[discovery] disable projects which are no longer part of Oxygen

or have been hidden for quite a few releases now.
diff --git a/downloads/discovery/oxygen/modeling.xmi b/downloads/discovery/oxygen/modeling.xmi
index b79acb4..5cc4be1 100755
--- a/downloads/discovery/oxygen/modeling.xmi
+++ b/downloads/discovery/oxygen/modeling.xmi
@@ -53,22 +53,6 @@
-        name="Declarative QVT"
-        provider="Eclipse.org"
-        description="Editors for QVT Relational and QVT Core documents"
-        license="EPL"
-        groups="//@filters.0"
-        image32="images/qvtd.png"
-        incubation="true"
-        visible="false">
-      <sitesURLS>http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen/</sitesURLS>
-      <overview
-          summary="QVTd project currently provides Editors for&#xA;&#xA;- QVT Relational documents&#xA;- QVT Core documents&#xA;&#xA;QVTc and QVTr execution is work in progress"
-          screenshot="images/qvtd-screenshot-320x240.png"
-          url="http://www.eclipse.org/projects/project_summary.php?projectid=modeling.m2m.qvt-relations"/>
-      <id>org.eclipse.qvtd</id>
-    </components>
-    <components
         name="Operational QVT"
         description="Implementation of the Operational part of the OMG QVT (Query/View/Transformation) open standard"
@@ -87,28 +71,6 @@
       description="Tools and frameworks to develop dedicated modeling tools. "
-        name="Extended Editing Framework"
-        provider="Eclipse.org"
-        description="EEF (Extended Editing Framework) is a presentation framework for EMF models. "
-        license="EPL"
-        image32="images/eef.png">
-      <sitesURLS>http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen/</sitesURLS>
-      <overview
-          summary="The Extended Editing Framework aims at giving another way to improve the EMF model creation phase by providing new services dedicated to editing and using more appealing editing elements. The way to obtain these services and elements is based on a generative approach similar to the EMF.Edit one. The framework provides advanced editing components for the properties of EMF elements and a default generation based on standard metamodels using these components."
-          screenshot="images/eef-screenshot-320x240.png"
-          url="http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=eef"/>
-      <id>org.eclipse.emf.eef.sdk-feature</id>
-    </components>
-    <components
-        name="Graphical Modeling Framework Tooling"
-        provider="Eclipse.org"
-        description="GMF Tooling is a framework to generate functional graphical editors based on the GMF Runtime."
-        license="EPL"
-        image32="images/gmf.png">
-      <sitesURLS>http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen/</sitesURLS>
-      <id>org.eclipse.gmf.sdk</id>
-    </components>
-    <components
         description="Graphiti is a graphical API that enables the fast and easy creation of graphical tools for any kind of domain models."
@@ -183,21 +145,6 @@
-    <components
-        name="UML2 Tools"
-        provider="Eclipse.org"
-        description="The UML2Tools component is a set of the UML 2.1 compatible diagram editors, based on the Eclipse GMF framework"
-        license="EPL"
-        groups="//@filters.0"
-        image32=""
-        incubation="true"
-        visible="false">
-      <sitesURLS>http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen/</sitesURLS>
-      <overview
-          summary="UML2Tools provides support for Class, Composite Structure, Component,&#xA;Deployment, UseCase, Activity and StateMachine diagram. It also contains&#xA;supplementary Profile Definition diagram, enabling the visual integration of&#xA;the custom defined stereotypes with the other supported diagrams."
-          screenshot="images/uml2tools-screenshot-320x240.png"/>
-      <id>org.eclipse.uml2tools</id>
-    </components>
       name="Reverse Engineering"
@@ -225,33 +172,6 @@
       description="Modeling related runtimes and frameworks."
-        name="Connected Data Objects Repository"
-        provider="Eclipse.org"
-        license="EPL"
-        visible="false">
-      <sitesURLS>http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen/</sitesURLS>
-    </components>
-    <components
-        name="Agent Modeling Platform"
-        provider="             Eclipse.org  &#xA; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.eclipse.org/amp/installing/about_discovery.php&quot;>contains non ip-approved content&lt;/a>"
-        description="Agent Modeling Platform (Incubation), including Agent Modeling Framework, Agent eXecution Framework, Agent Graphics and Visualization Framework, and Escape."
-        license="EPL"
-        groups="//@filters.0"
-        image32="images/amp.png"
-        incubation="true"
-        visible="false">
-      <sitesURLS>http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen/</sitesURLS>
-      <sitesURLS>http://lwjgl.org/update</sitesURLS>
-      <sitesURLS>http://ascape.sourceforge.net/eclipse</sitesURLS>
-      <sitesURLS>http://download.eclipse.org/amp/updates/releases</sitesURLS>
-      <sitesURLS>http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/repastsimphony/</sitesURLS>
-      <overview
-          summary="The Agent Modeling Platform (AMP) provides extensible frameworks&#xA;and exemplary tools for representing, editing, generating, executing and&#xA;visualizing agent-based models (ABMs) and any other domain requiring spatial,&#xA;behavioral and functional features. AMP has two parts: 1) The Agent Modeling&#xA;Framework (AMF) which provides an Agent-Based Model (ABM) meta-model&#xA;representation, editor, development environment and code generators for popular&#xA;ABM platforms. 2) The AMP platform tools. The Agent Execution Framework (AXF)&#xA;provides services and UI for model management, execution, and views. The Agent&#xA;Graphics Framework (AGF) extends GEF, GEF3D, Zest, and the BIRT charting engine&#xA;to support real-time visualization of and interaction with agent models. Escape&#xA;is a complete ABM environment for Eclipse."
-          screenshot="images/amp-screenshot-320x240.png"
-          url="http://www.eclipse.org/amp"/>
-      <id>org.eclipse.amp.all</id>
-    </components>
-    <components
         name="Model Workflow Engine"
@@ -276,34 +196,6 @@
-        name="EMFStore"
-        provider="Eclipse.org"
-        description="EMFStore is a model repository for EMF-based models/data. It allows storage, versioning, collaboration, offline work and interactive merging. All functions are available via API and via GUI included in the release."
-        license="EPL"
-        image32="images/emfstore.png"
-        visible="false">
-      <sitesURLS>http://download.eclipse.org/emf-store/releases</sitesURLS>
-      <overview
-          summary="EMFStore is a repository for EMF-based models. It features an offline mode and&#xA;is geared towards collaborative editing of the stored models. Therefore support&#xA;for conflict detection and interactive merging of models is built into the&#xA;repository including versioning. EMFStore also ships with a set of client&#xA;plugins containing an API for the server and even views for commiting changes&#xA;to, updating changes from the repository as well as merging models in a local&#xA;workspace. In addition EMFStore provides access control on the repository and&#xA;storage for the models and their meta data on client and server side. EMFStore&#xA;also supports changing the Ecore model of the stored EMF model instances by&#xA;generating model migrators based on Edapt. This is a useful feature if your&#xA;application evolves and requires changing your data model for example.&#xA;&#xA;Feature Overview:&#xA;- Offline Mode (No server connection neccessary)&#xA;- Interactive Merging&#xA;- Extensible Model Conflict Detection and Merging&#xA;- Model Versioning with full history&#xA;- Model Storage (client and server-side)&#xA;- Access Control&#xA;- Model Migration"
-          screenshot="images/emfstore-screenshot-320x240.png"
-          url="http://emfstore.org"/>
-      <id>org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.sdk.feature</id>
-    </components>
-    <components
-        name="Teneo"
-        provider="Eclipse.org"
-        description="Teneo is a Model-Relational mapping and runtime database persistence solution for the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) using Hibernate and EclipseLink."
-        license="EPL"
-        visible="false">
-      <sitesURLS>http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen/</sitesURLS>
-      <overview
-          summary="The EMF &#x2013; Hibernate integration supports all EMF features and standard EclipseLink and Hibernate features. EMF objects can be persisted in most major relational databases and retrieved using an EMF resource approach or HQL/JPA queries. A distinctive feature of Teneo is that you can override/extend the Model-Relational mapping using JPA annotations in the model."
-          screenshot="images/teneo-screenshot-320x240.png"
-          url="http://wiki.eclipse.org/Teneo"/>
-      <id>org.eclipse.emf.teneo.hibernate</id>
-      <id>org.eclipse.emf.teneo.eclipselink</id>
-    </components>
-    <components
         name="OCL Tools"
         description="An evaluation Console for OCL expressions, and Xtext Editors for Complete OCL documents, Combined OCL in Ecore Models and for individual OCL expressions"