported and any
: SSL properties may be interpreted by the unixsocket-secure
: module to indicate secure HTTPS traffic. Typically this
: is an alternate to the forwarded module.
Tags: connector
Depend: unixsocket
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-proxy-protocol.xml
Module: unixsocket-secure
: Enable a secure request customizer on the HTTP Configuration
: used by the Unix Domain Socket Connector.
: This looks for a secure scheme transported either by the
: unixsocket-forwarded, unixsocket-proxy-protocol or in a
: HTTP2 request.
Tags: connector
Depend: unixsocket-http
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-secure.xml
Modules for tag 'debug':
Module: debug
: Enables the DebugListener to generate additional
: logging regarding detailed request handling events.
: Renames threads to include request URI.
Tags: debug
Depend: deploy
XML: etc/jetty-debug.xml
Module: debuglog
: Deprecated Debug Log using the DebugHandle.
: Replaced with the debug module.
Tags: debug
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-debuglog.xml
Modules for tag 'handler':
Module: gzip
: Enable GzipHandler for dynamic gzip compression
: for the entire server.
Tags: handler
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-gzip.xml
Module: ipaccess
: Enable the ipaccess handler to apply a white/black list
: control of the remote IP of requests.
Tags: handler
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-ipaccess.xml
Module: stats
: Enable detailed statistics collection for the server,
: available via JMX.
Tags: handler
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-stats.xml
Module: threadlimit
Tags: handler
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-threadlimit.xml
Modules for tag 'logging':
Module: console-capture
: Redirects JVMs console stderr and stdout to a log file,
: including output from Jetty's default StdErrLog logging.
Tags: logging
LIB: resources/
XML: etc/console-capture.xml
Module: logging-jetty [logging]
: Configure jetty logging mechanism.
: Provides a ${jetty.base}/resources/
Tags: logging
Depend: resources
Module: logging-jul [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Java Util Logging (jul)
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: slf4j-jul, jul-impl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-log4j [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Log4j Logging
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: slf4j-log4j, log4j-impl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-log4j2 [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use log4j version 2
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: slf4j-log4j2, log4j2-impl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-logback [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Logback Logging.
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: slf4j-logback, logback-impl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-slf4j [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use slf4j.
: Any slf4j-impl implementation is used
Tags: logging
Depend: slf4j-api, slf4j-impl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Modules for tag 'requestlog':
Module: logback-access [requestlog]
: Enables logback request log.
Tags: requestlog, logging, logback
Depend: server, logback-impl, resources
LIB: lib/logback/logback-access-${logback.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-logback-access.xml
Module: requestlog
: Enables a NCSA style request log.
Tags: requestlog
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-requestlog.xml
Modules for tag 'session':
Module: session-cache-hash [session-cache]
: Enable first level session cache in ConcurrentHashMap.
: If not enabled, sessions will use a HashSessionCache by default, so enabling
: via this module is only needed if the configuration properties need to be
: changed.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
XML: etc/sessions/session-cache-hash.xml
Module: session-cache-null [session-cache]
: A trivial SessionCache that does not actually cache sessions.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
XML: etc/sessions/session-cache-null.xml
Module: session-store-cache
: Enables caching of SessionData in front of a SessionDataStore.
Tags: session
Depend: session-store, sessions/session-data-cache/${session-data-cache}
XML: etc/sessions/session-data-cache/session-caching-store.xml
Module: session-store-file [session-store]
: Enables session persistent storage in files.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
XML: etc/sessions/file/session-store.xml
Module: session-store-gcloud [session-store]
: Enables GCloudDatastore session management.
Tags: session, gcloud
Depend: gcloud-datastore, annotations, webapp, sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-gcloud-session-manager-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/sessions/gcloud/session-store.xml
Module: session-store-hazelcast-embedded [session-store]
: Enables session data store in an embedded Hazelcast Map
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-hazelcast-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/hazelcast/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/hazelcast/default.xml
Module: session-store-hazelcast-remote [session-store]
: Enables session data store in a remote Hazelcast Map
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-hazelcast-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/hazelcast/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/hazelcast/remote.xml
Module: session-store-infinispan-embedded [session-store-infnispan-embedded, session-store]
: Enables session data store in a local Infinispan cache
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-infinispan-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/infinispan/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/infinispan/default.xml
Module: session-store-infinispan-embedded-910 [session-store-infinispan-embedded, session-store]
: Enables session data store in a local Infinispan cache
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-infinispan-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/infinispan/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/infinispan/default.xml
Module: session-store-infinispan-remote [session-store]
: Enables session data store in a remote Infinispan cache
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-infinispan-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/infinispan/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/infinispan/remote.xml
Module: session-store-infinispan-remote-910 [session-store-infinispan-remote, session-store]
: Enables session data store in a remote Infinispan cache
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-infinispan-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/infinispan/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/infinispan/remote.xml
Module: session-store-jdbc [session-store]
: Enables JDBC persistent/distributed session storage.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions, sessions/jdbc/${db-connection-type}
XML: etc/sessions/jdbc/session-store.xml
Module: session-store-mongo [session-store]
: Enables NoSql session management with a MongoDB driver.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions, sessions/mongo/${connection-type}
LIB: lib/jetty-nosql-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/nosql/*.jar
Module: sessions
: The session management. By enabling this module, it allows
: session management to be configured via the ini templates
: created or by enabling other session-cache or session-store
: modules. Without this module enabled, the server may still
: use sessions, but their management cannot be configured.
Tags: session
Depend: server
XML: etc/sessions/id-manager.xml</pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="_searching_modules"></a>Searching Modules</h4></div></div></div><p>Since the introduction of the module system, many new modules have been added.
As a result, looking at the module list as a whole can be somewhat overwhelming.
To narrow down which modules you would like to choose from, you can search by values listed under the <code class="literal">[tags]</code> section.
Note that when you search this way, all modules that include your criteria in it&#8217;s <code class="literal">[tags]</code> section, including internal modules, will be shown.
To filter out internal modules when searching a specific module tag, simply add <code class="literal">-internal</code> to the command line.
For example, if you wanted to look at only the logging modules (excluding the internal implementation modules), you would use <code class="literal">--list-modules=logging,-internal</code>.</p><div class="screenexample"><pre class="screen">[mybase]$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --list-modules=logging,-internal
Available Modules:
tags: [logging, -internal]
Modules for tag 'logging':
Module: console-capture
: Redirects JVMs console stderr and stdout to a log file,
: including output from Jetty's default StdErrLog logging.
Tags: logging
LIB: resources/
XML: etc/console-capture.xml
Module: logging-jcl [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Java Commons Logging (jcl)
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: jcl-impl, slf4j-jcl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-jetty [logging]
: Configure jetty logging mechanism.
: Provides a ${jetty.base}/resources/
Tags: logging
Depend: console-capture, resources
Module: logging-jul [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Java Util Logging (jul)
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: jul-impl, slf4j-jul
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-log4j [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Log4j Logging
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: log4j-impl, slf4j-log4j
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-log4j2 [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use log4j version 2
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: slf4j-log4j2, log4j2-impl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-logback [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Logback Logging.
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: logback-impl, slf4j-logback
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-slf4j [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use slf4j.
: Any slf4j-impl implementation is used
Tags: logging
Depend: slf4j-api, slf4j-impl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Modules for tag 'requestlog':
Module: logback-access [requestlog]
: Enables logback request log.
Tags: requestlog, logging, logback
Depend: server, logback-core, resources
LIB: lib/logback/logback-access-${logback.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-logback-access.xml</pre></div></div></div></div><script type="text/javascript">
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