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Project Plan For
<a href="">CDO Model Repository</a>, version 4.0</h1><div id="toc"><p><a name="toc"><strong>Table of Contents</strong></a></p><ul><li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li><li><a href="#release_deliverables">
Release Deliverables
</a></li><li><a href="#release_milestones">
Release Milestones
</a></li><li><a href="#target_environments">
Target Environments
</a></li><li><a href="#compatibility">
Compatibility with Previous Releases
</a></li><li><a href="#themes_and_priorities">
Themes and Priorities
</a></li><li><a href="#appendix">
</a></li></ul></div><h2><a name="introduction">Introduction</a></h2><div>
This document lays out the feature and API set for the
third release of the CDO Model Repository
Project (CDO), version 4.0. This project plan inherits from the Modeling
Project Plan, which should be referenced when consulting this
individual project plan.
</div><h2><a name="release_deliverables">Release Deliverables</a></h2><div>
The release deliverables have the same form as is found in most Eclipse projects, namely:
<li><b>CDO Dawn Codegen</b> (Contains the code generation aspects for graphical collaboration support over CDO.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Dawn Examples</b> (Contains example plugins to demonstrate a range of functions of Dawn.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Dawn Runtime</b> (Contains the runtime aspects for graphical collaboration support over CDO.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Dawn SDK</b> (Includes Runtime, Codegen, Tools, Examples, Documentation and Source.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Gastro Example</b> (Contains the CDO Gastro RCP plugins, models and sources.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Client</b> (Contains the CDO client core and user interface plugins.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Definitions</b> (Contains the EMF-based definition and wiring plugins for CDO.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Documentation</b> (Contains the documentation of the CDO SDK.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository EPP</b> (Contains a minimum CDO client and server environment for the Eclipse Modeling package.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Examples</b> (Contains the CDO example plugin, models and sources.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository SDK</b> (Includes Client, Server, Tools, Examples, Documentation and Source.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Server</b> (Contains the CDO server plugins.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Server DB</b> (Contains the DBStore plugins.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Server DB4O</b> (Contains the DB4O Store bundle. Ensure that DB4O Driver is already installed! Visit for a p2 repository that contains DB4O Driver.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Server Hibernate</b> (Contains the HibernateStore and Teneo integration plugins. Ensure that Hibernate is already installed! Visit for a p2 repository that contains Hibernate.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Server Objectivity</b> (Contains the Objectivity Store and stubbed jar file bundle. For runtime, ensure that you have Objectivity /DB installed!)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Server Product</b> (Contains the product definition of an installable CDO server.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Model Repository Tests</b> (Contains the CDO test plugins, models and sources.)</li>
<li><b>CDO Release Engineering Version Tool</b> (Contains the release engineering plugins and extensions.)</li>
<li><b>Net4j DB Framework</b> (Contains the database core framework and database adapter plugins for Derby, Mysql, HSQLDB and PostgreSQL. Additional database drivers are available via Read the license informations.)</li>
<li><b>Net4j DB Framework Derby Adapter</b> (Contains the Derby Adapter matching the Net4j DB Framework and the database driver bundle for Derby.)</li>
<li><b>Net4j DB Framework H2 Adapter</b> (Contains the H2 Adapter matching the Net4j DB Framework and the database driver bundle for H2.)</li>
<li><b>Net4j DB Framework HSQLDB Adapter</b> (Contains the HSQLDB Adapter matching the Net4j DB Framework BUT NOT the database driver bundle for HSQLDB. This needs to be installed separately, for example from</li>
<li><b>Net4j DB Framework MYSQL Adapter</b> (Contains the MYSQL Adapter matching the Net4j DB Framework BUT NOT the database driver bundle for MYSQL. This needs to be installed separately, for example from</li>
<li><b>Net4j DB Framework PostgreSQL Adapter</b> (Contains the PostgreSQL Adapter matching the Net4j DB Framework BUT NOT the database driver bundle for PostgreSQL. This needs to be installed separately, for example from</li>
<li><b>Net4j Signalling Platform Definitions</b> (Contains the EMF-based definition and wiring plugins for Net4j.)</li>
<li><b>Net4j Signalling Platform Examples</b> (Contains the general Net4j examples, the buddies collaboration + chat examples and the experimental JMS provider implementation plugins, as well as all sources.)</li>
<li><b>Net4j Signalling Platform Runtime</b> (Contains the Net4j core and transport provider plugins, e.g. tcp, jvm and http.)</li>
<li><b>Net4j Signalling Platform SDK</b> (Includes Runtime, UI, DB, Examples, Documentation and Source.)</li>
<li><b>Net4j Signalling Platform Tests</b> (Contains the Net4j test plugins and sources.)</li>
<li><b>Net4j Signalling Platform UI</b> (Contains the Net4j user interface and utilities user interface plugins. </li>
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="release_milestones">Release Milestones</a></h2><div>
Release milestone occurring at roughly 6 week intervals and follow the
Platform milestone releases by approximately 1 week; that is, until the
final 3.7 release of the Platform, upon which CDO and other projects
will release simultaneously. CDO will deliver its milestones within one week of
the Eclipse Platform. It is anticipated that CDO will synchronize its
milestones with the Helios milestone schedule.
</div><table border="1" align="center"><tr><td><b>M1</b></td><td>08/17/2010</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M2</b></td><td>09/28/2010</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M3</b></td><td>11/09/2010</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M4</b></td><td>12/14/2010</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M5</b></td><td>02/01/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M6</b></td><td>03/15/2011</td><td><div>API freeze</div></td></tr><tr><td><b>M7</b></td><td>05/03/2011</td><td><div>Feature Freeze</div></td></tr><tr><td><b>RC1</b></td><td>05/17/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>RC2</b></td><td>05/24/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>RC3</b></td><td>05/31/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>RC4</b></td><td>06/07/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>Final</b></td><td>06/22/2011</td><td/></tr></table><div>
CDO will produce maintenance releases to align with the Helios SR
releases, that includes the Eclipse Platform 3.6.x release.
CDO may produce interim maintenance releases in addition to these in
order to satisfy client requests. Maintenance releases will only be published
if they have any new fixes to offer.
<li>09/24/2010 - CDO 3.0.1 maintenance release (Helios Service Release 1)</li>
<li>02/25/2011 - CDO 3.0.2 maintenance release (Helios Service Release 2)</li>
<li>A list of issues indicated for the 3.0.x maintenance stream can be found in
bugzilla, or by using links on maintenance stream build pages.</li>
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="target_environments">Target Environments</a></h2><div>
In order to remain current, each Eclipse release targets reasonably
current versions of the underlying operating environments. The CDO Model Repository
Project (CDO) depends upon on the
Platform and other projects, which are mostly "pure" Java<sup>TM</sup>. CDO
will target the same Java version as EMF Core, which currently requires
Java 5. Eclipse Platform SDK 3.7 will be tested and validated on a
number of reference platforms. CDO will be tested and validated
against a subset of those listed for the platform.
The CDO Model Repository is a runtime technology with most of the
components having no user interface. The remaining user interface
parts of CDO are considered exemplary and thus no attention has been
paid to externalize them for internationalization.
<p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="compatibility">Compatibility with Previous Releases</a></h2><div>
The 4.0 release of the CDO Model Repository will contain a large set of new
functionality and an enhanced API as driven by the community. Therefore CDO
will not be binary compatible with previous releases. Careful attention
has been paid to minimize the API related changes and the resulting impact
to existing applications based upon CDO.
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="themes_and_priorities">Themes and Priorities</a></h2><div>
A list of project requirements and agreed upon
implementation time frames is found in this document. For the
milestones listed in this document, a set of overall themes is used
to indicate what major set of functionalities is to be concentrated
on for each. These themes are presented below, while the requirements
document and associated Bugzilla entries are left to those wanting
more detailed information on each.
</div><h3>Power to the People</h3><div>
Major improvements in the API and configuration will give clients considerably more
control over the behaviour and performance of their repositories and sessions.
</div><ul><li><b>Committed</b><ul><li>Provide common query language (OCL) [<a href="">256931</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Make EObjects available at the server-side [<a href="">273562</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Enabling reconnects to enhance fault tolerance [<a href="">278181</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Sticky views [<a href="">290032</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>[Dawn] Develop collaborative support for GMF on CDO [<a href="">308232</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide a mechanism to prevent containment cycles [<a href="">316444</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>[Hibernate] Support queryXRefs() [<a href="">329796</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Add support for streaming of large byte arrays / BLOB [<a href="">284307</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Support remote cross referencing with a convenient API on the client and SPI on the server for the stores to implement [<a href="">300149</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide an option which prevents removal of still referenced objects [<a href="">316434</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide revision deltas through CDOViewInvalidationEvent, if available [<a href="">318443</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide a CDOConflictResolver that uses a CDOMerger [<a href="">319090</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Add a system property for the TCPAcceptor listen port [<a href="">320076</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Allow write through commits on FailOverParticipant [<a href="">320355</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide a callback which informs about replication progress [<a href="">322552</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide an Activator base class that loads/stores a config object during start/stop [<a href="">324453</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide API to create CDOResourceFolders [<a href="">324504</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Allow CDOResource to be saved to XMI directly (export) [<a href="">324506</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>[UI] Provide pluggable UI wizard framework for container element creation [<a href="">324523</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Make CDOCommonView and CommitContext a CDORevisionProvider [<a href="">325189</a>] <strike>(target milestone: M2)</strike></li><li>Provide public factory methods for CDORevisionManager instances [<a href="">325778</a>] <strike>(target milestone: M2)</strike></li><li>Provide FailoverMonitor server and FailoverAgents to coordinate fail-over scenarios [<a href="">325928</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Support IRepository.Handlers for read and write access at the same time [<a href="">327140</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Make dirty state of local transactions available for server-side queries [<a href="">327388</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Split CDOTransactionHandler in two parts [<a href="">327417</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide an extensible CDO Server Browser [<a href="">327535</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Make availability of locks with timeouts more obvious [<a href="">329005</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide a DB Adapter for DB2 [<a href="">330072</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Backup/Restore Functionality [<a href="">330235</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide OSGi console commands to start/stop/list/export/import repositories [<a href="">332355</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide ability to remerge a branch (specify source range) [<a href="">333058</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Support Ecore instances [<a href="">333076</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Would like to have all commit sets in a log file [<a href="">333460</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Support locally detached objects in queryXRefs() [<a href="">333644</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide a ReferentialIntegrityException with full XRef infos [<a href="">333663</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Make it easier to create XA transactions [<a href="">335105</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>[DB] Implement user-defined typeMapping support [<a href="">285426</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>[DB] Support queryXRefs() [<a href="">318998</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Support cross-referencing (XRef) for abstract classes and class hierarchies [<a href="">331619</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>CDOObjects should throw an exception when references to other views are added [<a href="">305527</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li></ul></li></ul><h3>Appealing to a Broader Community</h3><div>
The CDO project has a proven record of robustness and flexibility. However,
in the past best results could only be achieved with EMF models specifically
generated for the usage with CDO. The upcoming 3.0 release will be less invasive
to the client models and applications by being better aligned with EMF and other standards.
</div><ul><li><b>Committed</b><ul><li>Create a lazy self-attaching adapter for CDOObject [<a href="">247141</a>] <strike>(target milestone: Galileo)</strike></li><li>Update content of cdo homepage [<a href="">328479</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Add an example for setting up server-side failover tolerance [<a href="">325721</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide a URI format that contains connection information [<a href="">326186</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Enhance URI fragment format [<a href="">327408</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Example for an Offline-Server in CDO [<a href="">329237</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Make the assignment of permanent IDs predictable [<a href="">333800</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Make CDOView thread-safe [<a href="">335080</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>[Mongo] Create a MongoDBStore [<a href="">337152</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Give support to Open Source object-oriented database (DB4O) [<a href="">252255</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li></ul></li></ul><h3>Lighter, Faster and Better</h3><div>
The CDO project has a proven track record of quality, reliability, and extensibility
but all these aspects can be continuously improved.
Existing and new clients often desire more functionality from the framework
while long established clients generally desire mostly improvements in performance.
Often these two are at odds since additional extensibility often has a performance cost
and any changes, even performance boosting ones, potentially impact reliability.
Every effort will be made to introduce new capabilities
so that they have negligible impact on established clients
based on the guiding principle:
if you don't use it,
you don't pay for it.
Because service and support has and always will take priority over new development work,
development commitments and schedules are subject to arbitrary change, slippage, or even deferral.
Be sure to establish direct communication to ensure that any hard commitments
are seen as that by the development team itself!
</div><ul><li><b>Committed</b><ul><li>Change type of CDOSessionInvalidationEvent.getView() to CDOTransaction [<a href="">250376</a>] <strike>(target milestone: M4)</strike></li><li>Clean up relation between Session and SessionConfig [<a href="">327296</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>[DB] MySQL reserved words updated [<a href="">331192</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Better Exception message for lock conflicts [<a href="">329133</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Create common access mechanism for SharedIcons [<a href="">329632</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Refactor server-side signals to take the protocol instead of the channel [<a href="">285470</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Use change deltas to optimize the local revision cache [<a href="">291728</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Obtain locks before timestamp creation [<a href="">299897</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Removing precondition for the prefetching to work effectively [<a href="">318919</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Remove IFailOverStrategy [<a href="">326908</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Determine base timestamp for new branches on the server (if not set by the client) [<a href="">327094</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Provide an optimized mechanism to determine an EEnumLiteral from an Enumerator value instance [<a href="">327318</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Consolidate revision cache implementations [<a href="">327984</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Cleanup package org.eclipse.emf.internal.cdo [<a href="">333382</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Remove the Comparable interface from CDOBranchPoint's super types [<a href="">335186</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>[DB] Provide a memory sensitive implementation of IObjectTypeCache [<a href="">305962</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li><li>Caching subtype-relationships in the CDOPackageRegistry [<a href="">332912</a>] <strike>(target milestone: ---)</strike></li></ul></li></ul><h3>Eclipse 4.1</h3><div>
No support, no testing on 4.1
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="appendix">Appendix A: Legal Notices</a></h2><div>
<li>Java is a trademark or a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.</li>
<li>All other products or company names are mentioned for identification purposes only, and
may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.</li>
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p></div>
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