blob: 38dfed663d641387c466684f572950bb6b2c2881 [file] [log] [blame]
<boardmember id="kamutzki" type="addin">
<name>Hans Kamutzki</name>
<title>Managing Director, MicroDoc</title>
<eclipse_affiliation> <![CDATA[
<p>Eclipse is an intrinsic element of MicroDoc's technology portfolio. The
unique combination of technical flexibility and economical promises of
a commercially usable open source platform made Hans Kamutzki decide to
have his developers deep dive into Eclipse as early as 2002. Since then
MicroDoc is closely following the path of Eclipse technology. As head of
the embedded Java operations within MicroDoc, Hans is actively promoting
the eRCP (embedded Rich Client Platform) in customer projects and internal
product development. </p>]]>
<vision> <![CDATA[
<p>My vision as a candidate for the Eclipse Board is:
- Support the growth of the Eclipse EcoSystem as a pervasive industrial strength
software platform for servers, clients and mobile/embedded devices.
- Help to establish Eclipse in research and education to make sure graduates
can seamlessly be integrated into industrial SW production.
- Strengthen the influence of European members in the community
- Address legal issues in the framework of European legislation raised by the
fact that EPL and other important provision are US law based.
- Help to develop a clear understanding of the legal/commercial implications
of the use of software under the EPL in Europe.</p>]]>
<bio> <![CDATA[
<p>Hans Kamutzki is co-founder and Managing Director of MicroDoc, Munich. He
studied Physics and Computer Science in Bonn and Munich, Germany and
focussed on realtime image processing and process control in the early
days of his professional work. For a "device and algorithm for the automatic
detection of objects" he was co-awarded a German and European patent. After
many years of development and project management practice in Smalltalk and
Java, Hans now runs the Embedded Java operations in MicroDoc, working mainly in
business development and legal/contractual matters.</p> ]]>
<affiliation> <![CDATA[
<p>MicroDoc is a software consultancy and product development business founded in
1991 by Hendrik Hoefer and Hans Kamutzki. In the 90, MicroDoc's focus was on
object oriented programming with Smalltalk. Hans Kamutzki was a main contributor
to a MicroDoc product called "Object for Notes", a technical Smalltalk to Lotus
Notes gateway, that was licensed to IBM in 1995. He worked as a technical and
operational liaison between MicroDoc and IBM and spent several month with
integration work in the RTP labs in Raleigh, NC and on other lab engagements. Even
before Java became a mainstream, MicroDoc invested in this technology and provided
a number of product components to the international market of reusable
components. Among these products are Java based persistence frameworks,
an EJB persistency container and a variety of migration and quality assurance
tools as well as some contributions to IBM's VisualAge for Java product. MicroDoc's
work with Eclipse started in 2002 with an IDE migration project for a large
airline. Eclipse has become a universal tool within MicroDoc since then. Eclipse is
used as a development platform, but also heavily as a runtime environment for RCP
and eRCP clients and server applications. As MicroDoc is building end to end
solutions (starting on the mainframe and scaling down to mobile and
embedded devices) the Eclipse RCP/eRCP platforms are essential building
blocks for harmonizing the architecture in many MicroDoc projects today. As a
Managing Directory, Hans is in charge for the embedded Java business as well
as legal and contractual matters within MicroDoc today.</p>]]>