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<div id="midcolumn"><h1>
Project Plan For
<a href="">Sequoyah</a>, version 2.0</h1><div id="toc"><p><a name="toc"><strong>Table of Contents</strong></a></p><ul><li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li><li><a href="#release_deliverables">
Release Deliverables
</a></li><li><a href="#release_milestones">
Release Milestones
</a></li><li><a href="#target_environments">
Target Environments
</a></li><li><a href="#compatibility">
Compatibility with Previous Releases
</a></li><li><a href="#themes_and_priorities">
Themes and Priorities
</a></li></ul></div><h2><a name="introduction">Introduction</a></h2><div>
<p><b><h1>13 December 2010</h1></b></p>
Sequoyah project's purpose is to be focused on the needs
of all mobile developers. Inheriting components from TmL,
MTJ and Pulsar projects, Sequoyah intends to remove the
artificial barriers of Linux and Java in order to
provide a home for all Eclipse mobile developers.
Sequoyah currently contains the following components:</p>
Device Framework, responsible for providing an extensible
platform to support mobile devices and their aggregated services.
VNC Protocol, a scratch implementation of RFB protocol to
support visualize the frame buffer content. It can also promote
the protocol communication interface between devices and Sequoyah
device framework.
VNC Viewer, contains the libraries and plug-ins responsible
for providing VNC connectivity.
Localization Framework, responsible for providing extensible support
for any mobile application to be adapted for a specific region
or language by adding locale-specific components and translating
text. A reference-implementation for the Android platform is provided.
Automation Test Framework, which objective is to allow the creation
of automated test cases in an easy way. The user will be able to
specify test requirements, purposes, steps and assertions written
in an procedural language.
Android NDK integration, responsible for providing support for Android
native applications development.
SDK Discovery, used in the QuickInstall view in Pulsar.
This view enables you to easily manage Software
Development Kits (SDKs) from within Eclipse Pulsar.
Release Engineering (Releng), provides frameworks to do the builds
and run automated tests.
<p>Sequoyah is currently responsible for Pulsar components,
such as: branding, perspective and signing.
There is interest in the project from Motorola, RIM, Wind River and Nokia,
among others.
Currently, Sequoyah committers are:
<li>Daniel Franco; Eldorado</li>
<li>Daniel Pastore; Eldorado</li>
<li>Marcel Gorri; Eldorado</li>
<li>Doug Schaefer; Wind River</li>
<li>David Dubrow; Nokia</li>
Eric Cloninger of Motorola is the lead for the project.
</div><h2><a name="release_deliverables">Release Deliverables</a></h2><div>
Sequoyah components present in the project's SVN repository are:</p>
<li>Device Framework</li>
<li>VNC Protocol</li>
<li>VNC Viewer</li>
<li>Pulsar Feature</li>
<li>SDK Discovery</li>
<li>Android NDK Support</li>
<p>Stand-alone components will be provided when appropriate. </p>
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="release_milestones">Release Milestones</a></h2><div>
Currently Sequoyah has regular releases used by several Motorola MOTODEV Studio products.
Such releases can be found in <a href="">
Sequoyah's download page</a>.
The Sequoyah team will release a 2.0 product with Eclipse Indigo in June 2011.
</div><table border="1" align="center"/><div>
The target date for Sequoyah releases are:
Friday, February 25, 2011 - Sequoyah / Helios SR2 Release date
Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - Sequoyah / Indigo Release date
Friday, September 23, 2011 - Sequoyah / Indigo SR1 Release date
Friday, February 24, 2012 - Sequoyah / Indigo SR2 Release date
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="target_environments">Target Environments</a></h2><div>
<li>The Sequoyah Project 2.0 depends upon on the Eclipse Platform 3.7 (Indigo).</li>
The Sequoyah deliverables will be tested and validated against a subset of
the reference platforms listed in the
<a href="">
Eclipse Platform 3.7 (Indigo) Project Plan
(this list is updated over the course of the release cycle).
<table summary="Sequoyah Reference Platforms" style="width: 821px;" border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">
<th colspan="5">
<div align="center">
<font size="+1">
Sequoyah Reference Platforms
<td width="205">
<b>Operating system</b>
<td width="59">
<td width="100">
<td width="400">
<td width="70">
<b>Windowing System</b>
<td width="205">Microsoft Windows</td>
<td width="59">XP, 7</td>
<td width="100">x86, x86_64</td>
<td width="400">
Sun Java 6 Update 22 | Sun Java 5 Update 22
<td width="59">Win32</td>
<td width="205">Ubuntu</td>
<td width="59">10.04</td>
<td width="100">x86, x86_64</td>
<td width="400">
Sun Java 6 Update 22
<td width="59">GTK</td>
<td width="205">
Apple Mac OS X
<td width="59">10.6.5</td>
<td width="100">Universal 32/64 bit</td>
<td width="400">
Apple Java 1.6 Update 22
<td width="59">Cocoa</td>
<p>Sequoyah releases are integrated with Babel project,
using English strings stored in external resource bundles.</p>
<p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="compatibility">Compatibility with Previous Releases</a></h2><div>
<p><b>API Contract Compatibility:</b> Sequoyah 2.0 will not be compatible
with Sequoyah 1.0.</p>
<p><b>Binary (plug-in) Compatibility:</b> Sequoyah 2.0 will not be binary
compatible with Sequoyah 1.0.</p>
<p><b>Source Compatibility:</b> Sequoyah 2.0 will likely not be source
compatible with Sequoyah 1.0.</p>
<p><b>Device Compatibility:</b> Sequoyah has a backward compatibility
module specific for devices created by TmL. This way, devices created in
previous TmL versions will be recognized by Sequoyah. Forward device
compatibility is not supported. A device created (or opened) by a product
based on Sequoyah will be unusable with a product based on TmL.</p>
<p><b>API Contract:</b> APIs published for Sequoyah releases will be
carefully reviewed prior to each release, making use of "internal" packages for
unsupported and variable implementation classes. Client plug-ins that directly
depend on anything other than what is specified in the published API are
inherently unsupportable and receive no guarantees about future compatibility.
Refer to How to Use the Eclipse API for information about how to write compliant plug-ins.</p>
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p><h2><a name="themes_and_priorities">Themes and Priorities</a></h2><div>
<p>Plan items listed below were defined according to contributor requirements,
but in accordance with Sequoyah team. Each plan item covers a feature or API
that is to be added to the Sequoyah deliverables, or some aspect of the Sequoyah
Project that is to be improved. </p>
The current status of each plan item is noted:
<b>Committed plan item:</b> A committed plan item is one that we have decided
to address for 2.0 release.
<b>Proposed plan item:</b> A proposed plan item is one that we are considering
addressing for 2.0 release. Although we are actively investigating it, we are
not yet in a position to commit to it, or to say that we won't be able to address
it. After due consideration, a proposal will either be committed or deferred.
<b>Deferred plan item:</b> A reasonable proposal that will not make it in to this
release for some reason is marked as deferred with a brief note as to why it was
deferred. Deferred plan items may resurface as committed plan items at a later point.
</div><h3>Migrating Sequoyah to Tools Project</h3><div>
Due to <a href="">
DSDP Restructuring</a>, the Sequoyah Project will move to Tools.
Also, the Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) project will become a Sequoyah subproject.
This restructuring is already ongoing.
</div><h3>Indigo release train</h3><div>
In order to be part of Indigo Simultaneous release, we are updating build
scripts and update sites, planning milestones, and
ensuring that the project is running as transparently as possible by
transacting business in an open fashion, voting on project decisions
via the portal, and conducting bi-weekly open meetings.
<p><b>Status:</b> As of 13 December 2010, the Sequoyah Project is already in the
Indigo train, and the team is working to satisfy the requirements of the train.</p>
</div><h3>Automation Test Framework and Jubula</h3><div>
Currently software for mobile platforms is getting more and more complex. To ensure
the quality of such programs is a task rather laborious and time consuming, always
prone to human error. In order to address this need, Sequoyah is proposing the
Automation Test Framework. The objective of this framework is to allow the creation
of automated test cases in an easy way. The user will be able to specify test
requirements, purposes, steps and assertions written in a procedural language as
if this user was writing the test document itself.
There is another initiative in the testing area in the Eclipse Foundation, the <a href="">Jubula</a>
project. The Jubula functional testing tool is based on the premise that automated
acceptance tests are just as important as the project code, and should adhere to the
same best practices (modularity, reusability, and readability) without requiring that
any code be produced. This places the power of testing in the hands of the testers
and improves accessibility for customers who may want to monitor the tests.
Sequoyah team is already contacting Jubula team in order to determine a way in which
both projects can work collaboratively towards our common goal of providing an
easy-to-use and powerful testing framework.
Future plans for Sequoyah project are always discussed with our community and users.
Some possible features to be implemented in the future are:
<li>Provide support to other localizable resources, such as images, sounds, videos and layouts</li>
<li>PDE Localization Support</li>
<li>Provide a framework for test automation</li>
</div><p><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></p></div>
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<a href="/projects/dev_process/project-status-infrastructure.php">from project meta-data key "projectplanurl"</a></div>
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