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<P><STRONG>Project Name:</STRONG> CDT<BR><BR><STRONG>Project Leaders:</STRONG>
Sebastien Marineau, Thomas Fletcher </P>
<h2><STRONG>Project Description</STRONG></h2>
<P>The CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) Project is working towards providing a
fully functional C and C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the
Eclipse platform. </P>
<P>There are a number of groups contributing to the CDT; We strongly encourage
interested parties to extend our work, thereby making the Eclipse CDT project a
richer set of freely available resources. We are looking for contributions from
the open source community in the areas of test, development, documentation, and
general users who can help us ensure that the C/C++ tools work well on all the
Eclipse platforms. </P>
<P>Our current release function includes:</P>
<LI>C/C++ Editor (basic functionality, syntax highlighting, code completion
<LI>C/C++ Debugger (APIs &amp; Default implementation, using GDB)
<LI>C/C++ Launcher (APIs &amp; Default implementation, launches and external
<LI>Search Engine
<LI>Content Assist Provider
<LI>Makefile generator </LI></UL>
<P>See <img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><A
<STRONG>Executive Summary</STRONG> </h2>
<p>Design for Extensibility: Be a Better Platform</p>
<li>The CDT project plans to better document and qualify their API in order
that other projects and ISVs have a well defined platform from which to integrate
and extend.</li>
<p> Enterprise Ready </p>
<li>The CDT project recognizes the needs for a tools platform that can meet
the requirements and challenges of large projects on an Enterprise scale.
Future plans will take into account these needs.</li>
<p> Performance and Scalability</p>
<li> The demands of development projects with extensive code basis requires
that the CDT project designs and develops a tools platform that can scale
from a single developer to large distributed development teams. Future enhancements
efforts will need to make this requirement a priority.</li>
<STRONG>List of currently shipping software distributions</STRONG></h2>
<P>CDT 2.1.x for Eclipse 3.0</P>
<P>CDT 2.0.x for Eclipse 3.0<font></font></P>
<P>CDT 1.2.x for Eclipse 2.0</P>
<P><img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><a href=""></a></P>
<h2><STRONG>Key Release Dates</STRONG></h2>
<P>CDT 2.1.1 mid February, 05</P>
<P>CDT 3.0, estimated release 2Q05</P>
<P>CDT 3.x , estimates release 4Q05</P>
<h2><STRONG>URL to current planning document: </STRONG></h2>
<P><img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><a href=""></a></P>