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<p align="center"><strong><font size="4">Tools PMC - Themes and Priorities by
<p align="left"><strong>Quick Links - <a href="#cdt">CDT</a> <a href="#cobol">COBOL</a>
<a href="#ve">VE</a> </strong><strong><a href="#uml2">UML2</a>
<a href="#emf">EMF</a> <a href="#gef">GEF</a> </strong></p>
<a name="ve"></a>
<h2><strong>VE - Visual Editor Project</strong></h2>
<p>The following are the Visual Editor Project draft themes/plan items:</p>
<p> Overarching Theme: Platform Maturity</p>
<p>With VEP 1.0, we have delivered a platform that is functional on Linux/GTK
and is very usable on Windows. Further, we have implemented all of the minimum
features required to support both the Swing and SWT widget toolkits, in standalone
and in Eclipse Rich Client Platform applications.</p>
<p>VEP 1.1 will focus on improving, maturing, and solidifying our existing support.</p>
Within that context, we are proposing the following committed and proposed plan
items for VEP 1.1:</p>
<p>1) Platform Performance. (Committed Plan Item)</p>
<p>Put simply, VEP can be faster. We intend to do whatever rewriting and refactoring
is necessary in order to make the experience of using VEP as<br>
pleasant and usable as possible from a performance perspective.</p>
<p>2) API documentation. (Committed Plan Item)</p>
<p>Currently, all APIs are internal APIs. We will begin the process of solidifying
and documenting APIs. This work depends on the Platform<br>
Performance work, because some of the performance optimizations we consider
may have the effect of breaking our current (internal) APIs.</p>
<p>3) Evolve Rich Client Platform Support. (Proposed Plan Item)</p>
<p>Currently, Eclipse's Rich Client Platform is supported by VEP's ability to
edit an arbitrary Composite. It would be nicer to have more complete integration.</p>
<p>4) Support Eclipse's FormLayout and JGoodies FormLayout layout managers.</p>
(Proposed Plan Item)</p>
<p>One of the first things we would like to document is how to extend VEP to support
custom layout managers. Subject to time constraints, we will<br>
implement one or both of these layout managers in VEP and document how we did
it to assist with future layout manager integration efforts.</p>
<p>It is extremely likely that the implementation of both layout managers will
be contingent on receiving adequate volunteer help from the Visual Editor Project
open-source development community.<br>
<a name="CDT"></a>
<h2><strong>CDT - C/C++ development tooling</strong></h2>
<a name="COBOL"></a>
<a name="GEF"></a>
<a name="UML2"></a>
<h2><strong>UML2 - Unified Modelling Lanugage 2</strong></h2>
<a name="EMF"></a>
<h2><strong>EMF - Eclipse Modelling Framework </strong></h2>
<p>&lt;none&gt; </p>