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<TITLE>eclipse WTP milestone plan (Draft)</TITLE>
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<P align=left><B><FONT size=6><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">eclipse WTP milestone
<FONT size=1><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT
color=#8080ff>the eclipse web tools platform project milestone
<TD width="40%"><IMG border="0" src="/images/Idea.jpg"
width="120" height="86"></TD>
Frozen version for the
<a href="">Eclipse Roadmap v1.0</a>,
<span lang="en-us">frozen on</span> <span lang="en-us">February 20, 2005.</span>.<br>
The most current version of this document is available on
<img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><a href="">the
WTP website</a>.&nbsp;
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0>
<COL width=7>
<COL width=249>
<TD vAlign=top width="100%" bgColor=#0080c0 colSpan=2>
<P align=left><B><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT color=#ffffff>Status
of this Document</FONT></FONT></B></P>
<TD vAlign=top width="3%">
<P align=right>&nbsp;</P>
<TD width="97%">
<P>This is a preliminary plan. It is undergoing review and change. It
includes initial ideas for the following Milestones:</P>
<TD vAlign=top width="3%">
<P align=right>
src="/images/Adarrow.gif" align=bottom
border=0 name=Image2 width="16" height="16"></P>
<TD width="97%">
<P><B><a href="#M0">M0</a></B><BR>
Initial CVS module structure, build infrastructure, and Server Tools.</P>
<TD vAlign=top width="3%">
<P align=right>
src="/images/Adarrow.gif" align=bottom
border=0 name=Image2 width="16" height="16"></P>
<TD width="97%">
<P><B><a href="#M1">M1</a></B>
- <SPAN lang=en-us>completed </SPAN>October 15<BR>
Finalize build infrastructure and Server Tools.</P>
<TD vAlign=top width="3%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<P align=right>
src="/images/Adarrow.gif" align=bottom
border=0 name=Image2 width="16" height="16"></P>
<TD width="97%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<P><B><a href="#M2">M2</a></B>
- December <SPAN lang=en-us>22</SPAN><BR>
Flexible project layout. Initial XML, JSP and EJB Tools.<SPAN
lang=en-us> Will be based on 3.1M4.</SPAN></P>
<TD vAlign=top width="3%">
<P align=right>
src="/images/Adarrow.gif" align=bottom
border=0 name=Image2 width="16" height="16"></P>
<TD width="97%">
<P><B><a href="#M3">M3</a></B>
- February <SPAN lang=en-us>25</SPAN><BR>
Improved XML, JSP and EJB Tools. Database Tools and Initial Web
Services.<SPAN lang=en-us> Will be based on 3.1M5.</SPAN></P>
<TD vAlign=top width="100%" bgColor=#0080c0 colSpan=2>
<P align=left><A name=M0><FONT color=#ffffff><FONT
face="Arial, Helvetica"><B>M0</B></FONT></FONT></A></P>
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P>The goal of M0 is to create the initial CVS module structure and
to populate it with the Server Tools. This allows us to verify our
build infrastructure and enables us to begin the creation of server
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P><B>High Priority</B></P>
<LI>Create and commit initial CVS module structure
<LI>Commit Server Tools into CVS
<LI>Run the first public automatic build
<LI>Update website with downloads/what's new links (ala EMF)</LI>
<TD vAlign=top width="100%" bgColor=#0080c0 colSpan=2>
<P align=left><A name=M1><FONT color=#ffffff><FONT
face="Arial, Helvetica"><B>M1</B></FONT></FONT></A></P>
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P>M1 <SPAN lang=en-us>was completed</SPAN> October 15</P>
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P><B>High Priority</B></P>
<LI>Finalize WTP Build Infrastructure
<LI>Run report automatic builds/tests
<LI>CVS structure
<LI>Updating web site with build info automatically (what's new
<LI>Server Runtime Support for Tomcat
<LI>Launch Server (Start) (In debug ro run modes)
<LI>Be able to run (and debug) Java Servlet
<LI>Stop Server</LI>
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P><B>Medium Priority</B></P>
<LI>Integrate Lomboz Generic Server Runtime Support using XML Server
Definitions (JBoss, Jonas)
<LI>Launch Server (Start) (In debug and run modes)
<LI>Stop Server</LI>
<LI>"Run on server" for Web artifacts (e.g. .html)
<LI>Start server
<LI>Display in IDE browser</LI>
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P><B>Low Priority</B></P>
<LI>Apache server adapter
<LI>Add/remove Web project to configuration
<LI>Start and stop server
<LI>"Run on server" for Web artifacts (e.g. .html)</LI>
<TD vAlign=top width="100%" bgColor=#0080c0 colSpan=2>
<P align=left><A name=M2><FONT color=#ffffff><FONT
face="Arial, Helvetica"><B>M2</B></FONT></FONT></A></P>
<TD width="3%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<TD width="97%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<P>M2 is expected for December <SPAN lang=en-us>22 and will be based
on the Platform 3.1M4</SPAN></P>
<TD width="3%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<TD width="97%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<P><B>High Priority</B></P>
<LI>Project Layouts for Web/J2EE Modules
<LI>Simple Web/J2EE project layouts</LI>
<LI>XML Source Page Editor</LI>
<LI>Validation for XML</LI>
<LI>Database Tool
<LI>Table content browsing</LI>
<LI>Medium Priority Items from M1</LI>
<TD width="3%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<TD width="97%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<P><B>Medium Priority</B></P>
<LI>Simple JSP Source Editing (which, by implication pulls in some
amount of XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
<LI>Set breakpoints</LI>
<LI>Debug JSP (JSR 45)
<LI>XML creation wizards (creates skeleton XML given DTD or XML
<LI>Graphical XML Schema editor</LI>
<LI>XML catalog support</LI>
<LI>Validation for XML Schema and DTD</LI>
<LI>XML example project to jump start users</LI>
<LI>EJB Wizards
<LI>Simple EJB Wizards to generate annotated Java Sources from
<LI>Session Beans only</LI>
<TD width="3%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<TD width="97%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<P><B>Low Priority</B></P>
<LI>Snippets View</LI>
<li>Task Tags in Comments of Many Languages</LI>
<TD width="3%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<TD width="97%" bgColor=#ccffff>
<P><B>M2 Shutdown Testing to begin 12/10</B></P>
<p>We'd like the community to stay aware of this date, so hopefully
we can have many people test it a few days, either to help execute
our test cases, or come up with some of your own. (Normally it would
be exactly one week, but we are allowing extra time due to holiday's
and to allow an upgrade to Eclipse M4 on 17th)</p>
<li>12/10 Build Candidate for Milestone</li>
<li>Code Complete</li>
<li>component test plans for
<img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><a href="/webtools/jst/components.html">JST</a>
<img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><a href="/webtools/wst/components.html">WST</a> complete</li>
<li>Top-to-Bottom mini-tutorials will be created will created for
testing (for example, see
<img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><a href="/webtools/testtutorials/M2/tutorial1/wtp-tutorial-I.html">WTP Tutorials-Building
and Running a Web Application</a>)</li>
<li>milestone plans updated, if appropriate, to accurately reflect
M2 content (e.g. if there's any &quot;early&quot; or
&quot;experimental&quot; function)</li>
<LI>exit criteria:</LI>
<LI>High priority items working</LI>
<li>Fixed all priority 1 defects, and fix or answer all Blocker,
Critical, and Major defects</li>
<LI>All running unit tests passing</LI>
<LI>Plugin.xml PDE flagged errors eliminated</LI>
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<COL width=7>
<COL width=249>
<TD vAlign=top width="100%" bgColor=#0080c0 colSpan=2>
<P align=left><A name=M3><FONT color=#ffffff><FONT
face="Arial, Helvetica"><B>M3</B></FONT></FONT></A></P>
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P>M3 is expected for February <SPAN lang=en-us>25 and will be based
on the Platform 3.1M5</SPAN></P>
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P><B>High Priority</B></P>
<LI>Project Layouts for Web/J2EE Modules
<LI>Complex Web/J2EE project layouts
<LI>Flexible project layouts, i.e. (One project for many web
modules, Maven style)</LI>
<LI>Web Services
<LI>Axis adapter
<LI>Develop a Web Service based on Session Beans
<LI>Develop a Web Service based on JavaBeans
<LI>Create Web Service Client
<LI>Graphical WSDL editor
<LI>Validation for WSDL
<LI>Medium Priority Items from M2</LI>
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P><B>Medium Priority</B></P>
<LI>EJB Wizards
<LI>EJB Wizards to generate annotated Java Sources from templates
<LI>All EJB types</LI>
<LI>XQuery editor
<LI>Database Tool
<LI>SQL Query graphical editor</LI>
<LI>Web Services
<LI>Develop and publish WSDL schema on UDDI registries
<LI>Test Web services for WS-I compliance</LI>
<TD width="3%">
<TD width="97%">
<P>Please see our <img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><A href="">privacy
policy</A> and website
<img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><A
href="">terms of use</A>. For
problems with the site, please contact the <A
href="">webmaster</A> or read the
<img border="0" src="../external.gif" width="20" height="16"><A
href="">webmaster FAQ</A> for
answers to common questions!</P>