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<h1>Eclipse Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) <br>
1.0 Plan</h1>
<p>Frozen version for the <a href="../../roadmap.html">Eclipse Roadmap v1.0</a>, last revised February 16, 2005.<br>
The most current version of this document is available on
<img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><a href="">the
BIRT website</a>.</p>
<p><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </i><em>Please send comments about this draft plan to the <a href="">BIRT developer mailing list</a>.</em></p>
<p>This document lays out the plans for the first feature release
of the Eclipse BIRT project.
<li><a href="#Deliverables">Release deliverables</a></li>
<li><a href="#Milestones">Release milestones</a></li>
<li><a href="#TargetOperatingEnvironments">Target operating environments</a></li>
<li><a href="#Compatibility">Compatibility with previous releases</a></li>
<li><a href="#Themes">Themes</a></li>
<p>Plans do not materialize out of nowhere, nor are they entirely static. To
ensure the planning process is transparent and open to the entire Eclipse
community, plans are posted in an embryonic form and then revised from time to
time throughout the release cycle.
<p>The first part of the plan deals with the important matters of release
deliverables, release milestones, target operating environments, and
release-to-release compatibility. These are all things that need to be clear for
any release, even if no features were to change.
<h2><a name="Deliverables"></a>Release deliverables</h2>
<p>The release deliverables are:
<li>Source code release for Eclipse BIRT, available as versions tagged &quot;R1&quot; in the
<img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><a href="">CVS repository for BIRT </a>. </li>
<li>Eclipse BIRT Report Designer 1.0</li>
<li>Eclipse BIRT Report Engine 1.0</li>
<li>Eclipse BIRT Chart Component 1.0 </li>
<h2><a name="Milestones"></a>Release milestones</h2>
<p>The Eclipse BIRT 1.0 release is targeted for general availability on May 15th, 2005. All release deliverables will be available for download as soon as the release has been tested and validated in the target operating configurations listed below.</p>
<p>Release milestones:</p>
<li>Feb. 28, 2005: Preview of BIRT 1.0 Release - Preview of BIRT Report Designer; BIRT Report Engine and BIRT Chart Component for community feedback.</li>
<li>Feb. 28 - May 15, 2005: Updated stable builds approximately every 2 weeks to address identified defects and complete features planned for 1.0 release. </li>
<li>May 15, 2005: BIRT 1.0 Release - BIRT Report Designer; BIRT Report Engine and BIRT Chart Component.</li>
<h2><a name="TargetOperatingEnvironments"></a>Target Operating Environments</h2>
<p>In order to remain current, each release of an Eclipse project targets reasonably current
versions of underlying operating environments and other Eclipse projects on
which it depends.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Most of Eclipse is &quot;pure&quot; Java™ code and has no direct
dependence on the underlying operating system. The chief dependence is on the
Eclipse Platform, and on the Java 2 Platform that runs it.</p>
<p>The Eclipse BIRT 1.0 release depends on the following:</p>
<li>Java 2 Platform Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.4.2</li>
<li>Eclipse Platform 3.0.1 </li>
<li>Graphical Editor Framework (GEF) 3.0.1 </li>
<p> The 1.0 release of BIRT is designed to run on any configuration supporting the above components.</p>
<p>The Eclipse Platform runs in a variety of operating environments. Testing is
focused on a handful of popular
<span class="header">combinations of operating system and Java 2 Platform; these
are our <em>reference platforms</em>. Eclipse BIRT undoubtedly runs fine in many
operating environments beyond the reference platforms we test. However, since we
do not systematically test them we cannot vouch for them. Problems encountered
when running Eclipse on non-reference platform that cannot be recreated on any
reference platform will be given lower priority than problems with running
Eclipse on a reference platform.</span></p>
<p>For BIRT 1.0, the project team plans to tests and validate the
following reference platforms:</p>
<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<th colspan="4">
<div align="center">
<b><font size="+1">BIRT Report Designer Reference Platforms</font></b>
<td width="205"><b>Operating system</b></td>
<td width="76"><b>Processor architecture</b></td>
<td width="59"><b>Window system</b></td>
<td width="453"><b>Java 2 Platform</b></td>
<td>Microsoft Windows XP </td>
<td>Intel x86 </td>
<td>Sun Java 2 Standard Edition, version 1.4.2</td>
<td>Microsoft WIndows XP </td>
<td>Intel x86 </td>
<td>IBM SDK 1.4.2 </td>
<td>Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 3.0 </td>
<td>Intel x86 </td>
<td>Sun Java 2 Standard Edition, version 1.4.2</td>
<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<th colspan="4"> <div align="center"> <b><font size="+1">BIRT Report Engine and Chart Component Reference Platforms</font></b> </div></th>
<td width="205"><b>Operating system</b></td>
<td width="76"><b>Processor architecture</b></td>
<td width="59"><b>Window system</b></td>
<td width="453"><b>Java 2 Platform</b></td>
<td>Microsoft Windows XP </td>
<td>Intel x86 </td>
<td>Sun Java 2 Standard Edition, version 1.4.2</td>
<td>Microsoft WIndows XP </td>
<td>Intel x86 </td>
<td>IBM SDK 1.4.2 </td>
<td>Microsoft Windows Server 2003 </td>
<td>Intel x86</td>
<td>Sun Java 2 Standard Edition, version 1.4.2</td>
<td>Microsoft Windows Server 2003</td>
<td>Intel x86 </td>
<td>IBM SDK 1.4.2 </td>
<td>Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 3.0 </td>
<td>Intel x86 </td>
<td>Sun Java 2 Standard Edition, version 1.4.2</td>
<td>IBM AIX 5L 5.2 </td>
<td>IBM SDK 1.4.2</td>
<td>Sun Solaris 9 </td>
<td>Sun Java 2 Standard Edition, version 1.4.2</td>
<p>* Window system only required when displaying charts within SWT or SWING windows. </p>
<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<th width="808"> <div align="center"> <b><font size="+1">BIRT JDBC Reference Platforms</font></b> </div></th>
<td> MySQL Connector/J 3.x JDBC driver</td>
<td> Cloudscape ( Derby) V5.1 JDBC driver </td>
<td> DataDirect Connect for JDBC 3.4</td>
<table border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<th width="808"> <div align="center"> <b><font size="+1">BIRT Browsers and Viewers Reference Platforms </font></b></div></th>
<td>Mozilla Firefox 1.0 </td>
<td> Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 </td>
<td><p>Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 </p></td>
<p> Eclipse is designed as the basis for internationalized products.
The user interface elements provided by the various Eclipse projects, including
dialogs and error messages, are externalized. The English strings for BIRT
are provided
as the default resource bundles. Translations are not provided with this
release. However, the plug-in fragment mechanism provides the means by which translations into any number of
other languages can be incorporated.</p>
<h2><a name="Compatibility"></a>Compatibility with Previous Releases</h2>
<p>This is the first release of the Eclipse BIRT project, so compatibility with previous releases is not applicable. However, this section is retained in order to provide general forward looking guidelines regarding compatibility with future releases of BIRT.</p>
<p>In general, the BIRT project aims to provide strong upward compatibility with future BIRT releases. However, as a 1.0 release, community feedback may dictate that some upward compatibility can not be supported in favor of advancing the capabilities of BIRT to meet the needs of the community.</p>
<h2><a name="Themes"></a>Themes</h2>
<p>As a new project within the Eclipse Foundation, the BIRT project's overriding release 1.0 theme is to extend the Eclipse platform to provide
infrastructure and tools that allow application developers to design, deploy, generate and view reports within their applications. In this context, the BIRT project also adopts and supports key themes within the overall Eclipse planning process:</p>
<li><strong>Appealing to a Broader Community</strong> - BIRT will address a new problem space for Eclipse that broadens the appeal of the Eclipse platform. By addressing this new market for Eclipse, BIRT aims to bring a new class of developers - report developers - into the Eclipse community.</li>
<li><strong>Simple to Use</strong> - From the outset, the BIRT project regards ease-of-use to be a key objective for the project. Reporting technology is used by a broad range of users with a wide variety of skill sets - therefore the tool needs to be approachable and intuitive. The BIRT project team are focused on ensuring that users can quickly become productive with the technology.</li>
<li><strong>Enterprise Ready</strong> - BIRT 1.0 will leverage the surrounding Eclipse infrastructure for Enterprise activities such as source code management and deployment of BIRT reports in the application. In addition, the initial release of BIRT will provide for support for key enterprise data bases such as Oracle and DB2.</li>
<li><strong>Design for Extensibility: Be a Better Platform</strong> - Extensibility is a core principle behind the BIRT project. Extensibility will be supported in a number of areas: data access (both design time and runtime); report output formats; chart types; report components; and business logic.</li>
<p>In addition to these goals, the BIRT PMC want to ensure that the initial release of BIRT provides usable value to Java application developers. Even at the 1.0 release level, the BIRT PMC has targeted common report types and a very approachable user interface design to ensure the release is immediately appealing to the Java development community. For full details on the content of the release, see the
<a href="Eclipse_BIRT_Project_R1_Requirements_2004_11_08.pdf">Release 1.0 BIRT Requirements
(November 8, 2004)</a>.</p>