*** empty log message ***
diff --git a/project-info/plan_0_7.xml b/project-info/plan_0_7.xml
index 833103f..10fb085 100644
--- a/project-info/plan_0_7.xml
+++ b/project-info/plan_0_7.xml
@@ -1,151 +1,128 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="http://www.eclipse.org/projects/project-plan.xsl"?>
-<plan plan-format="1.0" xmlns="http://www.eclipse.org/project/plan"
-	xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" name="BPMN2">
-	<release projectid="modeling.mdt.bpmn2" version="0.7.0" />
-	<introduction>
-		<html:div>
-This document lays out the feature and API set for the
-first release of the Eclipse Business Process Model and Notation (MDT BPMN2)
-Project, version 0.7.0. This project plan inherits from the Modeling
-Project Plan, which should be referenced when consulting this
-individual project plan.
-<i><b>Note</b> that, because the BPMN 2.0 specification may not have been adopted
-and/or finalized by June 2009, APIs provided as part of the 0.7.0
-release of <b>MDT BPMN2</b> are to be considered <b>provisional</b>.</i>
-     </html:div>
-	</introduction>
-	<release_deliverables>
-		<html:div>
+<plan plan-format="1.0" xmlns="http://www.eclipse.org/project/plan" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" name="Project Name">
+  <release projectid="modeling.mdt.bpmn2" version="0.7.0" />
+  <introduction>
+    <html:div>
+      <html:p>
+This document lays out the feature and API set for the first release of the 
+Eclipse Business Process Model and Notation (MDT BPMN2) Project, version 0.7.0. 
+This project plan inherits from the Modeling Project Plan, which should be 
+referenced when consulting this individual project plan.
+      </html:p>
+      <html:p>
+<html:i><html:b>Note</html:b> that, because the BPMN<html:sup>TM</html:sup> 2.0 
+specification may not have been adopted and/or finalized by June 2009, APIs 
+provided as part of the 0.7.0 release of <html:b>MDT BPMN2</html:b> are to be 
+considered <html:b>provisional</html:b>.</html:i>
+      </html:p>
+    </html:div>
+  </introduction>
+  <release_deliverables>
+    <html:div>
 The release deliverables have the same form as is found in most Eclipse projects, namely:
-<li>MDT BPMN2 source code release, available as versions tagged "R0_7" in the project's CVS repository</li>
-<li>MDT BPMN2 SDK (includes runtime, sources, examples, and documentation) (downloadable and update site)</li>
-<li>MDT BPMN2 runtime binary distribution (downloadable and update site)</li>
-<li>MDT BPMN2 stand-alone binary distribution (downloadable)</li>
-<li>MDT BPMN2 tests (downloadable)</li>
-     </html:div>
-	</release_deliverables>
-	<release_milestones>
-		<preamble>
-			<html:div>
-Release milestone occurring at roughly 6 week intervals and follow the
-Platform milestone releases by approximately 1 week; that is, until the
-final 3.5 release of the Platform, upon which MDT BPMN2 and other projects
-will release simultaneously. As MDT BPMN2 may become dependency of numerous
-other projects, MDT BPMN2 will deliver its milestones within one week of
-the Eclipse Platform. It is anticipated that MDT BPMN2 will synchronize its
-milestones with the Galileo milestone schedule.
-         </html:div>
-		</preamble>
-		<milestone date="08/13/2008" milestone="M1" />
-		<milestone date="09/24/2008" milestone="M2" />
-		<milestone date="11/05/2008" milestone="M3" />
-		<milestone date="12/17/2008" milestone="M4" />
-		<milestone date="02/03/2009" milestone="M5" />
-		<milestone date="03/16/2009" milestone="M6">
-			<html:div>API freeze</html:div>
-		</milestone>
-		<milestone date="05/04/2009" milestone="M7">
-			<html:div>Feature Freeze</html:div>
-		</milestone>
-		<milestone date="05/18/2009" milestone="RC1" />
-		<milestone date="05/25/2009" milestone="RC2" />
-		<milestone date="06/01/2009" milestone="RC3" />
-		<milestone date="06/08/2009" milestone="RC4" />
-		<milestone date="06/15/2009" milestone="RC5" />
-		<milestone date="06/28/2009" milestone="0.7.0" />
-		<postamble>
-			<html:div>
-As MDT BPMN2 is a new subproject of MDT, it will not produce maintenance releases
-to align with the Ganymede SR releases.
+        <html:ul>
+        <html:li>MDT BPMN2 source code release, available as versions tagged "R0_7" in the project's CVS repository</html:li>
+        <html:li>MDT BPMN2 SDK (includes runtime, sources, examples, and documentation) (downloadable and update site)</html:li>
+        <html:li>MDT BPMN2 runtime binary distribution (downloadable and update site)</html:li>
+        <html:li>MDT BPMN2 stand-alone binary distribution (downloadable)</html:li>
+        <html:li>MDT BPMN2 tests (downloadable)</html:li>
+      </html:ul>
+    </html:div>
+  </release_deliverables>
+  <release_milestones>
+    <preamble>
+      <html:div>
+Release milestone occurring at roughly 6 week intervals and follow the 
+Platform milestone releases by approximately 1 week; that is, until the final 
+3.5 release of the Platform, upon which MDT BPMN2 and other projects will 
+release simultaneously. As MDT BPMN2 may become a dependency of numerous other 
+projects, MDT BPMN2 will deliver its milestones within one week of the Eclipse 
+Platform. It is anticipated that MDT BPMN2 will synchronize its milestones with 
+the Galileo milestone schedule.
-		</postamble>
-	</release_milestones>
-	<target_environments>
-		<html:div>
-        In order to remain current, each Eclipse release targets reasonably
-        current versions of the underlying operating environments. The Eclipse
-        Business Process Model and Notation (MDT BPMN2) project depends upon on the
-        Platform and other projects, which are mostly "pure" Java. The 3.5
-        release of the Eclipse Platform Project is written and compiled
-        against version 1.4 of the Java Platform APIs, and targeted to run on
-        version 1.4 of the Java Runtime Environment, Standard Edition. MDT BPMN2
-        will target the same Java version as EMF and UML2, which currently require
-        Java 5. Eclipse Platform SDK 3.5 will be tested and validated on a
-        number of reference platforms. MDT BPMN2 will be tested and validated
-        against a subset of those listed for the platform.
-     </html:div>
-		<internationalization>
-			<html:div>
-The Eclipse Platform is designed as the basis
-for internationalized products. The user interface elements provided
-by the Eclipse SDK components, including dialogs and error messages,
-are externalized. The English strings are provided as the default
-resource bundles. As a result, the MDT BPMN2
-project will provide English strings in its default bundles and be
-localized to a subset of those locales offered by the Platform. This
-plan will be updated to indicate which locales will be provided and
-the time frame for availability.
-          </html:div>
-		</internationalization>
-	</target_environments>
-	<compatibility_with_previous_releases/>
-	<themes_and_priorities>
-		<preamble>
-			<html:div>
-A list of project requirements and agreed upon
-implementation time frames is found in this document. For the
-milestones listed in this document, a set of overall themes is used
-to indicate what major set of functionalities is to be concentrated
-on for each. These themes are presented below, while the requirements
-document and associated Bugzilla entries are left to those wanting
+    </preamble>
+    <milestone date="08/13/2008" milestone="M1" />
+    <milestone date="09/24/2008" milestone="M2" />
+    <milestone date="11/05/2008" milestone="M3" />
+    <milestone date="12/17/2008" milestone="M4" />
+    <milestone date="02/03/2009" milestone="M5" />
+    <milestone date="03/16/2009" milestone="M6">
+      <html:div>API Freeze</html:div>
+    </milestone>
+    <milestone date="05/04/2009" milestone="M7">
+      <html:div>Feature Freeze</html:div>
+    </milestone>
+    <milestone date="05/18/2009" milestone="RC1" />
+    <milestone date="05/25/2009" milestone="RC2" />
+    <milestone date="06/01/2009" milestone="RC3" />
+    <milestone date="06/08/2009" milestone="RC4" />
+    <milestone date="06/15/2009" milestone="RC5" />
+    <milestone date="06/28/2009" milestone="0.7.0" />
+    <postamble>
+      <html:div>
+As MDT BPMN2 is a new subproject of MDT, it will not produce maintenance 
+releases to align with the Ganymede SR releases.
+      </html:div>
+    </postamble>
+  </release_milestones>
+  <target_environments>
+    <html:div>
+In order to remain current, each Eclipse release targets reasonably current 
+versions of the underlying operating environments. The Eclipse Business Process 
+Model and Notation (MDT BPMN2) project depends upon on the Platform and other 
+projects, which are mostly "pure" Java<html:sup>TM</html:sup>. The 3.5 release 
+of the Eclipse Platform Project is written and compiled against version 1.4 of 
+the Java Platform APIs, and targeted to run on version 1.4 of the Java Runtime 
+Environment, Standard Edition. MDT BPMN2 will target the same Java version as 
+EMF and UML2, which currently require Java 5. Eclipse Platform SDK 3.5 will be 
+tested and validated on a number of reference platforms. MDT BPMN2 will be 
+tested and validated against a subset of those listed for the platform.
+    </html:div>
+    <internationalization>
+      <html:div>
+The Eclipse Platform is designed as the basis for internationalized products. 
+The user interface elements provided by the Eclipse SDK components, including 
+dialogs and error messages, are externalized. The English strings are provided 
+as the default resource bundles. As a result, the MDT BPMN2 project will 
+provide English strings in its default bundles and be localized to a subset of 
+those locales offered by the Platform. This plan will be updated to indicate 
+which locales will be provided and the time frame for availability.
+      </html:div>
+    </internationalization>
+  </target_environments>
+  <compatibility_with_previous_releases />
+  <themes_and_priorities>
+    <preamble>
+      <html:div>
+A list of project requirements and agreed upon implementation time frames is 
+found in this document. For the milestones listed in this document, a set of 
+overall themes is used to indicate what major set of functionalities is to be 
+concentrated on for each. These themes are presented below, while the 
+requirements document and associated Bugzilla entries are left to those wanting 
 more detailed information on each.
-         </html:div>
-		</preamble>
-		<theme name="Release Currency">
-			<description>
-				<html:div>
-The MDT BPMN2 project will maintain currency with its
-dependencies, in particular advances in the EMF and MDT UML2 projects.
-                </html:div>
-			</description>
-			<committed
-				bugzilla="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;product=MDT&amp;component=BPMN2&amp;target_milestone=M1&amp;target_milestone=M2&amp;target_milestone=M3&amp;target_milestone=M4&amp;target_milestone=M5&amp;target_milestone=M6&amp;target_milestone=M7&amp;target_milestone=RC&amp;status_whiteboard_type=casesubstring&amp;status_whiteboard=Release+Currency&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=plan&amp;field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=galileo%2B" />
-			<proposed
-				bugzilla="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;product=MDT&amp;component=BPMN2&amp;target_milestone=0.7.0&amp;status_whiteboard_type=casesubstring&amp;status_whiteboard=Release+Currency&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=plan&amp;field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=galileo%2B" />
-			<deferred
-				bugzilla="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;product=MDT&amp;component=BPMN2&amp;status_whiteboard_type=casesubstring&amp;status_whiteboard=Release+Currency&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=plan&amp;field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=galileo-" />
-		</theme>
-		<theme name="Compliance">
-			<description>
-				<html:div>
-As an implementation of the OMG's BPMN 2.0 specification,
-the MDT BPMN2 project will maintain currency with the adopted
+      </html:div>
+    </preamble>
+    <theme name="Compliance">
+      <description>
+        <html:div>
+As an implementation of the OMG<html:sup>TM</html:sup>'s BPMN 2.0 
+specification, the MDT BPMN2 project will maintain currency with the adopted 
 and finalized specifications, as they become available.
-                </html:div>
-			</description>
-			<committed
-				bugzilla="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;product=MDT&amp;component=BPMN2&amp;target_milestone=M1&amp;target_milestone=M2&amp;target_milestone=M3&amp;target_milestone=M4&amp;target_milestone=M5&amp;target_milestone=M6&amp;target_milestone=M7&amp;target_milestone=RC&amp;status_whiteboard_type=casesubstring&amp;status_whiteboard=Compliance&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=plan&amp;field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=galileo%2B" />
-			<proposed
-				bugzilla="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;product=MDT&amp;component=BPMN2&amp;target_milestone=0.7.0&amp;status_whiteboard_type=casesubstring&amp;status_whiteboard=Compliance&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=plan&amp;field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=galileo%2B" />
-			<deferred
-				bugzilla="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;product=MDT&amp;component=BPMN2&amp;status_whiteboard_type=casesubstring&amp;status_whiteboard=Compliance&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=plan&amp;field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=galileo-" />
-		</theme>
-	</themes_and_priorities>
-	<appendix name="Legal Notices">
-		<html:div>
-<li>Java is a trademark or a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.</li>
-<li>BPMN and OMG are trademarks of the Object Management Group™, Inc.</li>
-<li>All other products or company names are mentioned for identification purposes only, and
-    may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.</li>
-	</appendix>
\ No newline at end of file
+      </description>
+      <committed bugzilla="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;product=MDT&amp;component=BPMN2&amp;target_milestone=M1&amp;target_milestone=M2&amp;target_milestone=M3&amp;target_milestone=M4&amp;target_milestone=M5&amp;target_milestone=M6&amp;target_milestone=M7&amp;target_milestone=RC&amp;status_whiteboard_type=casesubstring&amp;status_whiteboard=Compliance&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=plan&amp;field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-0-0=substring&amp;value0-0-0=galileo&amp;field0-1-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-1-0=notsubstring&amp;value0-1-0=galileo-" />
+      <proposed bugzilla="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;product=MDT&amp;component=BPMN2&amp;target_milestone=0.7.0&amp;status_whiteboard_type=casesubstring&amp;status_whiteboard=Compliance&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=plan&amp;field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-0-0=substring&amp;value0-0-0=galileo&amp;field0-1-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-1-0=notsubstring&amp;value0-1-0=galileo-" />
+      <deferred bugzilla="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;classification=Modeling&amp;product=MDT&amp;component=BPMN2&amp;status_whiteboard_type=casesubstring&amp;status_whiteboard=Compliance&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=plan&amp;field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=galileo-" />
+    </theme>
+  </themes_and_priorities>
+  <appendix name="Legal Notices">
+    <html:div>
+      <html:ul>
+        <html:li>Java is a trademark or a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.</html:li>
+        <html:li>BPMN and OMG are trademarks of the Object Management Group<html:sup>TM</html:sup>, Inc.</html:li>
+        <html:li>All other products or company names are mentioned for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.</html:li>
+      </html:ul>
+    </html:div>
+  </appendix>