blob: bb95e8578f6128a6e4916fbb23c64f96d36b7cd2 [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>Eclipse Kuksa Hackathon 08.2018</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 30 Aug 2018 13:47:08 +0200</pubDate>
<description>Hacking 3 Days @ IDiAL, FH-Dortmund, for Eclipse Kuksa Features 13 Hackers met in Dortmund on August, 28th until 30th of August to work on an end-to-end use case scenario along with new Eclipse Kuksa technologies. 20 CQs, 2 major GitHub pull-requests, and 21035 LOCs were the results. Of course, the LOCs also contain content from work prior to the Hackathon.
More precisely, the Eclipse Kuksa Appstore was migrated to an Eclipse HawkBit Server, that transmits applications wirelessly to an Eclipse HawkBit client running on a device (Raspberry Pi) that runs the Kuksa adapted AGL (Automotive Grade Linux + Kuksa technologies).</description>