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<TITLE>Eclipse Slide</TITLE>
<H1>Eclipse Slide</H1>
SuSE Linux AG- Key Facts</UL></P>
The Company
<LI>Founded in 1992
<LI>The European No. 1 in Linux
<LI>Headquartered in Nuremberg, subsidiaries in Czech Republic, Italy, .Mexico, South Africa, United Kingdom and USA
<LI>ca. 370 employees worldwide</UL></P>
The Business
<LI>Preferred Linux operating system among leading .IT companies like IBM, Intel, Compaq, AMD, FSC, .SAP, and Oracle
<LI>First enterprise Linux with maintained interfaces for at least two years – “SuSE Linux Enterprise Server”
<LI>First true x-platform Linux
<LI>Strong revenue growth.</UL></P>
Revenue Development
(Forecast, in million Euro)</UL></P>
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