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<td width=68 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
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<td width=242 height=27>
<table border=0 valign=top cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<td width=242 height=27 align=center><font face="Times New Roman" size=4><b>What
is </b><b>APWORKS</b><b>?</b></font><br>
<td width=116 height=27 colspan=4></td>
<td width=475 height=23 colspan=7></td>
<td width=68 height=75></td>
<td width=360 height=75 colspan=4>
<table border=0 valign=top cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<td width=12 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=7 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=52 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=208 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=75 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=19 height=3 colspan=2></td>
<td width=341 height=18 colspan=4 rowspan=3><font face="Times New Roman"
size=2><b>APWORKS is Fujitsu’s integrated development</b></font><br>
<td width=12 height=12><img src=image005.gif border=0 width=11 height=11></td>
<td width=7 height=12></td>
<td width=19 height=3 colspan=2></td>
<td width=360 height=1 colspan=6></td>
<td width=19 height=18 colspan=2></td>
<td width=260 height=18 colspan=2><font face="Times New Roman" size=2><b>environment
for Java for developing</b></font><br>
<td width=81 height=18 colspan=2></td>
<td width=360 height=1 colspan=6></td>
<td width=19 height=18 colspan=2></td>
<td width=335 height=18 colspan=3><font face="Times New Roman" size=2><b>applications
on the INTERSTAGE Application</b></font><br>
<td width=6 height=18></td>
<td width=360 height=1 colspan=6></td>
<td width=19 height=18 colspan=2></td>
<td width=52 height=18><font face="Times New Roman" size=2><b>Server.</b></font><br>
<td width=289 height=18 colspan=3></td>
<td width=47 height=75 colspan=2></td>
<td width=475 height=12 colspan=7></td>
<td width=68 height=56></td>
<td width=377 height=56 colspan=5>
<table border=0 valign=top cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<td width=12 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=7 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=285 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=68 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=19 height=3 colspan=2></td>
<td width=285 height=18 rowspan=3><font face="Times New Roman" size=2><b>APWORKS
supports Java and COBOL</b></font><br>
<td width=73 height=3 colspan=2></td>
<td width=12 height=12><img src=image005.gif border=0 width=11 height=11></td>
<td width=7 height=12></td>
<td width=73 height=12 colspan=2></td>
<td width=19 height=3 colspan=2></td>
<td width=73 height=3 colspan=2></td>
<td width=377 height=1 colspan=5></td>
<td width=19 height=18 colspan=2></td>
<td width=358 height=18 colspan=3><font face="Times New Roman" size=2><b>application
development from client side to Server</b></font><br>
<td width=377 height=1 colspan=5></td>
<td width=19 height=18 colspan=2></td>
<td width=353 height=18 colspan=2><font face="Times New Roman" size=2><b>side
with the latest Java/CORBA/Web technology</b></font><br>
<td width=5 height=18></td>
<td width=30 height=56></td>
<td width=475 height=14 colspan=7></td>
<td width=68 height=37></td>
<td width=349 height=37 colspan=3>
<table border=0 valign=top cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<td width=12 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=7 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=313 height=0 nowrap><img src="v3_space.gif" border=0></td>
<td width=19 height=3 colspan=2></td>
<td width=313 height=18 rowspan=3><font face="Times New Roman" size=2><b>Application
can be developed and debugged</b></font><br>
<td width=17 height=3></td>
<td width=12 height=12><img src=image005.gif border=0 width=11 height=11></td>
<td width=7 height=12></td>
<td width=17 height=12></td>
<td width=19 height=3 colspan=2></td>
<td width=17 height=3></td>
<td width=349 height=1 colspan=4></td>
<td width=19 height=18 colspan=2></td>
<td width=330 height=18 colspan=2><font face="Times New Roman" size=2><b>efficiently
using several APWORKS GUI tools</b></font><br>
<td width=58 height=37 colspan=3></td>
<td width=475 height=87 colspan=7></td>