update OSBP-management-summary.html
diff --git a/OSBP-management-summary.html b/OSBP-management-summary.html
index 911c07d..4f506be 100644
--- a/OSBP-management-summary.html
+++ b/OSBP-management-summary.html
@@ -331,8 +331,6 @@
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diff --git a/documentation.html.sav b/documentation.html.sav
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index f3068a9..0000000
--- a/documentation.html.sav
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
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-					<h1>How to get started?</h1>
-					<p>If you are not quite sure whether OSBP is an appropriate development environment for your application, 
-					we recommend to watch the videos below, as it gives you a good overview of what OSBP can do. If you want to dive in and learn more, 
-					you should start with one of the documentation links on the left.</p>
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-					<p>Get started by watching this step-by-step tutorial! After following the instructions, you will be ready to use the OSBP software factory 
-					and create your own business applications. The system requirements are the installation of Eclipse and Java (for more information check the documentation page).  
-					It’s easy, try it yourself!
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-					<h2>My 1st app</h2>
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-					<p>In this video you will learn how to generate your first app within a few minutes. 
-					By following the instructions in this video, you can check if your OS.bee installation was successful, 
-					and you can generate your first app by using the wizard which is included in the initial installation package. 
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