m2e 1.3.1 release

Signed-off-by: Fred Bricon <fbricon@gmail.com>
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   <h3>Installing m2e-wtp</h3>
     <p>m2e-wtp requires an Eclipse Java EE distribution, and can be installed from the releases update site.
-       m2e-wtp is generally compatible with Eclipse Luna (4.4) and Mars(4.5).
+       m2e-wtp is generally compatible with Eclipse Neon (4.6) and Mars(4.5).
-   <p><strong>Latest release : 1.2.1 </strong></p>
+   <p><strong>Latest release : 1.3.1 </strong></p>
-            Luna (e4.4) / Mars (e4.5): <a href="http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/releases/mars/">http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/releases/mars/</a>
+            Neon (e4.6) / Mars (e4.5): <a href="http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/releases/neon/">http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/releases/neon/</a>
     <p><strong>Latest Milestone : 1.3.0.M2</strong></p>
             Mars (e4.5) / Neon (e4.6): <a href="http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/milestones/neon/1.3/">http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/milestones/neon/1.3/</a>
   <p><strong>Latest m2e-wtp dev build</strong></p>
-          Neon (e4.6) : <a href="http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/snapshots/neon">http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/snapshots/neon</a>
+          Oxygen (e4.6) : <a href="http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/snapshots/neon">http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/snapshots/neon</a>
+    -->
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 		<h3>Current Status</h3>
-			<strong><a href="https://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/1.2.1">m2e-wtp 1.2.1 is available</a></strong><br/>
-			m2e-wtp 1.2.1 has been released for Eclipse Mars.<br/>
+			<strong><a href="https://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/1.3.1">m2e-wtp 1.3.1 is available</a></strong><br/>
+			m2e-wtp 1.3.1 has been released for Eclipse Neon.<br/>
       Head to the <a href="download/">download area</a> and give it a try!
-		<p>
-			<strong><a href="https://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/1.2.0">m2e-wtp 1.2.0 is available</a></strong><br/>
-			m2e-wtp 1.2.0 has been released as part of the annual Eclipse release train (a.k.a Mars).<br/>
-      Head to the <a href="download/">download area</a> and try it out!
-		</p>
-		<!--
-		<p>
-			<strong><a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/1.1.0">m2e-wtp 1.1.0 is available</a></strong><br/>
-			m2e-wtp 1.1.0 has been released as part of the annual Eclipse release train(a.k.a Luna).<br/>
-      Head to the <a href="download/">download area</a> and try it out!
-		</p>
-        <p>
-			<strong><a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/1.0.1">m2e-wtp 1.0.1 is out</a></strong><br/>
-			m2e-wtp 1.0.1 is a maintenance release mainly fixing a few bugs in the overlay component.<br/>
-      Head to the <a href="download/">download area</a> and follow the installation instructions.
-		</p>
-		<p>
-			<strong><a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/1.0.0">m2e-wtp 1.0.0 is available</a></strong><br/>
-			m2e-wtp graduated from the Eclipse incubator to reach version 1.0.0. Moreover,
-      m2e-wtp and m2e are now included in the Eclipse Java EE distribution by default.
-      m2e-wtp 1.0.0 adds Java EE 7 support in Kepler and a few other new cool features.<br/>
-      Head to the <a href="download/">download area</a> and follow the installation instructions.
-		</p>
-	    <p>
-			<strong style="color:#7036be">m2e-wtp has a new logo!</strong><br/>
-			<img src="logos/m2e-wtp_icon_128px.png" border="0" align="center"/>
-			<br/>Thanks to Leslie York and James Cobb of the JBoss Visual Design team!
-		</p>
-	    <p>
-			<strong><a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/0.17">m2e-wtp 0.17.0 is available</a></strong><br/>
-			It brings new JSF, JAX-RS and JPA support to your Java EE projects.
-			Go to the <a href="download/">download area</a> and follow the installation instructions.
-		</p>
-    <p>
-    <strong><a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/0.16">m2e-wtp 0.16.0 has been released!</a></strong><br/>
-    The release review for <a href="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/attachment.cgi?id=221191">m2e-wtp 0.16.0</a> has been declared successful
-    The m2e-wtp team is very proud to perform the first release of m2e-wtp from the Eclipse Foundation servers, just in time for Juno SR1.
-    Go to the <a href="download/">download area</a> and follow the installation instructions.
-    </p>
-    -->
 <a class="twitter-timeline" data-dnt="true" href="https://twitter.com/m2e_wtp"  data-widget-id="357791187945549824">Tweets by @m2e_wtp</a>
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