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<h1><span style="font-size: 140%">Project Plan For
<a href="">Device Debugging</a></span>, version 1.1</h1>
<div id="toc">
<a name="toc">
<strong>Table of Contents</strong>
<a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
<a href="#release_deliverables">
Release Deliverables
<a href="#release_milestones">
Release Milestones
<a href="#target_environments">
Target Environments
<a href="#compatibility">
Compatibility with Previous Releases
<a href="#themes_and_priorities">
Themes and Priorities
<a name="introduction">Introduction</a>
The primary goal of this release is to deliver additional features to the DSF framework and to add support for non-stop and multi-process debugging in the upcoming GDB debugger release.
<a name="release_deliverables">Release Deliverables</a>
<ul><li> SPIRIT
<ul><li> IPXACT Editor &amp; Checker (downloadable)
</li><li> Memory
<ul><li> Traditional Memory Rendering (downloadable)
</li><li> DSF
<ul><li> DSF SDK (downloadable)
<ul><li> Service and concurrency APIs, base implementations, and utilities
</li><li> Debugger services' interface definitions
</li><li> Implementation of Platform and CDT APIs to populate debugger views with data from DSF debugger services.
</li><li> GDB/MI
<ul><li> GDB Debugger (downloadable)
<ul><li> Base classes for a debugger implementation based on generic GDB/MI protocol back end.
</li><li> Debugger implementation based on GNU GDB back end.
</li><li> GDB Launch (downloadable)
<ul><li> Launch configurations for the GDB debugger.
</li><li> Disassembly
<ul><li> Sub project work to be delivered as part of CDT.
</li><li> Multi-Context
<ul><li> Sub project work to be delivered as part of Eclipse SDK.
<a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a>
<a name="release_milestones">Release Milestones</a>
Since this is an off-train release and all dependencies come from Ganymede release, we can pick the milestone dates as we see fit.
<table border="1" align="center">
<div>Milestone with quality targets.</div>
<div>API freeze</div>
<div>Feature freeze</div>
<a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a>
<a name="target_environments">Target Environments</a>
<p>Most of DD deliverables do not have any platform-dependent components, which means that they are supported on all platforms that their dependencies are supported on. Exceptions are listed here:</p>
<table rules="all" cellpadding="2">
<td> <b>Deliverable</b> </td><td> <b>Reference Platforms</b>
<td> GDB/MI </td><td> Linux - x86
<p>Components of DD project depend on other features. This dable describes these dependencies:</p>
<table rules="all" cellpadding="2">
<td> <b>Dependencies</b>
<td> IPXACT Editor &amp; Checker 1.0
<ul><li> Platform SDK 3.4.1
</li><li> EMF
<td> Traditional Memory Rendering 1.1
<ul><li> Platform SDK 3.4.1
<td> DSF SDK 1.1
<ul><li> Platform SDK 3.4.1
</li><li> CDT 5.0.1
<td> GDB Debugger 1.1
<ul><li> Platform SDK 3.4.1
</li><li> CDT 5.0
</li><li> DSF SDK 1.1
<td> GDB Launch 1.1
<ul><li> Platform SDK 3.4.1
</li><li> CDT 5.0
</li><li> DSF SDK 1.1
</li><li> GDB Debugger 1.1
<a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a>
<a name="compatibility">Compatibility with Previous Releases</a>
<a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a>
<a name="themes_and_priorities">Themes and Priorities</a>
<h3>Finalize DD provisional APIs</h3>
<h3>Additional DSF UI features</h3>
<li>[debug view] Displayaing suspended threads only [<a href="">160042</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li>
<li>[debug view] Argument information in stack frame labels [<a href="">160044</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li>
<li>[Update policy] Add a time-delayed update policy for variables views. [<a href="">206933</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li>
<li>[variables][cdi] Variables view should show globals (or should it?) [<a href="">219040</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li>
<li>[variables][cdi] Variables view should use icons to represent types. [<a href="">219202</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li>
<li>[variables][cdi] Variables view should allow variables to be cast to a type. [<a href="">219203</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li>
<li>[variables view][cdi] Ehance variables view for feature parity with CDT. [<a href="">237560</a>] (target milestone: 1.1)</li>
<li>[debug view] Retrieving limited # of stack frames. [<a href="">160041</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 1.1 M1)</strike></li>
<li>[run control][debug view][source lookup] When stepping fast (holding down F5 key) the IP in editor does not keep up. [<a href="">214386</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 1.1 M2)</strike></li>
<li>[source lookup] Optimize source lookup. [<a href="">241133</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 1.1 M2)</strike></li>
<li>[update policy][debug view] Add manual refresh mode for thread list in debug view. [<a href="">202649</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 1.1 M1)</strike></li>
<li>[update policy] Allow setting update policy for each layout node. [<a href="">202555</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 1.0 M5)</strike></li>
<h3>Support for new GDB features</h3>
<li>[multi-process] Support for multiple inferior processes [<a href="">237308</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li>
<li>[processes] [multi-process] Implement a GDB service for IProcesses [<a href="">239050</a>] (target milestone: 1.1 M1)</li>
<li>[multi-process] Support for multi-process in the IProcesses service [<a href="">240507</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li>
<li>[non-stop] Add support for non-stop multi-threaded debugging in GDB. [<a href="">237556</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 1.1)</strike></li>
<li>[multi-process] GDBControlDMContext should be adapted for multi-process [<a href="">241317</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 1.1 M3)</strike></li>
<a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a>
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