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<div id="midcolumn"><h1>
Project Plan For
<a href="">Subversive - SVN Team Provider</a>, version Indigo</h1><div id="toc"><p><a name="toc"><strong>Table of Contents</strong></a></p><ul><li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li><li><a href="#release_deliverables">
Release Deliverables
</a></li><li><a href="#release_milestones">
Release Milestones
</a></li><li><a href="#target_environments">
Target Environments
</a></li><li><a href="#compatibility">
Compatibility with Previous Releases
</a></li><li><a href="#themes_and_priorities">
Themes and Priorities
</a></li></ul></div><h2><a name="introduction">Introduction</a></h2><p>
Subversive provides you a probability
to use supported SVN clients easily directly from your workbench. Friendly user interface
of Subversive makes it much more comfortable to operate repositories.
All SVN operations are supported and there are no difficulties while working with
command line from now on.
The plan deals with the important matters of release deliverables, release milestones,
target operating environments, and release-to-release compatibility.
These are all things that need to be clear for any release, even if no features were to change.
</p><h2><a name="release_deliverables">Release Deliverables</a></h2><p>
The Subversive plug-in itself, including Mylyn integration and localizations,
is distributed from both via update-site and archive download.
The other integrations and Subversive SVN Connectors needed to get Subversive
to work with SVN can be found on Polarion Software site. The archived copies
for Polarion distributed parts are not available.
</p><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="release_milestones">Release Milestones</a></h2><p>
Release milestones will be occurring at roughly 6 week intervals, and will be aligned with the
<a href="">Indigo Simultaneous Release</a> train.
</p><table border="1" align="center"><tr><td><b>M5</b></td><td>30 Jan 2011</td><td><div>M5</div></td></tr><tr><td><b>M6</b></td><td>13 Mar 2011</td><td><div>M6</div></td></tr><tr><td><b>M7</b></td><td>01 May 2011</td><td><div>M7</div></td></tr><tr><td><b>RC1</b></td><td>15 May 2011</td><td><div>RC1</div></td></tr><tr><td><b>RC2</b></td><td>22 May 2011</td><td><div>RC2</div></td></tr><tr><td><b>RC3</b></td><td>29 May 2011</td><td><div>RC3</div></td></tr><tr><td><b>RC4</b></td><td>05 Jun 2011</td><td><div>RC4</div></td></tr></table><div>
Individual, milestone level plans for the components that make up the Eclipse Project can be found
on the <a href="">Eclipse Project Indigo Plan page</a>
on the Eclipse wiki.
Our target is to complete 3.7 in late June 2010, in alignment with Indigo.
All release deliverables will be available for download as soon as the release has been
tested and validated in the target operating configurations listed below.
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="target_environments">Target Environments</a></h2><p>
New Subversive builds do not support nor Eclipse 3.3 and earlier, nor JRE 1.4. In the future this solution should allow us to make project code more clean and stable.
So, the Subversive project will support:
<li>Eclipse Platform 3.4.x and higher</li>
<li>JDK/JRE 1.5.x and higher</li>
<li>SVN version 1.1.x-1.5.x using SVN 1.5 compatible connectors.</li>
<li>SVN version 1.1.x-1.6.x using SVN 1.6 compatible connectors.</li>
The user interface elements provided by Subversive, including dialogs and
error messages, are externalized. The English strings are provided as the default resource bundles.
<p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="compatibility">Compatibility with Previous Releases</a></h2><p>Compatible with 0.7.x versions</p><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="themes_and_priorities">Themes and Priorities</a></h2><p>
The project has identified major areas of work, that will be the
priorities for this development cycle.
Add SVN 1.7 support (if released in time)
Improve Team Annotate with useful default value and display excluded range
<a href="">296239</a>
[Synchronize View] Improvement: Allow to create a new empty change set
<a href="">258661</a>
SVN Change Sets model does not always display date and author information
<a href="">294852</a>
Subversive installation instructions are out of date
<a href="">286051</a>
Documentation Grammar/Spelling
<a href="">293311</a>
Remove Subversive menu in Help
<a href="">229495</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Update SVN Kit version
<a href="">334452</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
There is no access to the SVN 1.6-related method signatures
<a href="">333211</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Allow repository creation with the latest SVN Kit-based connector
<a href="">333202</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Remove SVN 1.4-related connectors from the discovery feature list
<a href="">326831</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Update javahl binaries
<a href="">326829</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
IWorkspaceRoot.findFilesForLocation() is deprecated
<a href="">331373</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
IWorkspaceRoot.findContainersForLocation() is deprecated
<a href="">331188</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Eclipse-LazyStart option is deprecated in Eclipse 3.3 and later versions
<a href="">331003</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Avoid deprecated method calls in the native connectors
<a href="">333210</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Ability to reject incoming changes (make Mark as Merged active)
<a href="">297821</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Properties conflict on project makes Subversive totally unusable
<a href="">283999</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Subversive should not set forcibly svn:mime-type to text/plain
<a href="">322772</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Calls to the deprecated function in the SelectPatchFilePage
<a href="">332775</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
</p><h3>Bug Fixing</h3><p>
We have lot of issue reports and tip for improvements on our tracker. Most important of
these reports should be processed until Subversive is released.
Extremely poor refreshLocalResourceImpl performance
<a href="">259287</a>
SVN repositories view blocks UI thread
<a href="">295110</a>
Show Annotation from SVN Repositories opens two editors
<a href="">331285</a>
"Show History" keypress leaves focus in editor view
<a href="">328987</a>
Lots of warnings in the files
<a href="">330843</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Incorrect SVN connectors compatibility version
<a href="">328564</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Incorrect version of JavaHL 1.6.x connector plugin
<a href="">328561</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Unreasonable error message when communication with server fails [ID-JS430]
<a href="">322316</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Remove duplicated code parts
<a href="">333061</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Pressing Cancel during compare results in invalid GUI message (no differences)
<a href="">328820</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
There is compilation issue in the core plug-in under Eclipse 3.7
<a href="">332528</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Finish to create new SVN repository and share project in single operation fails
<a href="">330780</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
"Negative revision numbers are not allowed" error while performing "Mark As Merged" operation
<a href="">330737</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Use Shell from the FileModificationValidationContext if possible
<a href="">330638</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Eclipse 3.5 discovery feature connector source code produces compilation errors
<a href="">330637</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
SVNTeamModificationValidator does not take into account LockProposeUtility.proposeLock(..) returned status
<a href="">330290</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Finish button on "Select Resource" dialog not enabled until a different revision is selected
<a href="">329756</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
SWTException when Subversive UI plugin starts in a worker thread
<a href="">326684</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
NPE starting target workspace
<a href="">328149</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Subversive does not start correctly under Eclipse 3.5.x with discovery feature enabled
<a href="">326834</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Discovery feature do not starts under Eclipse 3.6
<a href="">326564</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
The conflict editor ignores custom file encoding on the right hand side, uses encoding from container instead
<a href="">325122</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Resolving Tree Conflicts - Apply Local Changes doesn't work on 2.2.2
<a href="">320843</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
NPE in SVNRemoteStorage
<a href="">324394</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
Tag pattern in SVNFetchFactory to restrictive, i.e. no dots allowed
<a href="">285836</a> <font color="green">[done]</font>
</p><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p></div>
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<a href="/projects/dev_process/project-status-infrastructure.php">from project meta-data key "projectplanurl"</a></div>
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