blob: ad056c6812679a593702eaa628bb40b703729f39 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Wayne Beaton (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
* Export committer information from the Foundation database. The information
* includes the name, committer id, email addresses, and project affiliations.
* e.g.
* INTERNAL USE ONLY: restricted to callers within the Eclipse Foundation.
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../");
$App = new App();
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/common.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/debug.php");
$data = array();
$data['_comment'] = 'This data is Eclipse Foundation confidential and may only be used as authorized by the Eclipse Foundation.';
* TODO Do a better job of tracking organization affiliation.
* Unfortunately, the Foundation database does not track dates for organization
* affiliation. Further, we only have the ability to affiliate with one company.
* In light of this, we do a best guess as the active/inactive dates for affilation
* by using--when available--the EntryDate and ExpireDate for the organization
* membership as the active/inactive date for the committer.
* Bug 484377 There are some cases where the organization may have more than
* one entry in the database (e.g. they changed membership classes). In these
* cases, it is probable that only one of the records will contain an empty
* inactive date, and so--depending on the order returned by the sort--we may
* incorrectly list an inactive date for a company. The query gets a little
* twisted to account for this.
* There's two nested queries here. The first makes the data from the organization
* tables content consistent for our purposes. If, for example, an inactive date
* is null (or otherwise empty), a very large value (Captain Kirk's birthday) is
* used in place to allow for a max query in the outer scope. That very large value
* is replaced will null before it is used in the query result.
* This is far from ideal, but it's the best information that we have.
$sql = "
p.PersonId as id, p.FName, p.LName, p.Email, pe.Email as secondary, p.comments,
pp.ProjectId, pp.ActiveDate, pp.InactiveDate, as OrganizationId, as OrganizationName,
org.isMember as isMember, as OrgActiveDate,
org.inactive as OrgInactiveDate
from People as p
join PeopleProjects as pp on p.PersonId = pp.PersonId and pp.Relation='CM'
left join PeopleEmails as pe on p.PersonId=pe.PersonId
left join OrganizationContacts as oc on p.PersonId = oc.PersonId and oc.Relation='EMPLY'
left join (
id, name,
min(active) as active,
if(date(max(inactive))=date('2233-03-22'),null,max(inactive)) as inactive,
active is not null and date(max(inactive))=date('2233-03-22') as isMember
from (
o.OrganizationId as id, o.Name1 as name,
if (om.EntryDate='' OR om.EntryDate='0000-00-00' OR om.EntryDate IS NULL, null, om.EntryDate) as active,
if (om.ExpiryDate='' OR om.ExpiryDate='0000-00-00' OR om.ExpiryDate IS NULL, date('2233-03-22'), om.ExpiryDate) as inactive
from Organizations as o
left join OrganizationMemberships as om on o.OrganizationId=om.OrganizationId
) as orgs
group by id
) as org on";
$result = $App->foundation_sql($sql);
function addEmail(&$committer, $email) {
if (!$email) return;
$email = utf8_encode($email);
if (empty($committer['email'])) $committer['email'] = array();
if (in_array($email, $committer['email'])) return;
$committer['email'][] = $email;
while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$id = utf8_encode($row['id']);
$data['committers'][$id]['id'] = $id;
$data['committers'][$id]['first'] = utf8_encode($row['FName']);
$data['committers'][$id]['last'] = utf8_encode($row['LName']);
$data['committers'][$id]['primary'] = $row['Email'];
addEmail($data['committers'][$id], $row['Email']);
addEmail($data['committers'][$id], $row['secondary']);
if (preg_match_all('/alt-email:(\S+)/i', $row['comments'], $matches)) {
foreach($matches[1] as $email) {
addEmail($data['committers'][$id], $email);
$data['committers'][$id]['projects'][$row['ProjectId']] = array(
'active' => $row['ActiveDate'],
'inactive' => isset($row['InactiveDate']) ? $row['InactiveDate'] : null
if (isset($row['OrganizationId'])) {
$data['committers'][$id]['affiliations'][$row['OrganizationId']] = array(
'name' => $row['OrganizationName'],
'active' => $row['OrgActiveDate'],
'inactive' => $row['OrgInactiveDate']
$orgId = $row['OrganizationId'];
$isMember = $row['isMember'];
$data['organizations'][$orgId] = array(
'id' => $orgId,
'name' => $row['OrganizationName'],
'isMember' => $isMember,
'active' => $row['OrgActiveDate'],
'inactive' => $row['OrgInactiveDate'],
'url' => $isMember ? "$orgId" : null,
'image' => $isMember ? "$orgId&size=small" : null
$sql = "select user_uid as id, user_mail as email from users_emailhistory";
$result = $App->eclipse_sql($sql);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$id = $row['id'];
if (!$id) continue;
if (!isset($data['committers'][$id])) continue;
addEmail($data['committers'][$id], $row['email']);
echo json_encode($data);