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<h2><a href="">EclipseCon Europe and ESE Kongress events</a></h2>
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<a href=""><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> October 22, 2018</a>
<p class="intro">EclipseCon France 2018 Eclipse Kuksa and its latest development activities will be presented along with the talk Automotive meets IoT: Innovating your Future Vehicle at EclipseCon Europe 2018 in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
Embedded Software Engineering Kongress 2018 In addition to the EclipseCon Europe event, you can join us at the ESE Kongress in Sindelfingen, Germany, on December, 6th. The talk Überwindung der Silos –
Revolution für vernetzte Fahrzeuge, that means &lsquo;Overcoming the Silos - Revolution for Connected Vehicles&rsquo;, will be held at 16:45 o&rsquo;clock (4:45pm) and will cover both a generic as well as detailed descriptions of the three Eclipse Kuksa platforms (a) In-Vehicle, (b) IDE, and ( c) Cloud.</p>
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<h2><a href="">EclipseCon France 2018 interview</a></h2>
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<a href=""><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> September 18, 2018</a>
<p class="intro">Interview with Robert Höttger (Fachhochschule Dortmund - University of Applied Science and Arts). Robert presented the recent news about the APPSTACLE project.</p>
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<h2><a href="">Eclipse Kuksa Hackathon 08.2018</a></h2>
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in <a href="">Implementation</a>
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<a href=""><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> August 30, 2018</a>
<p class="intro">Hacking 3 Days @ IDiAL, FH-Dortmund, for Eclipse Kuksa Features 13 Hackers met in Dortmund on August, 28th until 30th of August to work on an end-to-end use case scenario along with new Eclipse Kuksa technologies. 20 CQs, 2 major GitHub pull-requests, and 21035 LOCs were the results. Of course, the LOCs also contain content from work prior to the Hackathon.
More precisely, the Eclipse Kuksa Appstore was migrated to an Eclipse HawkBit Server, that transmits applications wirelessly to an Eclipse HawkBit client running on a device (Raspberry Pi) that runs the Kuksa adapted AGL (Automotive Grade Linux + Kuksa technologies).</p>
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<h2><a href="">EclipseCon France participation</a></h2>
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<a href=""><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> June 18, 2018</a>
<p class="intro">EclipseCon France 2018 Eclipse Kuksa was presented at EclipseCon France 2018 along with the research booth, the research community&rsquo;s pitch session, a regular talk hold by Tobias Rawald and Robert Hoettger, and an interview about the motivation, goals, and the current state of Eclipse Kuksa.
We really enjoyed hosting @EclipseCon France these neat research projects and their representatives @Appstacle @agile_iot @AMASSproject @crossminer @gemocinitiative @stamp_project. We are looking forward for meeting at @EclipseCon Europe!</p>
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<h2><a href="">Initial Contributions</a></h2>
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<a href=""><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> June 5, 2018</a>
<p class="intro">Eclipse Kuksa&rsquo;s initial contribution was successfully submitted to the GitHub repositories. We are working on a roadmap to present planned activities for upcoming contributions. Apart from the three major Kuksa parts, i.e.,
kuksa.invehicle kuksa.ide additional repositories will cover specific use-cases, builds, tests, and other features within:
kuksa.apps kuksa.integration </p>
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<h2><a href="">Rover V03</a></h2>
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<a href=""><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> May 31, 2018</a>
<p class="intro">The Rover (SW: Rover Software, HW: Rover Hardware) has been updated to version V03. This includes several migrations of tasks to AGL services and applications, as well major improvements to the Rover&rsquo;s chassis, that provides a more modular structure since components can be flexibly clipped to different positions without the need of screws. The following implementations are though on our roadmap for the next release:
ACC Parking Marker recognition (using OpenCV) Rover-follow application &hellip;.</p>
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<h2><a href="">Eclipse Kuksa @ IoT WG</a></h2>
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<a href=""><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> January 17, 2018</a>
<p class="intro">Introduction to Eclipse Kuksa The slides below were part of the introduction of Eclipse Kuksa to the Eclipse IoT community.
Presentation is available here.</p>
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<h2><a href="">Oulanka Project Meeting</a></h2>
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<a href=""><i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> October 26, 2017</a>
<p class="intro">At the project meeting in Oulanka, Finnland, the APPSTACLE consortium collected and coordinated a variety of topics to work on in the upcoming time. Use-case scenarios, in-vehicle development activities, network protocols, cloud infrastructure, security demands, dissemination and exploitation and other topics were in focus for the project partners. The various discussions, cooperations, ideas, and further activities were defined in order to set the basis to reach the goals of APPSTACLE and form Eclipse Kuksa, i.</p>
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<p><strong>Eclipse Kuksa</strong> has its origins in the <a href="">APPSTACLE project</a> that is part of the European ITEA3 programme</p>
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