update kepler hightlights.
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 93f3888..f4a5481 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -26,11 +26,14 @@
 		<div id="mini-hightlights">
 			<h2 id="h2_highlights">Highlights</h2>
 				<ul class="ul_highlights">
+					<li><a title="Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project website" href="http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/">Eclipse Web Tools Project (WTP) 3.5</a> now support the development of Java EE 7 applications.</li>			
 					<li><a title="Stardust website" href="http://www.eclipse.org/stardust/">Stardust 1.0</a> provides a complete Business Process Management (BPM) suite of tools and runtimes.</li>
 					<li><a title="Orion website" href="http://www.eclipse.org/orion">Orion 3.0</a> includes significant usability features and easier deployment to Java applications servers.</li>
 					<li><a title="Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) website" href="http://www.eclipse.org/birt/">Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT)</a> support for big data reporting now includes support for MongoDB and Cassandra.</li>
 					<!--  <li><a title="Hudson website" href="http://www.eclipse.org/hudson/">Hudson 3.1</a> feature improvements focused on scalability for large deployments, including multi-tenancy for Hudson jobs.</li>-->
 					<li><a title="Mylyn website" href="http://www.eclipse.org/mylyn/">Mylyn</a> now includes better support for code reviews through a navigator view and integration with Gerrit.</li>
+					<li><a title="Maven Integration for Web Tools Platform website" href="http://www.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/">Maven Integration for Web Tools Platform</a> now make it easier to use Maven for Java EE projects in Eclipse.</li>