Correct some inaccurancies.

Primarily, this fixes a misrepresentation that project licensing is
exclusively EPL. Reality is that we support our open source projects
using various licenses.

Change-Id: I20b65429cdcc4877929b7b465f9cfc682589385a
diff --git a/services/content/en_index.php b/services/content/en_index.php
index 93d8aac..959bb91 100644
--- a/services/content/en_index.php
+++ b/services/content/en_index.php
@@ -27,30 +27,28 @@
       An important aspect of the Eclipse Foundation is the focus on enabling the use of open source
       technology in commercial software products and services. We consciously promote and encourage
       software vendors to use Eclipse technology for building their commercial software products and
-      services. This is made possible by the fact that all Eclipse projects are licensed under the <a
-        href="/org/documents/epl-2.0"
-      >Eclipse Public License (EPL)</a>, a commercial friendly OSI approved license.
+      services. 
       The Eclipse Foundation also undertakes a number of steps to attempt to ensure the pedigree of
       the intellectual property contained within Eclipse projects. The first step in the due
       diligence process is trying to ensure that all contributions are made by the rightful
-      copyright holder and under the Eclipse Public License (EPL). All committers are required to
+      copyright holder and under the terms of the project license. All committers are required to
       sign a <a href="/legal/committer_process/EclipseIndividualCommitterAgreementFinal.pdf">committer
         agreement</a> that stipulates all of their contributions are their original work and are
-      being contributed under the EPL. If a committer is sponsored to work on an Eclipse project by
+      being contributed under the terms of the project license. If a committer is sponsored to work on an Eclipse project by
       a Member organization, then that organization is asked to sign a <a
       >Member Committer Agreement</a> to ensure the intellectual property rights of the organization
-      are contributed under the EPL.
+      are contributed under the terms of the project license.
       The second step is that the source code related to all contributions which are developed
-      outside of the Eclipse development process is processed through the Eclipse Foundation <a
-        href="/legal/EclipseLegalProcessPoster.pdf"
-      >IP approval process</a>. This process includes analyzing selected code contributions to try
-      to ascertain the provenance of the code, and license compatibility with the EPL. Contributions
-      that contain code licensed under licenses not compatible with the EPL are intended to be
+      outside of the <a href="/dev_process/development_process.php">Eclipse Foundation Development Process</a> is processed through the Eclipse Foundation <a
+        href="/projects/handbook/#ip"
+      >IP approval process</a>. This process includes analyzing selected contributions to 
+      ascertain the provenance of the content, and license compatibility. Contributions
+      that contain content licensed under licenses not compatible with the project licenses are 
       screened out through this approval process and thus not added to an Eclipse project. The end
       result is a level of confidence that Eclipse open source projects release technology that can
       be safely distributed in commercial products.
@@ -74,17 +72,11 @@
       services and support for the projects to help them achieve these goals.</p>
       The Foundation staff help implement the <a href="/dev_process/development_process.php">Eclipse
-        Development Process</a>. This process assists new project startup and ensures that all
-      Eclipse projects are run in an open, transparent and meritocratic manner. As part of this
+      Foundation Development Process</a>. This process assists new project startup and ensures that all
+      Eclipse projects are run in an open, transparent, and meritocratic manner. As part of this
       process, the Foundation organizes member community reviews for projects to ensure consistent
       interaction between the projects and the broader membership.
-    <p>The Eclipse community organizes an annual release train that provides a coordinated release
-      of those Eclipse projects which wish to participate. The release train makes it easier for
-      downstream consumers to adopt new releases of the projects because 1) all the projects are
-      available on the same schedule, so you don&#39;t have to wait for independent project
-      schedules, and 2) a level of integration testing occurs before the final release to help
-      identify cross-project issues.</p>
     <h2 id="IT">IT Infrastructure</h2>
     <p>The Eclipse Foundation manages the IT infrastructure for the Eclipse open source community,
       including Git code repositories and code review tools, bug trackers, Jenkins build farm,