blob: 6ff69701b3a5ce5ec05fb25e8f83fbadd03dc1ab [file] [log] [blame]
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Matthew Khouzam has been using Eclipse tools since the Callisto release and has been a committer on Eclipse projects for 10 years, with almost 5,000 reviews to his name. He is the product manager for Eclipse Theia, OpenVSX, Eclipse Trace Compass within Ericsson and co-lead for the Eclipse Trace Compass Incubator. Matthew is also co-lead of the project. He is a technology enthusiast, especially in the field of performance engineering. In the copious amounts of free time he has left, he is a husband, a father, and enjoys cooking, biking and woodworking. He is also a budding doodler and has been co-developing a game in his remaining spare time.
Matthew has worked in academia and industry, coordinating between large and small companies as well as university research labs.
Finally, he is a great big nerd. He will gladly broach any subject if the other side brings enthusiasm.