blob: e408f73181df7686ac1c7d2fb412cb04bdec716a [file] [log] [blame]
<?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include("_projectCommon.php"); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
# Author: Donald Smith
# Date: 2005-11-11
# Begin: page-specific settings. Change these.
$pageTitle = "Eclipse Membership";
$pageKeywords = "Type, page, keywords, here";
$pageAuthor = "Type your name here";
# Add page-specific Nav bars here
# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank)
# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self");
# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank");
# End: page-specific settings
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
function tagType ($_industryTag, $_projectTag)
if ($_industryTag == 1)
$retVal = "Industry";
if ($_projectTag == 1)
$retVal = "Project";
return $retVal;
$dbc = new DBConnection();
$_TAG_ID = $_POST['TagID'] ? $_POST['TagID'] : $_GET['TagID'];
$_TAG_ID = preg_replace('/[^\da-zA-Z0-9]/i', '', $_TAG_ID);
switch (TRUE) {
case ( strlen($_TAG_ID)==1 && strrpos("AABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", strtoupper($_TAG_ID)) ): #The two AA are important, don't delete one
$tag_sql = "SELECT ORGI.OrganizationID, ORG.name1, ORGI.short_description, ORG.member_type, ORGI.company_url IS NULL AS COMPLETE
from OrganizationInformation as ORGI
RIGHT JOIN organizations as ORG on ORGI.OrganizationID = ORG.organization_id
WHERE UPPER(LEFT(ORG.name1, 1)) = '" . strtoupper($_TAG_ID) . "' and ORG.member_type in ('SD', 'SC', 'AP', 'AS', 'ENTRP')
AND ORG.organization_id not in ( " . ignoreMembers() . ")
ORDER BY ORG.name1";
$TAG_TITLE = "Members starting with letter " . strtoupper($_TAG_ID);
$tagType = "Alphabetical";
$tagTypeList .="<a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=NUM\"># </a>";
foreach (preg_split('//', "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $char)
$tagTypeList .="<a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=$char\">$char </a>";
case ($_TAG_ID == 'NUM'):
$tag_sql = "SELECT ORGI.OrganizationID, ORG.name1, ORGI.short_description, ORG.member_type, ORGI.company_url IS NULL AS COMPLETE
from OrganizationInformation as ORGI
RIGHT JOIN organizations as ORG on ORGI.OrganizationID = ORG.organization_id
WHERE UPPER(LEFT(ORG.name1, 1)) IN ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9') and ORG.member_type in ('SD', 'SC', 'AP', 'AS', 'ENTRP')
AND ORG.organization_id not in ( " . ignoreMembers() . ")
ORDER BY ORG.name1";
$TAG_TITLE = "Members starting with numbers";
$tagType = "Alphabetical";
$tagTypeList .="<a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=NUM\"># </a>";
foreach (preg_split('//', "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $char)
$tagTypeList .="<a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=$char\">$char </a>";
case ($_TAG_ID == "strategic"):
$tag_sql = "SELECT ORGI.OrganizationID, ORG.name1, ORGI.short_description, ORG.member_type, ORGI.company_url IS NULL AS COMPLETE
from OrganizationInformation as ORGI
RIGHT JOIN organizations as ORG on ORGI.OrganizationID = ORG.organization_id
WHERE ORG.member_type in ('SD', 'SC')
AND ORG.organization_id not in ( " . ignoreMembers() . ")
ORDER BY ORG.name1";
$TAG_TITLE = $_TAG_NAME = "Strategic Members";
$tagType = "Membership Level";
$tagTypeList ="<li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=enterprise\">Enterprise</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=addin\">Solutions</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=associate\">Associate</a></li>";
case ($_TAG_ID == "enterprise"):
$tag_sql = "SELECT ORGI.OrganizationID, ORG.name1, ORGI.short_description, ORG.member_type, ORGI.company_url IS NULL AS COMPLETE
from OrganizationInformation as ORGI
RIGHT JOIN organizations as ORG on ORGI.OrganizationID = ORG.organization_id
WHERE ORG.member_type in ('ENTRP')
AND ORG.organization_id not in ( " . ignoreMembers() . ")
ORDER BY ORG.name1";
$TAG_TITLE = $_TAG_NAME = "Enterprise Members";
$tagType = "Membership Level";
$tagTypeList ="<li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=strategic\">Strategic</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=addin\">Solutions</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=associate\">Associate</a></li>";
case ($_TAG_ID == "addin"):
$tag_sql = "SELECT ORGI.OrganizationID, ORG.name1, ORGI.short_description, ORG.member_type, ORGI.company_url IS NULL AS COMPLETE
from OrganizationInformation as ORGI
RIGHT JOIN organizations as ORG on ORGI.OrganizationID = ORG.organization_id
WHERE ORG.member_type in ('AP')
AND ORG.organization_id not in ( " . ignoreMembers() . ")
ORDER BY ORG.name1";
$TAG_TITLE = $_TAG_NAME = "Solutions Members";
$tagType = "Membership Level";
$tagTypeList ="<li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=strategic\">Strategic</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=enterprise\">Enterprise</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=associate\">Associate</a></li>";
case ($_TAG_ID == "associate"):
$tag_sql = "SELECT ORGI.OrganizationID, ORG.name1, ORGI.short_description, ORG.member_type, ORGI.company_url IS NULL AS COMPLETE
from OrganizationInformation as ORGI
RIGHT JOIN organizations as ORG on ORGI.OrganizationID = ORG.organization_id
WHERE ORG.member_type in ('AS')
AND ORG.organization_id not in ( " . ignoreMembers() . ")
ORDER BY ORG.name1";
$TAG_TITLE = $_TAG_NAME = "Associate Members";
$tagType = "Membership Level";
$tagTypeList ="<li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=strategic\">Strategic</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=enterprise\">Enterprise</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=addin\">Solutions</a></li>";
default: #Must be a number or unrecognized tag
if (ctype_digit($_TAG_ID) ) {
$whereClause = "TagID = $_TAG_ID";
$tag_sql = "SELECT ORGTAG.OrganizationID, ORG.name1, ORGINFO.short_description
FROM OrganizationTags as ORGTAG
INNER JOIN organizations as ORG on ORGTAG.OrganizationID = ORG.organization_id
INNER JOIN OrganizationInformation as ORGINFO on ORGTAG.OrganizationID = ORGINFO.OrganizationID
WHERE ORGTAG.TagID = $_TAG_ID and ORG.member_type in ('SD', 'SC', 'AP', 'AS', 'ENTRP')
AND ORG.organization_id not in ( " . ignoreMembers() . ")
ORDER BY ORG.name1";
} else {
$whereClause = "tag_name = '$_TAG_ID'";
$tag_sql = "SELECT ORGTAG.OrganizationID, ORG.name1, ORGINFO.short_description
FROM OrganizationTags as ORGTAG
INNER JOIN organizations as ORG on ORGTAG.OrganizationID = ORG.organization_id
INNER JOIN OrganizationInformation as ORGINFO on ORGTAG.OrganizationID = ORGINFO.OrganizationID
WHERE TNME.tag_name = '$_TAG_ID' and ORG.member_type in ('SD', 'SC', 'AP', 'AS', 'ENTRP')
AND ORG.organization_id not in ( " . ignoreMembers() . ")
ORDER BY ORG.name1";
# echo $tag_sql;
$tagNameSql = "Select tag_name, is_industry_tag, is_project_tag from TagNames where " . $whereClause;
$tagNameResult = mysql_query($tagNameSql);
$tagNameIterator = mysql_fetch_array($tagNameResult);
$_TAG_NAME = $tagNameIterator['tag_name'];
$industryTag = $tagNameIterator['is_industry_tag'];
$projectTag = $tagNameIterator['is_project_tag'];
# echo $tagNameSql . " - " . $_TAG_NAME . " - " . $industryTag . " - " . $projectTag;
if ($projectTag == 1) {
$tagType = "Other Project Tags";
$whereSQL = "is_project_tag=1";
$TAG_TITLE = "Members contributing to, or shipping products based on " . $_TAG_NAME;
$suggest = "<li><a href=\"/projects/\" target=\"_projects\"><img src=\"external.gif\">Explore Projects and Acronyms</a></li>
<li><a href=\"/membership/suggestMembers.php?id=$_TAG_ID\">Suggest more Members for the $_TAG_NAME tag</a></li>";
$moreTagsTitle = "Show All...";
} else {
$tagType = "Other Industry Tags";
$whereSQL = "is_industry_tag=1";
$suggest = "<li><a href=\"/membership/suggestMembers.php?id=$_TAG_ID\">Suggest more Members for the $_TAG_NAME tag</a></li>";
$moreTagsTitle = "Show All...";
$tagTypeSql = "SELECT tag_name, TagID from TagNames where " . $whereSQL . " order by tag_name";
$tagTypeResult = mysql_query($tagTypeSql);
$tagTypeList = "";
$initialList = 8;
$counter = 0;
while ($tagTypeIterator = mysql_fetch_array($tagTypeResult))
$tagTypeName = $tagTypeIterator['tag_name'];
$tagTypeID = $tagTypeIterator['TagID'];
if ($counter++ < $initialList) {
$tagTypeList .= "<li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=". $tagTypeID . "\">". $tagTypeName ."</a></li>";
} else {
# double escape quotes cause this goes in Java Script as a string.
$restOfList .= '<li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID='. $tagTypeID . '\">' . $tagTypeName . '</a></li>';
$tagTypeList .= '<span id="Rest"><br><small><a href="javascript:showRest();">' . $moreTagsTitle . '</a></small></span>';
$MATCHES = mysql_evaluate_rows($tag_sql);
if (count($MATCHES) == 0) {
$LIST = "No members match the criteria. Please try something different. If this appears to be a bug, please <a href=\"\">log it.</a>";
$tagType = "Membership Level";
$tagTypeList ="<li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=strategic\">Strategic</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=enterprise\">Enterprise</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=addin\">Solutions</a></li><li><a href=\"/membership/showMembersWithTag.php?TagID=associate\">Associate</a></li>";
} else {
$LIST = '<div class="homeitem3col"><h3>'. $TAG_TITLE . '</h3><ul>';
foreach ($MATCHES as $a) {
$org_id = $a[0];
$org_name = $a[1];
$org_short_desc = $a[2];
if ($org_short_desc =="") {
$org_short_desc = $org_name; // "This member has not yet set up their foundation membership page.";
$LIST .= '<li><table class="table"><tr><td width="130"><small><img align="left" width="120" src="./scripts/get_image.php?id=' . $org_id. '&size=small" style="padding:5px;" alt="'. $org_name . '" title="'. $org_name . '"></small></td><td>' . $org_short_desc . '</td></tr></table></li>';
} else {
$LIST .= '<li><table class="table"><tr><td><small><a href="./showMember.php?member_id=' . $org_id . '"><img align="left" width="120" src="./scripts/get_image.php?id=' . $org_id. '&size=small" style="padding:5px;" alt="'. $org_name . '"></a></small></td><td>' . $org_short_desc . '</td></tr></table></li>';
$LIST .= '</ul></div>';
# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!
$html = <<<EOHTML
.homeitem3col ul li { list-style-image:none !important; list-style-type:none;}
<div id="maincontent">
<div id="midcolumn">
<div id="rightcolumn">
<div class="sideitem">
<div class="sideitem">
<li><a href="/membership/exploreMembership.php">Explore All Members</a></li>
<script language="javascript">
function showRest() {
document.getElementById('Rest').innerHTML = "$restOfList";
$html = mb_convert_encoding($html, "HTML-ENTITIES", "auto");
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage("solstice", $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);