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Project Plan For
<a href="">MoDisco</a>, version 0.9.0</h1><div id="toc"><p><a name="toc"><strong>Table of Contents</strong></a></p><ul><li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li><li><a href="#release_deliverables">
Release Deliverables
</a></li><li><a href="#release_milestones">
Release Milestones
</a></li><li><a href="#target_environments">
Target Environments
</a></li><li><a href="#compatibility">
Compatibility with Previous Releases
</a></li><li><a href="#themes_and_priorities">
Themes and Priorities
</a></li><li><a href="#appendix">
</a></li></ul></div><h2><a name="introduction">Introduction</a></h2><div>
This document lays out the feature and API set for the next release of the Eclipse MDT MoDisco Project, version 0.9.0.
This project plan inherits from the Modeling Project Plan, which should be referenced when consulting this individual project plan.
</div><h2><a name="release_deliverables">Release Deliverables</a></h2><div>
The release deliverables have the same form as is found in most Eclipse projects:
<li>An update site providing access to all the plug-ins, sources and documentation.</li>
<li>A downloadable archive of this update site</li>
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="release_milestones">Release Milestones</a></h2><div>
Release milestones occur at roughly 6 week intervals and follow the Platform milestone releases by approximately 1 week; that is, until the final 3.7 release of the Platform, upon which MDT MoDisco and other projects will release simultaneously.
As MDT MoDisco depends on other projects, it will deliver its milestones at the +3 schedule in accordance with the schedule below.
</div><table border="1" align="center"><tr><td><b>M1</b></td><td>08/18/2010</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M2</b></td><td>09/29/2010</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M3</b></td><td>11/10/2010</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M4</b></td><td>12/15/2010</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M5</b></td><td>02/02/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>M6</b></td><td>03/16/2011</td><td><b>(API Freeze)</b></td></tr><tr><td><b>M7</b></td><td>05/04/2011</td><td><b>(Feature Freeze)</b></td></tr><tr><td><b>RC1</b></td><td>05/18/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>RC2</b></td><td>05/25/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>RC3</b></td><td>06/01/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>RC4</b></td><td>06/08/2011</td><td/></tr><tr><td><b>Indigo</b></td><td>06/09/2011</td><td/></tr></table><div>
MDT MoDisco may produce interim maintenance releases in addition to these in order to satisfy clients requests.
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="target_environments">Target Environments</a></h2><div>
In order to remain current, each Eclipse release targets reasonably current versions of the underlying operating environments.
The Eclipse MDT MoDisco project depends upon on the Platform and other projects, which are mostly "pure" Java.
The 3.7 release of the Eclipse Platform Project is written and compiled against versions 1.5 of the Java Platform APIs, and targeted to run on version 1.5 of the Java Runtime Environment, Standard Edition.
MDT MoDisco will target the same Java version as EMF, which currently also requires Java 5.
Eclipse Platform SDK 3.7 will be tested and validated on a number of reference platforms.
MDT MoDisco will be tested and validated against a subset of those listed for the platform.
The Eclipse Platform is designed as the basis for internationalized products.
The user interface elements provided by the Eclipse SDK components, including dialogs and error messages, are externalized.
The English strings are provided as the default resource bundles.
As a result, the MDT MoDisco project will provide English strings in its default bundles and be localized to a subset of those locales offered by the Platform.
<p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="compatibility">Compatibility with Previous Releases</a></h2><div>
The MDT MoDisco project will be developed in parallel, and released simultaneously, with the following projects.
As stated above, each milestone release of the MDT MoDisco project will be compatible with the corresponding milestones for each of these projects, and delivered the appropriate offset.
<li>Eclipse Platform SDK version 3.7</li>
<li>Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) version 2.7</li>
<li>Eclipse EMF Connected Data Objects (CDO)</li>
<li>Eclipse EMF EMF Compare</li>
<li>Eclipse Model Development Tools (MDT) UML2 version 3.2</li>
<li>Eclipse EMF Technologies (EMFT) EMF Facet</li>
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="themes_and_priorities">Themes and Priorities</a></h2><div>
A list of project requirements and agreed upon implementation time frames is found in this document.
For the milestones listed in this document, a set of overall themes is used to indicate what major set of functionalities is to be concentrated on for each.
These themes are presented below, while the requirements document and associated Bugzilla entries are left to those wanting more detailed information on each.
</div><h3>Service, Support and Maintenance (general project and Infrastructure layer)</h3><div>
The MDT MoDisco project has a proven track record of quality and reliability.
Service and support will take priority over new development work; commitments and schedules are subject to arbitrary change, slippage, or even deferral.
</div><ul><li><b>Committed</b><ul><li>Java discovery settings "filter" radio buttons [<a href="">323385</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Unit Test Failure] org.eclipse.gmt.modisco.infra.browser.custom.tests.BrowserCustomTest.testWorkspaceCustomizationHidesRegistryCustomization [<a href="">321563</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Unit Test Failure] org.eclipse.gmt.modisco.infra.browser.custom.tests.BrowserCustomTest.testBug299277 [<a href="">321570</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>SMM meta-model contribution [<a href="">327184</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Include MoDisco in Modeling composite update sites [<a href="">314808</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>[Unit Test Failure] org.eclipse.gmt.modisco.infra.browser.custom.tests.BrowserCustomTest.testUICustomWithCondition [<a href="">321571</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[MoDisco project wizard] src is not a source folder [<a href="">326531</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Custom editor] Unhandled resource URI kind [<a href="">327068</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] warning: recursive attempt to activate part PropertySheet [<a href="">328346</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M4)</strike></li><li>[Facet] Not real time update facet [<a href="">307999</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>API "browseTo" from an EObject and a facet. [<a href="">310978</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Query] Execute queries in MoDisco table browser [<a href="">311671</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>remove big files from CVS [<a href="">313526</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Usability] No warning during/after opening a model, if applied profiles are not installed [<a href="">313880</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>"Not a workspace file" error with projects linked to a location outside the workspace [<a href="">315576</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Validation of opened models [<a href="">315764</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>duplicate node in facet model editor [<a href="">317566</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Add warning when creating MoDisco elements in non-MoDisco projects [<a href="">318610</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[MoDisco Wiki] Broken Links [<a href="">324619</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>textJavaQueries::getName : type error on java.Annotation [<a href="">324642</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Execute Query] Initial size of query selection windows [<a href="">325459</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Broken links in* [<a href="">325606</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>print statements in queries [<a href="">325862</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>no keyboard shortcuts in the instances inputtext of the browser [<a href="">326551</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[MoDisco Workflow] No Action associated with "DEL" key [<a href="">326667</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>MoDisco Browser : applying facets should enable derived links [<a href="">327128</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] cannot remove element from link if element cannot be deleted [<a href="">327306</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] filter default customizations earlier [<a href="">327346</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[common.core] unnecessary dependency on EMF.Compare [<a href="">327745</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Proposed patch : Tool to convert a QuerySet to a FacetSet [<a href="">318630</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Contribution for a kdm inventory model small extension [<a href="">322135</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>[java.composition] javaApplication.ecore references workspace resources [<a href="">325720</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>MoDisco adopter cannot use oegm.infra.common.core without ui dependency [<a href="">325938</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>extension of [<a href="">326392</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Java Composition] Hide technical model elements in MoDisco browser [<a href="">327071</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Classes of KDMSource extension should not be abstract [<a href="">327448</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] Allow navigating from the Model Browser to an editor [<a href="">329038</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[UI] Allow navigating from a model element in the Project explorer to an editor [<a href="">329040</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Request changes to EcoreBrowser class to specialize its behavior [<a href="">329559</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Ambiguous name between a class and a project [<a href="">331309</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M4)</strike></li><li>Eclipse Plug-in Discoverer and dependent plug-ins [<a href="">329053</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Wrapper to use Prefuse library into Eclipse editors [<a href="">314874</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Representation of java structural dependencies as a graph [<a href="">314915</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Representation of java method calls as a graph [<a href="">314917</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Plug-in to test conversion of kdm models to uml. [<a href="">315617</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Wrong licenses [<a href="">320632</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Patch to configure MoDisco browser panels position [<a href="">321236</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Discovery manager UI] parameters disappear when resizing window [<a href="">324421</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>MoDisco Workflow : pb with Acceleo launching and "runner" parameter [<a href="">324764</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Discovery manager] In parameters, URI field is not managed [<a href="">325201</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Discovery manager] In parameters, unable to clear a field [<a href="">325312</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Dev] Share workspace setting [<a href="">320606</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Remove of the code allowing to emulate an eOpposite link in the plug-in org.eclipse.modisco.omg.smm [<a href="">328610</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[BugZilla] Component Description in BugZilla [<a href="">326665</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Regenerate org.eclipse.gmt.modisco.kdm.browser.extension [<a href="">306389</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0)</strike></li><li>Compute the FacetReference::eType and FacetAttribute::eType [<a href="">309917</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>A wizard to convert a project into a MoDisco project [<a href="">309922</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Show the referred icons in the customization editor [<a href="">309928</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Version number: 0.9.0 [<a href="">312394</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0)</strike></li><li>Patch to be able to extends the InstancesForMetaclasses behavior [<a href="">312461</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] "Collapse All" button [<a href="">313123</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>browser: NPE when editing model when Properties view is not initialized [<a href="">313683</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Patch to improve MoDisco browser meta-data extensibility [<a href="">314627</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] Reduce Type Panel / Instance Panel [<a href="">315372</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>add tooltip with query description on Query Execution view [<a href="">315547</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>make TableEditor extensible [<a href="">315565</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>TableEditor should load default customizations [<a href="">315593</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>TableEditor: double-click on context [<a href="">315731</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>CustomizableModelContentProvider should allow providing custom message for specific inputs [<a href="">315963</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>TableEditor: option to not sort attributes before references [<a href="">315991</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Non Java Bundles with BREE [<a href="">316727</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>add an extension point to provide query tooltips [<a href="">316888</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>NPE in a query set model [<a href="">317023</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Modisco name conflicts when a querySet is under the src directory [<a href="">317154</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>no save when drag &amp; drop a query set [<a href="">317295</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Proposal for a new Facet on kdm.source : lines of code computing [<a href="">317577</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Model Browser: invalid emf model element [<a href="">317590</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>How to apply facets to a related metamodel [<a href="">317733</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>ModelBrowser: tool menus pop up twice on Mac OS [<a href="">318165</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>NPE when creating a QuerySet in a non plug-in project [<a href="">318603</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>bundle fails to load if project name contains a space [<a href="">319673</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] Management of broken references [<a href="">321487</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] impossible to sort when links are collapsed [<a href="">321894</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>"Browse" action in MoDisco Model Browser [<a href="">322780</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>AbstractModelQuery : optimize query evaluations [<a href="">322897</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>MoDisco Browser : resources lazy loading and dynamic type panel completion [<a href="">322985</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>MoDisco Browser : resources loading depth specific to one metamodel [<a href="">322989</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] make LinkItem and AttributeItem adaptable to EReference and EAttribute [<a href="">323691</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>[ModelBrowser] error when showing metaclasses with null name [<a href="">324417</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Spurious "Could not test xml nature" [<a href="">324508</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] drag &amp; drop [<a href="">324561</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] delete from non-containment link [<a href="">324628</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] editing feedback [<a href="">324629</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] loss of context when editing [<a href="">324946</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] don't freeze UI while loading model [<a href="">325120</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Releng: optimize rmap [<a href="">325214</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Large property values are badly displayed [<a href="">325457</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] disable browse action when not applicable [<a href="">325550</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>features in wrong category [<a href="">326297</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>unmappable character for encoding UTF8 [<a href="">326889</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Modisco Model Browser GUI displays inappropriate order of text in javaxmi [<a href="">327437</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] handle Resource removed from ResourceSet [<a href="">327651</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] open EObject in model browser [<a href="">327652</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] move UnwrappingSelectionProvider to uicore [<a href="">327655</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] New Child with EClasses from not-yet-loaded metamodels [<a href="">327782</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Query UI] failed to create Java class [<a href="">328105</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] errors when opening on non-existing Resource [<a href="">328243</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[ModelBrowser] java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException [<a href="">328340</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[UiCustom] refactor icon features [<a href="">328473</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[UiCustom] Sticker icons for the metaclasses [<a href="">329009</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[model browser] cut/copy/paste keyboard shortcuts in filter field [<a href="">329041</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Generic XML ui customization [<a href="">308179</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Discoverer for Web Application Deployment Descriptor [<a href="">314489</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Patch to improving "org.eclipse.gmt.modisco.infra.browser" extensibility [<a href="">312245</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0)</strike></li><li>Refactoring to improve the left pane extensibility [<a href="">312246</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0)</strike></li><li>TableEditor jump to the beginning of the line when clicking cell [<a href="">315733</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><b>Proposed</b><ul><li>update licenses [<a href="">336090</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Fails to load catalog elements because metamodel is overwritten by AcceleoBuilder [<a href="">312050</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>deadlock with ModelQuerySetCatalog (between JavaValidationQueryBuilder and ValidationJob) [<a href="">318735</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>catalog elements in same plug-in as Ecore model [<a href="">327758</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>ConcurrentModificationException in catalog [<a href="">328263</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Compilation regression on Infra &amp; Java Discoverer based on CDO [<a href="">329887</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Java discoverer Benchmark test fails [<a href="">331338</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Discovery] new Discoverer &amp; Catalog API [<a href="">333878</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Discovery] Launch configurations [<a href="">333974</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Model Browser] Progress Bar while loading a resource/model [<a href="">321689</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>FacetTests regression : noclassDefFound WorkspaceModifyOperation [<a href="">333362</a>] (target milestone: 0.9.0 M5)</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><b>Deferred</b><ul><li>Pbme when updating with Helios M6 on Mac OS X.6 [<a href="">306992</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Java discoverer] discover several projects at once into the same model [<a href="">326528</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>discoverers are not always presented in the same order [<a href="">329450</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Model Browser] Invalid thread access [<a href="">330774</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>test MoDisco on top of E4 compatibility layer [<a href="">330992</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Cache for lists by EClass (MetaclassInstancesAdapter) : wrong computing [<a href="">333398</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Model Browser] navigation history doesn't remember multi selection of metaclasses [<a href="">333413</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>cannot create query in query set with errors [<a href="">333427</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Access to FilteredElementSelectionControl [<a href="">333750</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Access to NewProjectWizard [<a href="">333751</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Access to QueryUtils [<a href="">333752</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>fix warnings [<a href="">334614</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>duplicated code to create plug-in project [<a href="">334616</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>run SWTBot tests during build [<a href="">334669</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Model Browser] shortcut icon depending on Resource passed [<a href="">337094</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Workflow] all Work elements have index=0 [<a href="">337539</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Workflow] make exported discoverer independent of the workspace config [<a href="">337542</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Rename the MoDisco contextual menu: Discover [<a href="">337724</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Workflow] ExportInfosImpl#getAllUnitsOfWork not implemented [<a href="">337940</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Workflow.MWE] 26 unimplemented methods in MWE metamodel [<a href="">337970</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Add a search field in the view "EPackage registry" [<a href="">305881</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>A location column in the EPackage view. [<a href="">305882</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Wizard page to initialize the FacetSet [<a href="">307616</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Java generation facility : "newContent" field [<a href="">308178</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Model Browser: bookmarking [<a href="">308236</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>handle refactoring for Java queries [<a href="">308982</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>NsURI column in the Facet Set view [<a href="">309106</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Cannot reference a class from a different project in a Java query [<a href="">309491</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Facet Shortcuts validation: type [<a href="">309670</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Facet Shortcuts validation: first element's type [<a href="">309672</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Facet Shortcuts validation: path well-typedness [<a href="">309675</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Facet Shortcuts validation: upper bound [<a href="">309677</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Unit tests to validate Shortcuts behaviors [<a href="">309916</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Add meta-model choice in the QuerySet creation wizard [<a href="">309918</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Feature request: ExpandAll customization [<a href="">310062</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Add the OCL queries in the "Query creation" wizard [<a href="">310068</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Separate creation tools and execution tools for org.eclipse.gmt.modisco.infra.query.ui [<a href="">310102</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Generate Java Code from Modisco Model Browser [<a href="">310232</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Modisco Table Viewer] UICustomization in Modisco Table Viewer [<a href="">311673</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>When to initialize catalog dependencies [<a href="">311683</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[QuerySet] Selection Windows for Implementation Class Name [<a href="">311693</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>FacetEditor not updated when adding query [<a href="">312898</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Execute query on metaclass instances [<a href="">313095</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>IOException: Unable to resolve plug-in "platform:/plugin/..." [<a href="">313101</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Eclipse-SourceReference [<a href="">313140</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>EPackage Registry view not refreshed when EPackage.Registry changes [<a href="">313342</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Facet Editor] Focus on properties view [<a href="">315370</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>There is no documentation about MoDisco tools related to EPackage Registry [<a href="">321309</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>ModelQueryResult should have a link to the ModelQuery [<a href="">323376</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[MoDisco Workflow] Multiple selection in tasks panel [<a href="">326664</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>refactoring features when renaming queries [<a href="">327081</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Model Browser] Extension point to open a model on a specified MetaClass [<a href="">327427</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Workflow] many broken externalized strings [<a href="">327741</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Facet] default Facets [<a href="">328319</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Model Browser] Facet "sticker" icons don't keep their aspect ratio [<a href="">328446</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Query Set] Error with projects with white space in their name [<a href="">329800</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Model Browser] option to only show instances from the main Resource [<a href="">325372</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Deprecated] AbstractMoDiscoCatalog.updateWSFile(IFile) [<a href="">309327</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Deprecated] AbstractMoDiscoCatalog.addWSFile(IFile) [<a href="">309337</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Deprecated] AbstractMoDiscoCatalog.addWSFile(IFile,boolean) [<a href="">309340</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Deprecated] AbstractMoDiscoCatalog.removeWSFile(IFile) [<a href="">309341</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[QuerySet Editor] Return Type for Java Query [<a href="">315596</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Editor] Sort Alphabetically instances in Query/Facet Editor [<a href="">315606</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>customization to provide tooltips [<a href="">318324</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[UiCustom editor] add tooltips to explain customizable feature [<a href="">328440</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Deprecated] org.eclipse.gmt.modisco.workflow [<a href="">337942</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Deprecated] org.eclipse.gmt.modisco.workflow.mwe [<a href="">337969</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Discoverer] : Existing Discoverers Refactoring based on new framework [<a href="">335003</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Generic composite models discoverer [<a href="">308186</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[MoDisco project wizard] should be singleton [<a href="">326533</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li></ul></li></ul><h3>Discovery Manager Framework Rewriting (MoDisco Infrastructure layer)</h3><div>
The MDT MoDisco project proposes a Discoverer Framework for developing, registering and exposing model discoverers.
This Discoverer Framework is currently refactored to satisfy new requirements, including some simplification for adopters, and additional parameterizing for the end-user.
</div><ul><li><b>Committed</b><ul><li>[Discovery] User feature : model opening from popup menu action [<a href="">335002</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M5)</strike></li><li>[Discovery] Manage discoverers model in some unique resource &amp; resourceSet [<a href="">335832</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M5)</strike></li><li>[Discovery] discoverers view fixes/enhancements [<a href="">333961</a>] <strike>(target milestone: M5)</strike></li><li>[Discovery] Popup menu with UI for parameter values [<a href="">334646</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M5)</strike></li><li>[Discovery] User feature : model opening from launch config [<a href="">335694</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M5)</strike></li><li>[Discovery] XMI serialization of Launch models [<a href="">336071</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M5)</strike></li><li>[Discovery] Enter in a field closes the dialog [<a href="">336232</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M5)</strike></li><li>[Discovery] popup : remember discovery parameters [<a href="">336537</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M6)</strike></li><li>[Discovery] new framework initial contribution [<a href="">333847</a>] <strike>(target milestone: M5)</strike></li><li>[Discovery] Discoverers view [<a href="">333870</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M5)</strike></li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><b>Proposed</b><ul><li>[Discovery] new Discoverer &amp; Catalog API [<a href="">333878</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Discovery] Launch configurations [<a href="">333974</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><b>Deferred</b><ul><li><div>No items.</div></li></ul></li></ul><h3>Service, Support and Maintenance (Technologies and Use Cases layers)</h3><div>
The MDT MoDisco project has a proven track record of quality and reliability.
Service and support will take priority over new development work; commitments and schedules are subject to arbitrary change, slippage, or even deferral.
</div><ul><li><b>Committed</b><ul><li>[Unit Test Failure] KdmToUml2ConverterTest [<a href="">321562</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Unit Test Failure] : [<a href="">321569</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Comments found in javamodel but not in kdmmodel [<a href="">326584</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Transformation KDM 2 UML : exception EmptyStackException from ATL [<a href="">318638</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M4)</strike></li><li>Java Discoverer : DanglingHREFException with a block comment construct [<a href="">325108</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Java and Kdm Inventory Model : facet JavaSourceFile to improve [<a href="">327131</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Missing documentation on Java to KDM transformation [<a href="">327631</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Junit Test regression : KdmToUml2ConverterTest [<a href="">327643</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M4)</strike></li><li>Java Discoverer : misplaced comments between blank lines [<a href="">329423</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Java Generation : misplaced comments location at the end of a block [<a href="">329672</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[NPE QuerySet Editor] Wizard Class Creation [<a href="">325424</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Transformation Java 2 UML : private methods on Interfaces [<a href="">317835</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Transformation Java 2 KDM : error ClassCastException ActionElement to CodeItem [<a href="">318469</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>[Proposed Patch]Code Factorisation for Deployment Descriptor Discoverer [<a href="">319003</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Error during MoDisco Java metamodel validation [<a href="">319265</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Java Discoverer : exclusion of Java files with a regular expression [<a href="">319606</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Java discoverer : retrieve source regions visited [<a href="">320486</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>All Discoverers : change resources uri kind for client programs [<a href="">321369</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>KDM Source Discoverer : need for silent_mode parameter [<a href="">322213</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Java Model and Kdm Inventory Model discovery [<a href="">322327</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Java Discoverer : jdt bindings warnings should be logged if user asks for it [<a href="">322473</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Java and Kdm Inventory Discoverer : change behavior on "cancel" button [<a href="">323277</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Java Discoverer : ClassCastException with generics use case [<a href="">324761</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Java and Kdm Inventory Discoverer : refactor and extract abstract discoverer [<a href="">324852</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[composition] java/inventory discovery [<a href="">325083</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Java Discoverer] Inappropriate opening of the browser [<a href="">325698</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Java Composition] LineComment and BlockComment elements are not managed [<a href="">327130</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Java Composition Discoverer] Renaming extension and fragments folder [<a href="">327526</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Java standard queries are not public [<a href="">328912</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Java] Allow navigating from model element to the Java editor [<a href="">329045</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Java generation : "final static" modifiers bad order [<a href="">329359</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Java Discoverer : limitations with java invocation and IJavaProjects input [<a href="">329421</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Java] comments management: invalid resolution [<a href="">320224</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>[Java] comments management: invalid re-generation [<a href="">320225</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>Use case modelfilter "create uml model with real types" : NPE [<a href="">322252</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li>cannot install o.e.g.modisco.usecase.modelfilter.feature [<a href="">324944</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li><li> is regenerated and fails to compile [<a href="">315047</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0)</strike></li><li>Improve benchmark tools to be able to re-use it. [<a href="">320512</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] Null Pointer after deleting a field in a model [<a href="">319015</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>[Model Browser] ClassCastException while saving a model [<a href="">319016</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Java and Kdm Inventory Discoverer : Benchmark [<a href="">323250</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M2)</strike></li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><b>Proposed</b><ul><li>Java CDO discoverer regression / NPE at [<a href="">336097</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Java Metamodel : should use MinimalEObjectImpl [<a href="">337830</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Junit errors on kdm.uml2converter.tests [<a href="">337431</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><b>Deferred</b><ul><li>unnecessarily long tests in JavaJunitCDO [<a href="">331509</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Java] Management of super expression [<a href="">333401</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>The EclipsePlugin metamodel has been generated with Java6 [<a href="">334004</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Composition] all result models are not really in the same ResourceSet [<a href="">334375</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in using Java CDO discoverer [<a href="">310138</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Java discoverer Benchmark : mix of trace with CDO server trace [<a href="">310141</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Java metamodel : reduce PackageAccess memory usage [<a href="">310145</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Java metamodel : missing annotations on Package [<a href="">310148</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Java metamodel : PrimitiveType is not Abstract [<a href="">311157</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[WorkFlow] Generate a result report at the end of the process [<a href="">325451</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Java metamodel : evolution &amp; compatibility feature [<a href="">327202</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Java Discoverer] Class in Default Package are not well managed [<a href="">329536</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Deprecated] KDMtoUML2Converter attributes [<a href="">306520</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Deprecated] Java DiscoveryParametersBean attribute [<a href="">320653</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>[Deprecated] Generate_JavaStructures class [<a href="">332777</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>JavaUtil.getQualifiedName doesn't handle FieldDeclarationImpl [<a href="">305662</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li></ul></li></ul><h3>New JEE Components (MoDisco Technologies layer)</h3><div>
The MDT MoDisco project will provide a set of Java Platform Enterprise Edition (JEE) technology-specific components.
Metamodels, corresponding model discoverers and related queries &amp; facets will be developed and made available for JSP, web.xml files, ejb-jar.xml and possibly other frameworks.
</div><ul><li><b>Committed</b><ul><li>Java heap space when discovering JSP containing special characters [<a href="">326753</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>EjbJar31FactoryImpl cannot be cast to EjbJar30.EjbJar30Factory [<a href="">326785</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>Using EJBJAR/WEBAPP discoverer from popup menu on not conform file leads to "invalid thread access" [<a href="">329693</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M4)</strike></li><li>[JEE Discoverer] JUnit test failure on Hudson [<a href="">330253</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M4)</strike></li><li>uris conflict in EPackage registry for ejbjar and webapp components [<a href="">316319</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>[Discoverer JEE] Code Factorisation for JEE Discoverer [<a href="">316895</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JSP Discoverer : not the same originalFilePath on Page elements [<a href="">317209</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JSP discoverer : managing xml.Attribute rather than jsp.ComposedAttribute [<a href="">317210</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JSP Discoverer : managing javascript containing jsp scripts/actions [<a href="">317554</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JSP Metamodel : CharacterDataElement is useless [<a href="">320107</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JSP discoverer : java heap space with some misc characters [<a href="">320522</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JSP discoverer : use case with NullPointerException [<a href="">320525</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Renaming new jee plugins to org.eclipse.modisco.XXX [<a href="">321105</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>[unit Test Failure] : org.eclipse.modisco.jee.jsp.generation.tests [<a href="">322263</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JSP discoverer : duplicate scriptlet content leads to unnecessary memory usage [<a href="">327565</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M3)</strike></li><li>EjbJar Discoverer [<a href="">306365</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JSP reverse engineering components [<a href="">308173</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JSP generation from JSP model [<a href="">308177</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>Facets for JEE most common technologies [<a href="">308184</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0 M1)</strike></li><li>JEE reverse engineering for Web applications descriptors [<a href="">308175</a>] <strike>(target milestone: 0.9.0)</strike></li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><b>Proposed</b><ul><li><div>No items.</div></li></ul></li></ul><ul><li><b>Deferred</b><ul><li>Java Heap Space while discovering a small JSP [<a href="">332455</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Allow creating composite JEE model from a JEE project [<a href="">328029</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Reverse engineering for Struts applications [<a href="">308176</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Hibernate Configuration Discoverer [<a href="">306355</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li><li>Hibernate Mapping Discoverer [<a href="">306360</a>] (target milestone: ---)</li></ul></li></ul><h3>Eclipse 4.1</h3><div>
MoDisco will provide no support and no testing on 4.1.
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="appendix">Appendix Legal Notices</a></h2><div>
<li>Java is a trademark or a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.</li>
<li>UML is trademark or registered trademark of the Object Management Group, Inc.</li>
<li>JEE is trademark or registered trademark of Oracle and Sun, Inc.</li>
<li>All other products or company names are mentioned for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.</li>
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p></div>
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