blob: 5c7b7ef99ea5eb05b15b7cb444292ec824ce7637 [file] [log] [blame]
<boardmember id="wagenknecht" type="committer">
<name>Gunnar Wagenknecht</name>
<title>CTO, AGETO</title>
<eclipse_affiliation> <![CDATA[
<a href="">Planet Eclipse</a> Creator<br/>
<a href="">Technology</a> PMC Lead<br/>
<a href="">RT</a> PMC member<br/>
<a href="">Gyrex</a> Lead<br/>
Committer on Gyrex, Orbit, RAP Incubator<br/>
Contributor to Equinox, EclipseLink, Gemini and PDE<br/>
Architecture Council member<br/>
<a href="">EclipseCon</a> Program Committee (2006, 2012, 2013)
]]> </eclipse_affiliation>
<vision> <![CDATA[
I just love the Eclipse community!
Being part of this family for more than ten years now, I met a lot
committers, users, contributors and adopters in person over the years.
Serving on the board in order to help ensuring that the interests of
committers are properly represented will be a great honor for me.
I'm a strong supporter of Eclipse's openness and diversity across the
board. I’m pragmatic and I like it when processes are implemented as
lean as possible. Needless to say, processes are important. The Eclipse
Development Process is one of the many great values of Eclipse. My
vision for serving at the Eclipse Board will follow these principles.
I’ll actively participate in ongoing as well as initiate new
discussions on topics which aid improving the life and work of
committers and contributors at Eclipse.
For 2013 I’d like to focus on the following topics in particular:
Improve handling of third-party libraries at Eclipse; ensure easy
contribution and consumption for all projects (p2 and Maven).
Begin modernizing the Eclipse infrastructure around communication.
Today there is NNTP and forums, Stack Overflow and GitHub;
it’s time-consuming for committers to check every possible
channel separately.
Make it easier to consume contributions from GitHub; it must be
possible to go from a pull-request via CQ into a repo without
creating an extra Bugzilla.
Be attractive to new projects which may not use OSGi, maybe
written in a language other than Java and may require additional
licensing options too.
It will be my pleasure to represent <strong>you</strong> - the
committers! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate
to get in touch with me.
]]> </vision>
<bio> <![CDATA[
Gunnar has been a member of the Eclipse Community since its beginning and
he is a prolific contributor with many years of experience on numerous
Eclipse projects; Gunnar leads the Technology PMC and is a member of the
Eclipse Architecture Council and the RT PMC. He is the
webmaster's best friend and worst nightmare. Apart from Eclipse he loves
chatting about fishing, diving and his family and other things that matters
over a good beer or a glass of dry, barrel aged red wine.
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<affiliation> <![CDATA[