blob: 28d1277813b0b500e31433827b6ee216fb0055a5 [file] [log] [blame]
% Copyright (c) 2012 The University of York and Willink Transformations.
% $Id: icmt13_52.tex 4326 2013-01-31 17:44:31Z hhoyos@CS.YORK.AC.UK $
We have proposed a progressive program-to-program transformation chain from QVTr to QVTc to QVTu to QVTm to QVTi, in order to provide a simple unidirectional imperative language that provides a practical execution semantics for QVTc and QVTr. We have introduced the QVT Imperative (QVTi) language and presented its simple semantics and basic syntax. We have demonstrated that QVTi may retain the basic QVTc concrete syntax and yet support useful idioms for optimized pattern matching strategies and multiple passes. Our preliminary QVTi implementations demonstrate that the Eclipse OCL VM interpreter is easily extended for QVTi. We can therefore look to exploit the Eclipse OCL VM's Java code generator to provide good quality compiled Java code and then concentrate on the QVTc to QVTi program-to-program transformations to provide effective execution strategies.
%QVTu may be an appropriate entry point at which other declarative transformation languages such as ATL, Epsilon or Viatra2 reuse a shared transformation framework.