477238: [EDP] Generalize the expected output of projects 

Task-Url: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=477238
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 416185,"Community","Architecture Council","eclipse.org-architecture-council","NEW","---","[EDP] Rewrite the section on requirements to be more clear and succinct","2015-10-26 19:06:03"
 418208,"Community","Architecture Council","eclipse.org-architecture-council","NEW","---","[EDP] Appointed members of the Architecture Council are appointed to two year renewable terms","2015-09-28 14:04:34"
 471367,"Community","Architecture Council","eclipse.org-architecture-council","NEW","---","[EDP] Include ""Freedom of Action"" requirement in the EDP","2015-10-22 07:42:18"
-477238,"Community","Architecture Council","eclipse.org-architecture-council","NEW","---","[EDP] Generalize the expected output of projects","2015-10-22 08:06:36"
+477238,"Community","Architecture Council","eclipse.org-architecture-council","NEW","---","[EDP] Generalize the expected output of projects","2015-10-26 19:16:17"
 480526,"Community","Architecture Council","eclipse.org-architecture-council","NEW","---","[EDP] Include definitions of terms required by other legal documents","2015-10-26 19:00:23"
 463850,"Community","Architecture Council","emo","NEW","---","[EDP] Only one mentor required for an incubating project","2015-10-22 08:13:39"
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@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@
  <h3>2.2 Eclipse Ecosystem </h3>
  <p>Eclipse as a brand is the sum of its parts (all of the projects),
 and projects should strive for the highest possible quality in
-<strike>extensible frameworks, exemplary tools,</strike> <font color="green">software
-and related artifacts,</font> transparent processes, and project openness. </p>
+extensible frameworks, exemplary <strike>tools,</strike> <font color="green">applications,</font> transparent processes,
+and project openness. </p>
  <p>The Eclipse Foundation has the responsibility to
  <em>...cultivate...an ecosystem of complementary products,
 capabilities, and services... </em>. It is therefore a key principle
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@
  <li>communicate their project plans and plans for new features (major
 and minor) in a timely, open and transparent manner; </li>
- <li>create <strike>platform quality frameworks</strike> <font color="green">high-quality extensible software</font> capable of supporting the
-building of commercial grade products on top of them; and </li>
- <li>ship <strike>extensible, exemplary tools which help enable a broad
-community of users</strike> <font color="green">software.</font> </li>
+ <li>create <strike>platform quality</strike> <font color="green">high-quality</font> frameworks capable of supporting the building
+of commercial grade products on top of them; and </li>
+ <li>ship extensible, exemplary <strike>tools</strike> <font color="green">applications</font> which help enable a broad
+community of <strike>users</strike> <font color="green">users.</font> </li>
  <h3>2.3 Three Communities </h3>
  <p>Essential to the purposes of the Eclipse Foundation is the
@@ -174,8 +174,7 @@
 contributors. </p>
  <h4>2.3.2 Users </h4>
  <p>An active and engaged user community is proof-positive that the
-<strike>project's exemplary tools are</strike>
-<font color="green">software produced by a project is</font> useful and needed. Furthermore, a
+project's exemplary <strike>tools</strike> <font color="green">applications</font> are useful and needed. Furthermore, a
 large user community is one of the key factors in creating a viable
 ecosystem around an Eclipse project, thus encouraging additional open
 source and commercial organizations to participate. Like all good
@@ -183,18 +182,18 @@
 but once established is typically self-sustaining. </p>
  <h4>2.3.3 Adopters </h4>
  <p>An active and engaged <strike>adopter/plug-in developer</strike> <font color="green">adopter</font> community is the only way to prove
-that an Eclipse project is providing extensible
-<strike>frameworks and extensible tools</strike> <font color="green">software</font> accessible via
-documented APIs. Reuse of the <strike>frameworks</strike> <font color="green">software</font> within the companies that are
-contributing to the project is necessary, but not sufficient to
-demonstrate an adopter community. Again, creating, encouraging, and
-nurturing an adopter community outside of the project's developers
-takes time, energy, and creativity by the project leadership, but is
-essential to the project's long-term open source success. </p>
+that an Eclipse project is providing extensible frameworks and <strike>extensible tools</strike>
+<font color="green">applications</font> accessible via documented APIs. Reuse of the frameworks
+within the companies that are contributing to the project is necessary,
+but not sufficient to demonstrate an adopter community. Again,
+creating, encouraging, and nurturing an adopter community outside of
+the project's developers takes time, energy, and creativity by the
+project leadership, but is essential to the project's long-term open
+source success. </p>
  <p>The Eclipse community considers the absence of any one or more of
 these communities as proof that the project is not sufficiently open,
-transparent, and <strike>inviting, and/or that it has emphasized tools at the
-expense of extensible frameworks or vice versa.</strike> <font color="green">inviting.</font> </p>
+transparent, and inviting, and/or that it has emphasized <strike>tools</strike> <font color="green">applications</font>
+at the expense of extensible frameworks or vice versa. </p>
  <h3>2.4 Clear, Concise, and Evolving </h3>
  <p>It is an explicit goal of the development process to be as clear and
 concise as possible so as to help the project teams navigate the
@@ -210,10 +209,10 @@
 necessary. We cannot foresee all circumstances and as such should be
 cautious of being overly prescriptive and/or requiring certain fixed
 metrics. </p>
- <p>The <strike>frameworks, tools,</strike> <font color="green">software,</font> projects, processes, community, and even the
-definition of quality continues to, and will continue to, evolve.
-Creating rules or processes that force a static snapshot of any of
-these is detrimental to the health, growth, and ecosystem impact of
+ <p>The frameworks, <strike>tools,</strike> <font color="green">applications,</font> projects, processes, community, and
+even the definition of quality continues to, and will continue to,
+evolve. Creating rules or processes that force a static snapshot of any
+of these is detrimental to the health, growth, and ecosystem impact of
 Eclipse. </p>
  <p>Part of the strength of this document is in what it does not say,
 and thus opens for community definition through convention, guidelines,
@@ -418,17 +417,21 @@
  <p>PMC leads are approved by the board of directors; PMC members are
 elected by the existing PMC leads and members, and approved by the
 EMO(ED). </p>
- <strike><h4>4.6.2 Project Lead </h4></strike>
- <font color="green"><p>In the unlikely event that a member of the PMC becomes disruptive to
+ <strike><h4>4.6.2 Project Lead </h4>
+ <p>Eclipse projects are managed by one or more project leads. Project
+leads are responsible for ensuring that their project's committers are
+ <font color="green"><p>In</font> the <strike>Eclipse Development Process, and</strike> <font color="green">unlikely event</font> that <font color="green">a member of</font> the <strike>project is
+engaging in</strike> <font color="green">PMC becomes disruptive to
 the process or ceases to contribute for an extended period, the member
 may be removed by the unanimous vote of the remaining PMC members,
 subject to approval by the EMO. Removal of a PMC Lead requires approval
 of the Board. </p>
- <h4>4.6.2 Project Lead </h4></font>
+ <h4>4.6.2 Project Lead </h4>
  <p>Eclipse projects are managed by one or more project leads. Project
 leads are responsible for ensuring that their project's committers are
 following the Eclipse Development Process, and that the project is
-engaging in the right sorts of activities to develop vibrant
+engaging in</font> the right sorts of activities to develop vibrant
 communities of users, adopters, and contributors. The initial project
 leads are appointed and approved in the creation review. Subsequently,
 additional project leads must be elected by the project's committers
@@ -666,28 +669,23 @@
  <font color="green"><p>Projects are responsible for initiating</font> the <strike>Eclipse membership. </p>
  <p>A review</strike> <font color="green">appropriate reviews. If
 it</font> is <strike>a fairly comprehensive process. Gathering</strike> <font color="green">determined to be necessary,</font> the <strike>material
-for a review and preparing</strike> <font color="green">project leadership chain (e.g.</font>
-the <strike>documentation is</strike> <font color="green">PMC or EMO) may initiate</font> a <strike>non-trivial effort,
-but</strike> <font color="green">review on</font> the <strike>introspection offered by this exercise is useful for</strike> <font color="green">project's behalf. </p>
- <p>All reviews have</font> the <font color="green">same general process: </p>
- <ol>
- <li>The</font> project <strike>and results are very useful for the entire Eclipse community.
+for</strike> <font color="green">project leadership chain (e.g.
+the PMC or EMO) may initiate</font> a review <strike>and preparing</strike> <font color="green">on</font> the <strike>documentation is a non-trivial effort,
+but the introspection offered by this exercise is useful for the
+project and results are very useful for the entire Eclipse community.
 In addition, reviews have a specific relationship to the requirements
-of</strike> <font color="green">team will complete all required due diligence under</font> the
-Eclipse IP <strike>Policy. </p>
+of the Eclipse IP Policy.</strike> <font color="green">project's behalf.</font> </p>
  <p>All reviews have the same general process: </p>
- <li>Projects are responsible for</strike> <font color="green">Policy prior to</font> initiating the <strike>appropriate reviews.
+ <strike><li>Projects are responsible for initiating the appropriate reviews.
 However, if a project does not do so and the EMO believes a review is
 necessary, the EMO may initiate a review on the project's behalf. </li>
  <li>A review then continues with a project lead requesting that the
-EMO(ED) schedule the</strike> review. </li>
- <strike><li>Prior to the start of the review period, a</strike>
- <font color="green"><li>A</font> project <font color="green">representative (project</font> lead <strike>provides
-the EMO with</strike> <font color="green">or committer) assembles</font>
-review documentation.
- <strike><ul>
- <li>The review documentation material always includes a document that
+EMO(ED) schedule the review. </li>
+ <li>Prior to the start of the review period, a project lead provides
+the EMO with review documentation.
+ <ul></strike>
+ <li>The <strike>review documentation material always includes a document that
 describes the review. The minimum contents of the document are
 specified by the individual review types. </li>
  <li>The review documentation must be available in a format that anyone
@@ -698,29 +696,30 @@
  <li>The review documentation must be  <em>archival quality </em>. This
 means that the materials must be comprehensible and complete on their
 own without requiring explanation by a human presenter, reference to a
-wiki, or to other non-archived web pages.</strike> </li>
- <strike></ul>
+wiki, or to other non-archived web pages. </li>
+ </ul>
- <li>The EMO announces</strike>
- <font color="green"><li>A project representative presents</font> the review <strike>schedule and makes the</strike> documentation
-<strike>available</strike> to the <strike>membership-at-large. </li>
+ <li>The EMO announces the review schedule and makes the documentation
+available to the membership-at-large. </li>
  <p>The criteria for the successful completion of each type of review
 will be documented in writing by the EMO in guidelines made available
 via an Eclipse Foundation website. Such guidelines will include, but
 are not limited to the following: </p>
- <li>Clear evidence that the project has vibrant committer, adopter and
+ <li>Clear evidence that the</strike> project <strike>has vibrant committer, adopter and
 user communities as appropriate for the type of review. </li>
  <li>Reasonable diversity in its committer population as appropriate for
 the type of review. Diversity status must be provided not only as
 number of people/companies, but also in terms of effort provided by
 those people/companies. </li>
- <li>Documented completion of all required due diligence under the
-Eclipse IP Policy. </li>
- <li>For graduation and release reviews, the project must have a current
-project plan, in the format specified by the EMO, available to the
-community. </li>
+ <li>Documented completion of</strike> <font color="green">team will complete</font> all required due diligence under the
+Eclipse IP <strike>Policy. </li>
+ <li>For graduation and release reviews,</strike> <font color="green">Policy prior to initiating</font> the <font color="green">review. </li>
+ <li>A</font> project <strike>must have a current</strike> <font color="green">representative (project lead or committer) assembles
+review documentation. </li>
+ <li>A</font> project <strike>plan, in the format specified by</strike> <font color="green">representative presents</font> the <strike>EMO, available</strike> <font color="green">review documentation</font> to the
+<strike>community. </li>
  <li>Balanced progress in creating both frameworks and extensible,
 exemplary tools. </li>
  <li>Showcase the</strike>
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@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
 		<p>Eclipse as a brand is the sum of its parts (all of the projects),
 			and projects should strive for the highest possible quality in
-			software and related artifacts, transparent processes, and
+			extensible frameworks, exemplary applications, transparent processes, and
 			project openness.</p>
 			The Eclipse Foundation has the responsibility to <em>...cultivate...an
@@ -299,9 +299,10 @@
 			<li>communicate their project plans and plans for new features (major
 				and minor) in a timely, open and transparent manner;</li>
-			<li>create high-quality extensible software capable of supporting the
+			<li>create high-quality frameworks capable of supporting the
 				building of commercial grade products on top of them; and</li>
-			<li>ship software.</li>
+			<li>ship extensible, exemplary applications which help enable a broad
+				community of users.</li>
@@ -321,7 +322,7 @@
 				promising new contributors.</p>
 			<h4><a name="2_3_2_Users"></a>2.3.2 Users</h4>
 			<p>An active and engaged user community is
-				proof-positive that the software produced by a project is useful and
+				proof-positive that the project's exemplary applications are useful and
 				needed. Furthermore, a large user community is one of the key
 				factors in creating a viable ecosystem around an Eclipse project,
 				thus encouraging additional open source and commercial organizations
@@ -331,8 +332,8 @@
 			<h4><a name="2_3_3_Adopters"></a>2.3.3 Adopters</h4>
 			<p>An active and engaged adopter
 				community is the only way to prove that an Eclipse project is
-				providing extensible software accessible via
-				documented APIs. Reuse of the software within the companies that
+				providing extensible frameworks and applications accessible via
+				documented APIs. Reuse of the frameworks within the companies that
 				are contributing to the project is necessary, but not sufficient to
 				demonstrate an adopter community. Again, creating, encouraging, and
 				nurturing an adopter community outside of the project's developers
@@ -341,7 +342,8 @@
 		<p>The Eclipse community considers the absence of any one or more of
 			these communities as proof that the project is not sufficiently open,
-			transparent, and inviting.</p>
+			transparent, and inviting, and/or that it has emphasized applications at the
+			expense of extensible frameworks or vice versa.</p>
 			<a name="2_4_Clear_Concise_and_Evolving"></a>2.4 Clear, Concise, and
@@ -362,7 +364,7 @@
 			necessary. We cannot foresee all circumstances and as such should be
 			cautious of being overly prescriptive and/or requiring certain fixed
-		<p>The software, projects, processes, community, and even the
+		<p>The frameworks, applications, projects, processes, community, and even the
 			definition of quality continues to, and will continue to, evolve.
 			Creating rules or processes that force a static snapshot of any of
 			these is detrimental to the health, growth, and ecosystem impact of