blob: af230ba9d1039b5464b42050c2b729f9d2d04ec9 [file] [log] [blame]
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Jason van Zyl is CTO of Sonatype and the founder of the Apache Maven project, the Plexus IoC framework and the
Apache Velocity project. Jason currently serves on the Apache Maven Project Management Committee. He has been
involved with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) for seven years, helped to found Codehaus, a well respected
incubation facility for open source community projects, and is a frequent speaker at many major software
conferences, including JavaOne, EclipseCon, EmergingTech and ApacheCon. Jason has over ten years of enterprise
software development experience. He founded Periapt, Inc., a company that provided software infrastructure
development services to Fortune 500 companies such as Toyota Corp., Bank of America and Coca-Cola Co. Previous
to Periapt, he worked as a Technology Architect at Compusense, a world leader in sensory analysis and data