blob: 46e39bb2868add3c4e200498a6b79114ecb0e9b4 [file] [log] [blame]
<boardmember id="pearce" type="addin">
<name> Shawn Pearce </name>
<title> Software Engineer, Google </title>
<email> </email>
<eclipse_affiliation> <![CDATA[
Solutions Provider
]]> </eclipse_affiliation>
<vision> <![CDATA[
<p>The Eclipse Project is an important focal point in open source
Java development communities due to the high quality of its many
projects. My goals for the Eclipse Foundation are to expand upon
this position and attract more contributors and collaborators.</p>
<p>To do this I will:</p>
<li>Encourage more collaboration with the Apache Software Foundation</li>
<li>Ensure a future for Java by improving collaboration with OpenJDK</li>
<li>Recommend increased usage of modern infrastructure tools,
reducing contributor pain points</li>
<p>The ASF also produces high quality projects, many of which are
consumed by Eclipse as part of the platform. Collaboration and
code sharing needs to be simple for contributors, to prevent wide
spread replication of effort. The Eclipse Foundation should work
with ASF to reduce the IP review required prior to bringing in ASF
managed works.</p>
<p>Eclipse and its consumers rely upon J2SE runtimes. OpenJDK
represents a major leap forward in ensuring the Java platform
will always be available. The Eclipse Foundation has a vested
interested in maintaining the viability of the Java platform, and
should encourage contribution to and the widespread deployment of
open J2SE systems.</p>
<p>New contributors, like Google Summer of Code students, are
often road-blocked on gaining commit access to repositories.
Modern distributed systems often alleviate this by permitting change
recording at outside locations until IP agreements can be finished
and access granted. As the Eclipse Foundation and its members are
very careful with their IP review processes, the foundation needs to
encourage use of tools that make it easier for newcomers to enter
the ecosystem and meet the requirements, without losing effort,
history, or becoming frustrated and leaving.</p>
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<bio> <![CDATA[
<p>At Google, Shawn is committed to fostering the growth of the open
source ecosystem by supporting existing programs such as Google
Summer of Code, and the development of new communities, like the
Android Open Source Project. Prior to joining Google, Shawn lead
a development team at Bank of America building domain-specific
plugins for the Eclipse platform.</p>
<p>Outside of work, Shawn is an active contributor in the Git
community, pushing the limits of distributed development tools.</p>
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<affiliation> <![CDATA[