blob: 218ff213c33f3a2e7ba0f977164368c71bebec1d [file] [log] [blame]
include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/fragments/parse-projects-file.php");
function generate_header($the_name) {
$found = 0;
$all = new AllInfo();
foreach( $all->_proposals as $proposal) {
if( $proposal->get("Proposal Name") == $the_name ) {
$found = 1;
if( $proposal->status() == "P3"
|| $proposal->status() == "P4" ) {
<p align="center"><font size="+1"><a href="/projects/">Creation Review</a> is scheduled for
<a href="<?= time_and_date_url( $proposal->get("Review Date"), $proposal->get("Review Time") ) ?>"><?= $proposal->get("Review Date") ?>
at <?= $proposal->get("Review Time") ?> UTC</a></font></p>
if( $proposal->status() == "P5" ) {
<p align="center"><font size="+2">The project has been approved and is awaiting provisioning.</font></p>
if( $proposal->status() == "PP" ) {
<p align="center"><font size="+1">The project creation review has been completed and the project is waiting for a PMC decision.</font></p>
if( $proposal->status() == "P7" ) {
<p align="center"><font size="+2"><a href="<?= $proposal->get("Project URL") ?>" target="_top">The project has been created.
Please visit the project page.</a></font></p>
if( $proposal->status() == "P8" ) {
<p align="center"><font size="+1">This proposal has been withdrawn.</font></p>
if( $proposal->status() == "P9" ) {
<p align="center"><a href="/technology/archived.php"><font size="+1">This project has been archived.</font></a></p>
if( ($proposal->status() == "P4"
|| $proposal->status() == "P5"
|| $proposal->status() == "PP"
|| $proposal->status() == "P6"
|| $proposal->status() == "P7"
|| $proposal->status() == "P8"
|| $proposal->status() == "P9" )
&& ($proposal->get("Slides URL") != "") ) {
<p align="center"><font size="+1"><a href="<?= $proposal->get("Slides URL") ?>">Download the creation review
slides<img src="/projects/images/pdf.gif" border="0"/></a></font></p>
if( !$found ) {
<p align="center"><font color="red" size="+1">Incorrect project name in PHP function in this web page; unable to determine project status.</font></p>