| <?php |
| |
| # Set the theme for your project's web pages. |
| # See the Committer Tools "How Do I" for list of themes |
| # https://dev.eclipse.org/committers/ |
| # Optional: defaults to system theme |
| $theme = "Nova"; |
| |
| $Nav->setLinkList(null); |
| |
| # Define your project-wide Nav bars here. |
| # Format is Link text, link URL (can be http://www.someothersite.com/), target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3) |
| # these are optional |
| # Adding Portal-based "About" information, to be "Standard left menu"-compliant (see http://www.eclipse.org/projects/dev_process/project-status-infrastructure/left-menu.php) : |
| $Nav->addCustomNav( "About This Project", "/projects/project_summary.php?projectid=soa.jwt", "", 1 ); |
| # Adding JWT specific menus : |
| $Nav->addNavSeparator(" JWT Home", "/jwt/index.php"); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" About JWT", "/jwt/pages/about.php", "_self", 2); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" FAQ", "http://wiki.eclipse.org/JWT_FAQ", "_self", 2); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Wiki", "http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Java_Workflow_Tooling_Project", "_self", 2); |
| $Nav->addNavSeparator(" Downloads", "/jwt/download.php"); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Download JWT", "/jwt/download.php", "_self", 2); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" More", "http://wiki.eclipse.org/JWT_Downloads", "_self", 2); |
| $Nav->addNavSeparator(" Components", "/jwt/components/index.php"); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Workflow Editor", "/jwt/components/we/index.php"); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Desktop Tools", "/jwt/components/desktop/index.php"); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Transformations", "/jwt/components/transformations/index.php"); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" WAM", "/jwt/components/wam/index.php"); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Runtime", "/jwt/components/runtime/index.php"); |
| $Nav->addNavSeparator(" Development", "http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/JWT_DeveloperFAQ"); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Team", "/jwt/pages/team.php", "_self", 2); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Newsgroup", "http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=thread&frm_id=198", "_self", 2); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Mailing list", "https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/jwt-dev", "_self", 2); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Telco Meetings", "http://wiki.eclipse.org/JWT_Meetings", "_self", 2); |
| $Nav->addCustomNav(" Source (SVN)", "http://wiki.eclipse.org/JWT_SVN", "_self", 2); |
| |
| ?> |